Industrial production in automatic control, in order to ensure production safety, or to product quality, temperature, pressure, flow, composition, speed, and so were some important control parameters, usually the need for automatic detection and monitoring in accordance with the results of the corresponding control. The automatic monitoring system, often with the limits of inspection, and automatic alarm system to alert operators of attention, if necessary, take urgent measures. Temperature is the object of industrial production was the main parameters of control. This paper describes the Vicat Jiangsu Fiber Co., Ltd. - Dafeng 35,000 tons of viscose fiber project in a drying system of temperature control system. The textile and chemical fiber in a drying system of temperature control system, mainly through GGD electrical control cabinet, and Zhejiang in the control of the DCS distributed control system, the scene of the thermocouple and to complete the electromagnetic valve, and a drying system to maintain the temperature To a certain extent, to meet production requirements. Key words viscose fiber temperature control GGD electrical control DCS distributed control system
一、标题 标题是文章的眉目。各类文章的标题,样式繁多,但无论是何种形式,总要以全部或不同的侧面体现作者的写作意图、文章的主旨。毕业论文的标题一般分为总标题、副
使用敬语,但要不卑不亢,你也不欠他什么,他也不欠你什么,你是学习,他是工作。 平常心就好。 XXX老师,您好, 近些天,在您的帮助指导下,我的关于xxxx
是学士论文还是硕士论文!?学士500 硕士1500 要的联系
引用、参考的文献都需要标注,这个是学术论文的规范做法。 2007年8月20日在清华大学召开的“综合性人文社会科学学术期刊编排规范研讨会”决定,2008年起开始部
以下是一个可能的毕业论文题目和研究方向: 论文题目:基于质量优化的建筑工程项目管理实证研究——以某建筑项目为例 研究背景和意义:建筑工程项目的质量是项目成功的重