RT 1. Reflects the different religious beliefs Sociolinguistics studies have shown that speech has both religious taboos, but also has a class character. However, the English and Chinese in this area has demonstrated its own characteristics. Although the majority of English euphemism originated in religious superstition, but compared to Western nations, the Chinese do not have a common, unified religion. "Death" is the word, for example, believe in different religions have different euphemism, Westerners are mostly Christian, Christianity holds that life is God-given, and people in their lifetime is bound to go through sin, degradation and redemption, and only redeem Qing Dynasty's original sin can be saved in the afterlife, to heaven, or they will languish in hell forever. The death of the Christian concept of salvation is based on the soul after death into heaven as the center. As the Han nationality there is no uniform religion, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam has its own following of believers, there is no religious taboo on the whole national language have a greater impact. In Chinese "death" a euphemism came from Taoism and Buddhism. Taoism is China's indigenous religion, since the Taoist thought, dead concept in euphemisms can be fully reflected in, such as "hidden-oriented, moving shape, materialization" and so on, Taoist immortals doctrine left to future generations "of cents, to heaven, pass away "and other euphemisms. Buddhism originated in India and later came to China. Buddhists believe that all living things according to certain causal relationship, in the "6" in reincarnation, after suffering, life and death phase continued, and only converted to Buddhism in order to get rid of the pain of samsara, the Buddhist highest state of cultivation. Directly from the death of the Buddhist doctrine of euphemism, "Nirvana" is the highest state of Buddhism within the meaning of transliteration. From the Buddhist euphemism of "Buddha, passed away, die, Zuo Hua, mortal things" and so on. Sakyamuni Buddha lived in the Western Paradise, the believers of Buddhism alive those who do good Jide, looking forward to the death to reach the Western Paradise, so in Chinese has also been "on the Western Paradise", "Gui Xi", "Heaven" and other euphemisms for death. 2. Reflects a different hierarchy In China, a long history of traditional culture and Zunzu Yoshimune gave birth to the numerous Chinese language, "the name taboo" and the title of a taboo. Modern society has established a democratic social system, but in interpersonal exchanges, there are still "famous taboo" situation, that is right under or older can be called the name of the young, but claimed that under the previous office, juniors must not address him the name of their elders, such as the Secretary, "Zhang", the higher you can address him by name, the lower the general call for "Zhang Council" and the name Road name to avoid direct call. This is the difference in Western culture, Anglo-American culture, there is no significant hierarchy, whether high or low status could address him by name. But for God's name, the devil's name needs to taboo, people's minds in the deep-rooted sense of hierarchy in those of certain occupations by the generation-wan said in evident. 3. Reflects the different traditions and ethics Anglo-American culture is individualism as the center, not superstition, privilege and tradition, emphasis on independent and progressive, innovative, lightweight and old. Coupled with in Western society, the family structure is loose, after the parents of adult children living apart from the traditions and customs of Western society, the elderly living lonely, so "old" life became a taboo. It means thinking of rigid, stubborn, headstrong, eccentric and so on. So, in English the "old" euphemism is particularly high. Engaged in the study of English euphemisms and other experts have been funny Niemann pointed out that the United States today there is no "old" (old), or a "seasoned" (seasoned), or a "well-preserved (well-preserved) . China's culture to the family as its center, focusing on Jinglaozunxian, promote ethics, in traditional Chinese culture, "old" is not taboo words, "old" represents the experience, knowledge, maturity, reliability, old age is seniority and status symbol, "white hair", "Sunset Red" and a small amount of euphemism, but also full of respect. Questions added: 4. Reflect different social values Affected by the impact of Confucianism in the Han nation's social consciousness, there is a strong emphasis on light profit justice, justice light heavy fiscal values, "disability is not financial," thousands of people embark on the venture, "of talking, only education . " People who feel ashamed of doing business, ashamed made money, even bothered to deal with the merchants, elegant occasions, the export does not respect money, nicknamed "Kong side", "official board child", "Kong Fangxiong" and so on, the old times also called silver for the "Dragon Yang, a "head", "dragon head", the modern is "unity", "great man", etc.. With the deepening of reform and opening up the past two decades, people recognized the importance of money, but there are still some non-direct white, the rich call "big-spender," "Kuan Ye", "upstarts", and running businesses intellectuals became "sea." rapid economic development, people are still advocating knowledge, envious of the national civil service career, called "iron rice bowl" and "eat imperial grain."
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