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工程地质论文摘要: 工程地质是近年来不太景气的一门学科,尤其在我国迅速城市化的沿海地区,环境对工程地质提出了更高要求,我们要尽量协调环境与工程地质之间的关系。更为可悲的是在大学生泛滥的今天,真正的人才很难找到,这就要求我们要抓住机遇迎接挑战。关键词:工程地质 环境 人才 机遇一般来说,工程地质是调查、研究、解决与人类活动及各类工程建筑有关的地质问题的科学。工程地质研究的主要内容有:确定岩土组分、组织结构(微观结构)、物理、化学与力学性质(特别是强度及应变)及其对建筑工程稳定性的影响,进行岩土工程地质分类,提出改良岩土的建筑性能的方法;研究由于人类工程活动的影响而破坏的自然环境的平衡,以及自然发生的崩塌、滑坡、泥石流及地震等物理地质作用对工程建筑的危害及其预测、评价和防治措施;研究解决各类工程建筑中的地基稳定性,如边坡、路基、坝基、桥墩、硐室,以及黄土的湿陷、岩石的裂隙的破坏等,制定一套科学的勘察程序、方法和手段,直接为各类工程的设计、施工提供地质依据;研究建筑场区地下水运动规律及其对工程建筑的影响,制定必要的利用和防护方案;研究区域工程地质条件的特征,预报人类工程活动对其影响而产生的变化,作出区域稳定性评价,进行工程地质分区和编图。随着大规模工程建设的发展,其研究领域日益扩大。除了岩土学和工程动力地质学、专门工程地质学和区域工程地质学外,一些新的分支学科正在逐渐形成,如矿山工程地质学、海洋工程地质学、城市工程地质及环境工程地质学、工程地震学。但是随着我国经济的迅速发展现代化建设与环境存在冲突,而且现在大学生虽多,但真正的人才却少之又少,因此我们要抓住机遇,迎接挑战,正确处理工程地质 环境 人才 机遇之间的关系,总之工程地质与人类的生活密切相关。工程地质学是研究人类工程建设活动与自然地质环境相互作用和相互影响的一门科学。20世纪初,为了适应兴建各种工厂、水坝、铁路、运河等工程建设的需要,地质学家开始介入解决工程建设中与地质有关的工程问题,不断地进行着艰苦的工程实践和开拓性的理论探索,并出版了《工程地质学》专著,工程地质学开始成为地球科学的一个独立分支学科,并成为工程建设中不可缺少的一个重要组成部分。二次世界大战以后,全世界有了一个较为稳定的和平环境,工程建设的发展十分迅速,工程地质学在这时期迅速成长起来了。经过半个多世纪的工程实践和理论探索,工程地质学大为长进,内涵和外延都焕然一新,成为了现代科学技术行列中的重要分支学科。 中国的工程地质事业在解放前基本上是空白,建国后有了飞速的发展的进步和发展。50年代初开始引进苏联工程地质学理论和方法,走过了我们自己的工程实践和理论创新的辉煌历程,形成了有中国特设的学科。举世瞩目的金茂大厦、东方明珠塔、以及三峡水电站充分积累了在各类岩性地区和各种复杂地质条件下进行地质工作的丰富经验,建立了一套比较完整的工程地质勘察规程规范。重大工程建设不断地将数理学科的新成就和高新技术及时吸收进来,极大地丰富了工程地质学科的内容,有力地促进了工程地质学科的发展,使我国工程地质学达到现代科技水准,成为国际工程地质界的重要成员之一。

120 评论


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230 评论


Zhang Yu jun

(Research Institute of Areo-Geophysics,Center of Acro-Geophysics and Remote Sensing, Minjstry of Geology and Mineral Resouces,Beijing 100083,China)

This paperpresents a very specific method for restoration of images of airborne radiometric of this paper indude the advancement of the principles and theory, the establishment of the processing flow-diagram, the formulation of the means for reestablishment of the gridded data file, the evaluation of the restoration results and the errors involved.

Key words: Aeroradiometric data, Atmospheric background, Image processing, lmage restoration techniques.


Since the adoption of prismatic NaI(T1)crystals in the early 70's, the sensitivity and effectiveness of airbome radiometric surveying have increased demands on aerial radiometrics by geologists and geophysicists have also changed.

During the past 20 years, the atmospheric radon background(or atmospheric background for short)could never he accurately has been the main problem affecting the successful application of the airborne-radiomctric problem manifests itself through the presence of stripes on maps and this seriously affects the usefulness of these reason can be summarized[1]as follows: the radioac-tivity measured in the air comes from the earth and also from the airframe itself,from cosmtc radiation and from atmospheric radon and its latter is referred to as the atmospheric background and is influ-enced by changes in the seasonal climate, in the wind-force and wind direction, in the temperature, in the time of the day, interference of atmospheric background has different levels from flight to uranium channel suffers the most, the potassium channel is the thorium channel and the total count channel are least effected, their errors should not be neglected(see and in color plate 7).As a result of this type of interference, the geologic informationfrom the earth is often a(in 7)shows the restored image composed of the three elements: K(red), Th(green), U(blue)in the Hamitudun survey b(colored plate 7)is the composite image of the raw (colored plate 7)shows the data taken in the morning and evening for use in the correction of the flight (colored plate 7)is the raw data image of thetotal count existence of the banding noise can be compared to a striped colored veil hanging against the image of useful the presence of this severe noisy disturbance, it is almost impossible to generate any accept able contour maps using the raw radiomctric data from this survey region.

