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固体氧化铁脱硫剂长期以来因硫容量低,用于高含硫气体时,存在着在高空速下气体净化度不高的问题,限制了氧化铁脱硫剂的应用。因此本文综合目前应用最为广泛氧化铁脱硫剂的优缺点,分别探讨不同反应物制得的Fe2O3脱硫剂的脱硫性能及不同载体在不同温度下的脱硫效果,且在这些条件下再改变沉淀剂的种类来深入探讨出一种高效的、成本较低的脱硫剂。Solid oxide sulfur sorbent capacity due to low long-term, for high-sulfur gas, the existence of the gas at high speed is not high degree of purification of the problem, limiting the application of iron oxide sorbent. Therefore this paper, the current most widely used iron oxide desulfurizer the advantages and disadvantages of different reactants were obtained desulfurizer Fe2O3 and the desulfurization performance of different carriers at different temperatures desulfurization effect, and under these conditions in the precipitation agent to change the type of depth to a highly efficient, lower-cost sorbent.首先,通过选择不同的反应原料来制取脱硫剂,即分别使用实验室的Fe2O3原料、FeCl3和Fe2(SO4)3来制备脱硫剂。结果发现经过酸化后的Fe2O3原料所制取的脱硫剂脱硫性能较好。其主要原因是其他两种原料在反应后抽虑过程中有Cl-、SO42-未完全洗涤掉,进而对脱硫剂脱硫效果产生了影响。First of all, by selecting the different reactions to the preparation of raw materials desulfurizer, that the use of raw materials Fe2O3 Laboratory, FeCl3 and Fe2 (SO4) 3 to prepare desulfurizer. The results showed that after acidification of the raw material after the preparation of Fe2O3 Desulfurization of better performance. The main reason is the other two after the extraction of raw materials in the reaction process to consider Cl-, SO42-has not been completely washed out, and thus the effect Desulfurization impact.其次,选择Fe2(SO4)3为原料制取脱硫剂,当温度一定,改变载体的种类,发现相同温度下Al2O3为载体的效果最佳,载体C效果最差,其一方面的原因是载体C焙烧后脱硫剂的强度很差,基本成粉末状。而Al2O3的最好。与此同时,当固定一种载体时,通过改变焙烧温度来考察脱硫剂性能。结果表明,脱硫剂的最佳焙烧温度为450℃。Secondly, the choice of Fe2 (SO4) 3 as raw materials desulfurizer preparation, when the temperature must change the type of carrier and found the same temperature as the carrier under the effect of Al2O3 best, the worst effects of carrier C, which was due to carriers on the one hand, C After calcination the intensity of desulfurizer poor basic into powder. The best and Al2O3. At the same time, when a carrier of fixed by changing the calcination temperature to study the performance desulfurizer. The results showed that the best sorbent calcination temperature to 450 ℃.再次,当选用沉淀剂NH4OH、NH4HCO3、Na2CO3,发现沉淀剂的效果是NH4OH>NH4HCO3>Na2CO3。另外,当固定载体种类时,改变载体CaO的含量(10%、20%、30%),发现载体的含量越低时脱硫效果越好。将上述所有脱硫剂经过900℃焙烧2小时进行老化,再次进行脱硫反应,结果发现,老化后的脱硫效果远远比未被老化的脱硫剂效果差。Re-elected with precipitant NH4OH, NH4HCO3, Na2CO3, found that the effect of precipitant NH4OH> NH4HCO3> Na2CO3. In addition, the type of when a fixed vector, the change in CaO content vector (10%, 20%, 30%) and found that the lower carrier concentration, the better when the desulfurization effect. Desulfurizer above all after two hours baking 900 ℃ for aging of desulfurization again found that the effect of aging is much lower than those of the desulfurization aging desulfurizer not bad.最后,通过改变H2S空速、是否含有水蒸气来讨论对脱硫效果的影响,研究表明,随着空速的增大,脱硫剂的脱硫性能降低,而H2S中不含有水蒸气能产生较好的脱硫效果。 Finally, by changing the space velocity H2S, to discuss whether it contains water vapor effect on the desulfurization, research showed that with increasing airspeed, the desulfurization sorbent performance, and H2S does not contain water vapor to produce better desulfurization.

260 评论


2.3 。表征 粉末X -射线衍射( XRD )数据收集 X射线和飞利浦diffractometers利用衍射仪?辐射。 谱之前和之后焙烧(图1 )可 索引的六角晶格如预期的MCM - 41的[ 20 ] 并显示出一些收缩的结构经焙烧, 所指出的减少,晶胞参数, 的A0 (表1 ) 。氮吸附和解吸等温线 测量的煅烧样品77K下使用BELSORP 28SA和麦克ASAP的2000系统。那个 样品被加热到约200 ◦ c根据在真空 至少2小时删除任何水吸附等温前 被记录在案。的形状等温线,图所示。 2 , 也如预期的MCM - 41的一个步骤一个相对 压力约0.3 [ 20 ] 。表面积( SBET )的计算模型的比表面积[ 21,22 ]和大于 800平方米/克的所有样品。孔径和孔体积 估计使用多利莫尔和治疗(卫生署)方法 [ 23,24 ] 。 元素分析的MCM - 41的是用 一个电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱仪 (精工仪器,千叶,日本) 。数额 硅被确定为37.3 % (宽/ w )和钠这是 1.6 % (瓦特/瓦特) 。数额的碳被确定为 0.3 % (瓦特/ W型)使用总碳分析仪(瑞格,美国) ,这表明 该煅烧过程中有效地消除了 表面活性剂。 2.4 。氨基酸吸附 该程度的赖氨酸吸附到MCM - 41的下 一系列的解决方案浓度, pH值,离子强度 和接触时间确定一批利用吸附 测试在25 ± 1 ◦ C和解决枯竭的分析。多芯片组件, 41个样品( 〜 40毫克)和解决方案的消旋盐酸赖氨酸 在水( 10毫升)混合装在密封的塑料 小瓶使用旋转混合器( Heto Rotamix公园)操作系统 在40转。 pH值的解决办法进行了调整之前 0.1M混合使用氢氧化钠或0.1M盐酸。经过选择 接触时间的溶液pH值是衡量和禁赛 被离心分离之前分析 上清使用总有机碳( TOC )分析仪 (岛津总有机碳- 5000A ) 。标准曲线产生 赖氨酸超过适当的浓度范围为每一套 样本和标准的解决方案是用来检查 分析仪的性能定期在分析。 确定的浓度,纠正的(小) 影响残炭的MCM - 41上的目录分析, 确定一个控制一批试运行在同一 实验条件,但没有办法赖氨酸存在于溶液中。(仅供参考)

159 评论


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