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摘要: 在交通建设中,隧道占据着十分重要的地位。隧道施工是一件十分复杂的工程,掌握好隧道施工技术,就能够很好的把握住隧道施工的质量,这对于交通工程的安全及质量来说意义重大。

Abstract: In traffic construction, tunnel occupies a very important position. Tunnel construction is a very complex project, master well the quality of tunnel construction technology can have a good grasp of the tunnel construction, which has great significance for the safety and quality of traffic construction.

关键词: 隧道施工;问题;施工;技术;方法

Key words: tunnel construction;problems;construction;technology;method

中图分类号:U455.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-4311(2014)14-0098-02

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1 我国隧道工程常用施工技术及存在的问题



2 施工准备期的技术准备

2.1 施工环境的勘测 ①我们根据地质钻探资料的审查对围岩进行分类,不难看出在对地质工程特点进行分析的时候,如果对岩层走向、褶曲、断层以及地下水和特殊土等分析有误,对施工就会造成十分严重的影响。②有针对性的对施工现场进行核查,核查的方面主要就是包括:地质、供水、气象、排水、原材料、动力供应、运输条件、弃渣、场地等。对于风化堆积较为严重的洞口及浅埋段等,我们要有健全的方案进行治理或补偿。

2.2 施工材料设备和方案的准备 ①要想工地实验室期限达到质监站临时资质审批要求,就需要我们有健全的试验设备、技术人员以及完善的管理制度。当承包商与业主签订合同后,监理工程师就可以根据合同规定的时间,要求承包商按照合同承诺进行各项筹备工作了。②开工前监理工程对两端反外控制点近反复检查。③承包商及时按合同规定的日期上报总体性计划和具体实施计划,这样才能保证监理工程师对工程进行整体调查、分析,然后根据出现的问题与承包商进行讨论、澄清、修改。

3 施工方法



4 隧道施工的主要技术分析

4.1 软弱破碎围岩段施工技术 针对软弱的围岩可能发生的大变形,采用增大预留变形量和喷射混凝土、锚杆、钢筋网和可缩性的U型钢拱架复合式衬砌手段,采用分部开挖的方法,初期支护及时封闭,喷射混凝土可以分2~3次施工,然后加强监控量测,利用反馈的信息进行施工指导。通过软弱破碎带段富水段时,先治水,采用排堵结合等治理措施。开挖过程中配备有经验的地质工程师24小时轮流值班,及时监控地质变化情况,指导现场施工。


4.2 隧道防渗漏、防坍塌技术 ①防渗漏技术。隧道的二次衬砌主要是提高混凝土的抗渗性能,也是避免膨胀的一道工序,主要作用就是防止复合防水板局部因为破裂等原因造成的渗水。因此,我们要根据水量的增加情况,对盲沟布设进行设计,以更佳有利于排水。在进行防水板施工的时候,我们除了要严格检查焊缝焊接情况,还要确保施工缝、变形缝等不渗不漏。②防坍塌技术措施。采用减震爆破,尽量减少对围岩的扰动。开挖成型后及时施作喷砼等初期支护,使围岩尽早达到稳定状态。对围岩自稳能力较差地段,采用超前支护或超前加固前方围岩,坚持先护顶后开挖的原则组织施工。当初期支护变形出现异常现象且无收敛趋势时,采取初期支护加强措施,并提前施做二次衬砌。在二次衬砌中,采取增设钢筋和提高混凝土强度等措施。根据地质勘察资料,岩层与隧道轴线夹角较小,为此,采取减小循环进尺,加强超前支护,加固围岩的措施进行预防。在围岩含水地段先治水:当有渗水流时设置橡胶带盲沟引排:渗水面积较大时橡胶带盲沟可并排设置。当有集中股水流时设置弹簧盲沟引排,将水压力对初期支护的影响降至最小。为了加强对施工过程的控制:开挖过程中配备有经验的地质工程师24小时轮流值班,及时监控地质变化情况,指导现场施工。软弱不稳定围岩地段,主要领导轮流值班,强管理,严要求,及时处理紧急问题。

4.3 防排水施工技术 ①施工缝、变形缝防水。施工缝主要是隧道衬砌混凝土在施工时候所产生的冷接造成的,也是防水的薄弱环节,是整个隧道中最容易发生渗漏的地方。因此,我们在对隧道进行衬砌施工处理的时候,要避免因为处理不好而造成隧道的正常使用和行车安全,严重的还会降低结构的强度和耐久性。为了防止衬砌不均匀引起的裂损,我们就需要对沉降缝进行设置,避免因为温度的剧烈变化而导致混凝土收缩引起衬砌开裂。②防水混凝土。隧道二次衬砌混凝土既是外力的承载结构,也是最后一道防水线。而防水混凝土大多数都是通过规定的级进行配比,并掺入少量外加剂,通过调整配合比配置成具有一定抗渗能力的防水混凝土。我国的铁路隧道工程技术指南要求的二次混凝土的抗渗等级不得低于P8。

