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沃尔沃车标历史:In June 1915, "Volvo" name first appeared in a ball on the SFK, and formally at the Royal Swedish Patent and Trademark Registration Board registered as trade marks. Since that date, SKF companies produce go each group of automotive side of ball and roller bearings, are marked with a new Volvo Latin, "Volvere" is the verb "roll" (rolling) and infinitives, for example, a pistol with a runner is called "revolver". In the use of first person singular form, the verb "volvere" becomes "volvo", "I roll" is "I go forward" means. Therefore, Volvo means "rolling forward." At present the Chinese name of unification as "Volvo", in the past have also had the "rich" in Chinese cars marked by a graph composed of three parts: the first part of the circles represent the Roman god of war Mars, which is the ancient chemical symbol for iron - an arrow inside the circle, the arrow pointing diagonally upwards to the upper right corner. In Western civilization, this can be regarded as the oldest and most common of a trademark, which originated in the Roman Empire, is Mars, the Roman god of war and men masculine symbol of the concept of three different qualities, thus also embodies Mars and then to use to make the majority of weapons between the initial source of iron. Because of this, the flag has long been the world including Switzerland, as a symbol of the steel industry. The reason why the car on the use of the brand logo on behalf of iron is to allow people to recall the glorious tradition of the Swedish iron and steel industry, as well as a strong steely second part is diagonal, set in the radiator from the upper left to lower right in favor of a diagonal ribbons. This band was originally out of technical considerations, is used to sign fixed to the grille on Mars, then it has gradually evolved into a decorative sign and become the most obvious sign of Volvo third part is a registered trademark of Volvo company, is the font used for writing the ancient Egyptian word 1927 was successfully manufactured the first cars on display on the integrity of all of the company logo. This car marked the beginning since the first one has been in use since Volvo cars, Volvo's car as a clear sign of unusual. In addition, Volvo the center of the steering wheel can be seen the iron symbol.够吗? 不够我再发,我已经打给你的邮箱了! 给我分吧!

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Vehicle system dynamics 荷兰 SCI检索 影响因子以上International Journal of vehicle design 瑞士 SCI检索 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineerings.Part D,Journal of Automobile Engineering 英国 SCI检索 适合车辆工程专业的国外SCI期刊杂志

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