Noise on radiometric maps is a“world-wide”problem[2].The removal of the atmospheric background has been discussed by a number of regions having many bodies of water, Darnley and Grasty[1]recommended background corrections based on counts collected during frequentflights over large [3]used an upward-looking detector shielded from ground radiation and multiple flights to estimate the atmospheric radiation in the uranium in 1986, Grasty[4]suggested using the average of the normal section of flight line, instead of the background, when no lakes are present in the survey region.

The method introduced here is entirely different from the methods used by method is an image restoration technique for aerial radiometric to digital image processing terminology, image restoration is commonly defined as the reconstruction or estimation of an image field to correct image degradation and to approximate as closely as possible an ideal by using priori knowledge of procedure of restoration is to model the image degradation effects and then perform operations to“undo”the model, producing an image which has been restored to a certain degree.

[5]developed a pattern removal technique or image restoration technique with the capability of removing a fingerprint from a regular pattern(fabric), improved defocusing, capable of overcoming severe detector-to-detector noise on Landsat MSS image, clarification of motion blurred image, and so similar study has been reported by Srinivasan[6].Zhang Yu-jun etal.[7]studied the image restoration problem in photos of deep-sea manganese nodules from the angle of light degradation due to a nonhomogeneous light-source.

The image restoration technique for aerial radiometrie data is a new application of the digital image restoration technique in degradation of the image of aerial radiometric data is specific and different from the above mentioned method has been tested and verified in preliminary research for 6 survey regions.


A degraded image G(x,y)is obtained by aerial radiometric can be regarded as the sum of the degradation-free ideal image F(x,y)and an interfering imageη(x,y),The degradation process can be simplified and is shown in .

Diagram for degradation of imago of aerial radiometric data.

The priori knowledge of degradation for aerial radiometric data image can be obtained by the analysis of an aerial radiometric survey and the raw data the survey,the information originating from the geologic bodies is independent of time,but the interfering signal is essentially time the image the interfering signal can be represented as a function of(x, y)asfollows:






The change ofηcan be divided into two parts: the stepped change between flights and the gradual change within a flight, see (in color plate 7).The interfering signal can be considered as a constant on each flight line T, If x(the column on an image)expoesses the direction perpendicular to the flight line, the functionη(x,y)may be simplified into(x),thus


The purpose of restoration of the aerial radiometric image is simply to find an approximateη(x)and to approxjmately obtain the F(x, y).In this connection, convolution can be conducted several times along the flight line direction for the raw data image using a long narrow window with several lines and a single column,leading to:


W is the plate of convolution, and it is a weighting is a type of linear operation, the operatorHis the operator is linear, the operation is , the response of the sum of two inputs equals the sam of the two respones


Since it is assumed that thefunctionηonly correlates with x, and the convolution window is a singlecolumn one,


The characteristics of function HF(x, y)will now be a smooth average has been performed severaltimes along the y direction, the local anomalies are almost“drowned out”by the appar ent regional features which manifest themselves as a slow change along the flight the local anomaly is expressed byf(x,y)and the apparent regional field byL(x,y),we have


after thefollowing process


It can be seen from equation(9)that the restored imagef(x,y)which is a result of the raw data image by the substraction of the noise image, closely approximates the ideal image from the point of view of the local error depends on the amplitude of change of the substracted“apparent regional background”along the flight line direction.


The study of the image restoration techniquefor aerial radiometric data is based on the theory of multivariate statistical is accomplished by means of image demonstrates image processing as a directly visual and fast flow-chart is illustrated in .

The method assumes that the noise background of aerial radiometric data is non-variable or only linear-ly variable, By a smooth averaging conducted several times along the flight line direction, the local anoma-lies will gradually disappear as they are“drowned out”by the noise resultant noise image is linearly correlated with the noise background and subject to some edge the substraction of noise, we conducted a median filtering and a Wallis transformation(space variant contrast stretch).This finally led to the restoration restoration process is shown in the left-hand half of .

The right-hand half of shows the reconstruction process of the gridded data file, which is indispensable in routine classification and region separation we can get the mean-vectors for all classes before and after a least-squares fitting we can obtain the element concentration values or the count-rates for the restored gridded data file for contouring on the main-frame computer can finally be produced by the inverse transformation.

for restoration of handljng of aerial radiometric data image.

In this investigation we have also tried to get the noise levels by averaging all datafor each flight line, but the results are not as ideal as those gained by the above described method.


