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Coffee spread into China in late Qing dynasty and got a finn foothold during the Republic of China(1912—1949). Since the reformation and opening, drinking coffee becomes fashionable in China and the coffee culture of the Chinese own is forming gradually.

219 评论


你是食品营养与检测专业的,可以从茶叶含有的营养成分,药理作用和茶叶审评检验入手。 我这里只给你说明茶叶中含有茶多酚、咖啡碱、生物碱、茶皂素、茶黄素等营养成分,具体的药理作用去网上查,直接复制粘贴。 茶叶审评检验主要包括理化检测和感官审评两部分。具体的去网上查。 如果还想写茶叶历史,可分几个阶段写茶叶发展。 如果还想感慨一下,就自由发挥吧! 你的专业不是茶,却对茶油很深的感情,难得!

122 评论



96 评论


伽啡:( Faculty of History, Sichuan University, Chengdu ,610064) Abstract: The Ethiopian of Africa discovered the coffee in ancient time and the Arabian planted it in middle age. In the late medieval time, the Chinese promoted coffee to turn into a popular pastime beverage from a religious drink and a medical drink, the Turk invented the genuine and scientific drinking way of coffee and the Indian took part in spreading coffee. The Europeans spread coffee throughout the world in the time of the great geo- graphical discoveries ( from the ends of 15th to 17th century ), and developed the coffeehouse culture to the most thriving too ever since. Therefore the people of Africa, Asia and Europe have made contributions (in) together to that coffee becomes one of the three greatest beverages in today's world. Coffee spread into China in late Qing dynasty and got a finn foothold during the Republic of China(1912—1949). Since the reformation and opening, drinking coffee becomes fashionable in China and the coffee culture of the Chinese own is forming gradually.Keywords: coffee; planting; edible use; spread; coffeehouse culture。

195 评论


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