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前段时间刚好有个朋友写了个论文 题目就是电子技术在汽车中的应用 可以联XI我

209 评论


新能源汽车是指采用非常规的车用燃料作为动力来源(或使用常规的车用燃料、采用新型车载动力装置),综合车辆的动力控制和驱动方面的先进技术,形成的技术原理先进、具有新技术、新结构的汽车。下面是学术堂整理的关于新能源汽车的论文题目,欢迎大家阅读参考:1、对汽车新能源技术的初步探讨2、2011第九届(上海)汽车电子与汽车新能源高峰论坛圆满落幕3、现阶段我国汽车新能源技术发展战略研究4、汽车新能源及润滑油的发展研究5、宝马汽车新能源发展战略6、汽车新能源之氢动力7、21世纪汽车新能源——燃料电池8、汽车新能源领域异军突起的新秀——来自EVS25珠海银通展区的报告9、宝马集团展示汽车新能源技术的现在和未来10、未来的汽车新能源11、汽车新能源的N种可能12、FPT菲亚特动力科技杯中国汽车新能源技术金牌榜揭晓13、汽车新能源开发蕴育绿色革命的到来14、CNG车型走俏 力帆汽车新能源战略将分“两步走”15、也谈汽车新能源——形形色色的清洁汽车“食谱”

104 评论


CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system of Abstract Now, CAN, high-performance and reliability has been recognized and was widely used in industrial automation, marine, medical equipment, industrial equipment, and so on. Field Bus is the development of automation technology One of the focuses of the area known as automated computer LAN. It is a distributed control system to achieve real-time between the nodes, reliable data communications providing strong technical support. CAN bus belonging to the scene of the areas, it is an effective support for real-time control of distributed control or serial communication network. Compared with many of the current RS-485 based on the R line Construction of the Distributed Control System, based on the CAN bus distributed control system has obvious advantages. In this paper, occupies a lot of relevant information based on the comprehensive use of various methods of the CAN bus in the electric vehicle monitoring system in the application of theory and an analysis of development issues, and some of the problems raised his own views. The full text is divided into four parts: The first part of the main topics on the background and content of the subjects studied in the context of topics to write on the CAN bus status and significance in the research described in the content of the object of measurement requirements and complete the task of this paper. The second part, write data acquisition module design, from the SJA1000 CAN-based communications port design, acquisition, the electric car design; electric car design capacity of the collection node consists of three parts. The third part, mainly to write the electric vehicle monitoring network design, the first Fieldbus awakened comparison and choice, selected after the introduction of the CAN bus, the last of the SJA1000 CAN bus controller is introduced. The fourth part is really on the reliability of the system design for discussion, data from the calibration, the anti-jamming software and hardware design of the anti-jamming design in three areas to address the reliability of the system problems. Key words :Fieldbus; CAN bus; SJA1000; nodes;

251 评论



281 评论


有招编辑部这边做过类似的文章通过的哦,小编全程 免费 提供专业写作思路和构建框架, 在线构题辅导,这样能更准确的解决同学的问题哦,望采纳哦,,麻烦同学了。

324 评论


Abstract: This paper describes the electronic technology in the automotive power train, chassis, integrated and coordinated integrated control, network bus technology, information system platform, intelligent vehicles, intelligent transportation and the application of new energy vehicles, showing the electronic automotive products, information , networking and intelligent trends. Described electronic control technology and information technology in the automotive application, focusing on electronic and information technology in the automotive information, intelligence, network control of the application and development trends. Specify the information technology and network technology used in automobiles, is the inevitable development of the information society, information society and the inevitable demand for intelligent social life. This paper introduces the modern electronic technology in the automotive application of a comprehensive and detailed description of the main principles of electronic control systems, composition and function. Key words: automobile; e; technology; development记得给分

168 评论


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