ResuIts of the I mage Restoration for AeriaI Radiometric Data

(1)Improved direct visual effect on maps

The image restoration process bears a striking analogy to the drawing aside of a striped colored veil to disclose the original clean features of the gamma-spectrum data that are hidden behind and obscured by the veil(see in color plate 7).The sawtooth-shaped events occurring on the boundaries of some geologic bodies as aresult of inaccurate positioning of flight lines,bothforward and backward, are also much ameliorated(see in color plate 7).(colored plate 7)displays the comparison imagefor the total count channel: shows the raw data, the noise image, the noise-removed image and illustrates the restored image.

(2)The upgraded contour maps after data restoration

The contour maps of K,Th and U channels from the Hamitudun survey could not be drawn at first on the main-flame computer because of the severe banding interferences in the raw stacked profiles were supplied for these the contour map for the total count channel was drawn,the banding effect was still distinctly visible.

By applying the technique of image restoration and by reconstructing the gridded data files and feeding them back to the main-frame computer,good quality contour maps were produced for TC, K,Th and (color plate 7).shows the contour map for K channel after anomalies have a good correlation with the geologic bodies on the geological is also a good agreement between the radioactivities of the anomalies and the this proves the effectiveness of this quality of the contour maps has been significantly upgraded by the accuracy of these maps is further confirmed by the classification map using restored data(see in color plate 7).In the classification image of there are 9 classes: sediments, and Quaternary sediments and sediments.

(3)The enrichment of useful information

Multivariate statistica1analysis has been used in this studyfor the quantitative eva luation of the effectof image restorationfor aerial radiometric is possible to evaluate this effect by the variation of useful information in some this purpose it is necessary to calculate the mean variation,which is the average of the total variation for a single symbols C,C´and G" express the mean variations for useful information in the primary image,for the interference information in the primary image andfor the useful information in the restored jmage,respectively.

In the statistics,G´(x,y)is approximately taken asη(x),while[G(x,y)-G´(x,y)]showsF(x,y)approximately,and P(x,y)represents thefinal restored is assumed that there are no errors.


The letters with a bar above them indicate the mean the numbers of lines and columns in an image.

Table 1 illustrates the statistical results for quantitative evaluation by using the above listedformula for the aerial radiometric data images of the Hamitudun survey region.

Table 1 demonstrates the remarkable increase of useful informationfor all the K,Th,U and TC restored about this survey region,the quality of primary images for TC and K channels is better than those for Th and U channels.

Table1Statistical results for quantitative evaluation of the aerial radiometric data images of the Hamitudun survey region

Evaluation of Accuracy and Error for the Restored I mages

The main error in a restored image comes from the“apparent regional background”L(x, y)formed by smooth averaging done several following evaluationfor accuracy was found by the statistics of the profide data on the interfering images.

K±(absolute concentration)Th± ppm

U± TC±


method described here was suggested in China and overseas as a new specific technique of image restoration for aerial radiometric reliability and practicability were tested by data in several survey regions.

technique can basically remove the banding noise on,radiometric data maps caused by the changing of atmospheric background and by unstable can basically restore the ideal image of the aerial radiometric also provides preparation for further image processing(such as:enhancement, gradientation,classification,logic operation,etc.).Therefore,it can be used as a quick method for data pretreatment.

method can improve the sawtooth-shaped noise on the image at the boundaries of some geologic bodies as a result of inaccurate positioning.

mean variation of useful information is suggested in this study as a measure for quantitative evaluation of restoration effects for the aerial radiometric data discussed in this study is the absolute error or accuracy of the method with which image restoration is used as a pre-treatment process.


Many people contributed to the success of this particular,I would like to mention Lin Zhen-min for his valuable discussions,Shi Jian-wen for his taking part in the repeated tests,Zhang Zhi-min and Xie Xin who developed the programs for data transformation and least-squaresfitting, Shui En-hai who collected the correction data in the testing region,Lu Lin-sheng,who helped with English,and Li Wei-hua, who typed the text on a word am very grateful to all of them.


[1]Grasty, ray spectrometric methods in uranium exploration-Theory and operational procedures,Geophysics and Geochemistry in the Search for Metallic Ores,GSC Ottawa,147-162,1977.

[2]Green, airborne gamma-radiation data using between-channel correlation information,Geophysics,52,1557-1562,1987.

[3]Foote, in airborne gamma-radiation data analysis by removal of environ-mental and pedologic radiation changes,in the Use of Nudear Techniques in Prospecting and Development of Mineral Resources: Energy Agency Mtg., Buenos Aires, 187-196,1968.

[4]Grasty, system for computing on-line atmospheric backgrounds,GSC paper, 1-52,1987.

[5]Cannon,M.,Lehar, Preston,F.,Background pattern removal by power spectral filtering,Applied Optics,22,777-779,1983.

[6]Srinivasan,R.,Software image restoration techniques,Digital Design,16,4,29-34,1986.[7]Zhang Yu-jun and Shi Jian-wen,A study of image reconstruction and image processing techniques for photos of deep-sea polymetallic nodules,Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration(inChinese)13,435-441,1989.

原载《Chinese Journal of Geophysics》,1990,.

177 评论


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