4.4 隧道二衬施工技术 ①钢筋加工及安装。钢筋采用加工专用设备进行加工,主要采用的就是单面焊接形式对钢筋接头进行焊接,焊接的长度一般不得低于10d。钢筋焊接主要就是保证焊缝饱满度,并凿除焊渣。采用自制台车进行安装,安装时应根据设计尺寸及保护层进行施工。②灌注砼。台车就位后,可以采用松木板将端头封牢。砼输送泵管道通过台车上部的天窗接入模内,同时砼输送车将砼倒入输送泵内,由输送泵将砼通过管道压入模内。

5 结束语



[1]陈小雄主编.隧道施工技术[M].北京:人民交通出版社, 2011,6.




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隧道勘测:为确定隧道位置、施工方法和支护、衬砌类型等技术方案,对隧道地处范围内的地形、地质状况,以及对地下水的分布和水量等水文情况要进行勘测。在隧道勘测和开挖过程中,须了解围岩的类别。围岩是隧道开挖后对隧道稳定性有影响的周边岩体。围岩分类是依次表明周围岩石的综合强度。中国在1975年制定的铁路隧道工程技术规范中将围岩分为 6类。关于岩石分类70年代以前常用泰沙基及普氏等岩石分类方法。70年代以后在国际上应用较广并为国际岩石力学学会推荐的为巴顿等各种分级系统。此外,还有日本以弹性波速为主的分类法。围岩的类别的确定,为隧道工程设计合理和施工顺利提供了依据。 隧道设计:包括隧道选线、纵断面设计、横断面设计、辅助坑道设计等。 选线:根据线路标准、地形、地质等条件选定隧道位置和长度。选线应作多种方案的比较。长隧道要考虑辅助坑道和运营通风的设置。洞口位置的选择要依据地质情况。考虑边坡和仰坡的稳定,避免塌方。 纵断面设计:沿隧道中线的纵向坡度要服从线路设计的限制坡度。因隧道内湿度大,轮轨间粘着系数减小,列车空气阻力增大,因此在较长隧道内纵向坡度应加以折减。纵坡形状以单坡和人字坡居多,单坡有利于争取高程,人字坡便于施工排水和出碴。为利于排水,最小纵坡一般为2‰~3‰。 横断面设计:隧道横断面即衬砌内轮廓,是根据不侵入隧道建筑限界而制定的。中国隧道建筑限界分为蒸汽及内燃机车牵引区段、电力机车牵引区段两种,这两种又各分为单线断面和双线断面。衬砌内轮廓一般由单心圆或三心圆形成的拱部和直边墙或曲边墙所组成。在地质松软地带另加仰拱。单线隧道轨面以上内轮廓面积约为27~32平方米,双线约为58~67平方米。在曲线地段由于外轨超高车辆倾斜等因素,断面须适当加大。电气化铁路隧道因悬挂接触网等应提高内轮廓高度。中、美、苏三国所用轮廓尺寸为:单线隧道高度约为 6.6~7.0米、宽度约为4.9~5.6米;双线隧道高度约为7.2~8.0米,宽度约为8.8~10.6米。在双线铁路修建两座单线隧道时,其中线间距离须考虑地层压力分布的影响,石质隧道约为20~25米,土质隧道应适当加宽。 辅助坑道设计:辅助坑道有斜井、竖井、平行导坑及横洞四种。斜井是在中线附近的山上有利地点开凿的斜向正洞的坑道。斜井倾角一般在18°~27°之间,采用卷扬机提升。斜井断面一般为长方形,面积约为8~14平方米。竖井是由山顶中线附近垂直开挖的坑道,通向正洞。其平面位置可在铁路中线上或在中线的一侧(距中线约20米)。竖井断面多为圆形,内径约为4.5~6.0米。平行导坑是距隧道中线17~25米开挖的平行小坑道,以斜向通道与隧道连接,亦可作将来扩建为第二线的导洞。中国自1957年修建川黔铁路凉风垭铁路隧道采用平行导坑以来,在58座长3公里以上的隧道中约有80%修建了平行导坑。横洞是在傍山隧道靠河谷一侧地形有利之处开辟的小断面坑道。此外,隧道设计还包括洞门设计,以及开挖方法和衬砌类型的选择等。 隧道贯通控制测量:隧道测量是为了保证测量的中线和高程在隧道贯通面处的偏差不超出规定的限值。 中线平面控制:长隧道以往多用三角网,短隧道多用导线法,借以控制中线的偏差。自50年代以来,中国在 1公里以上长度的隧道测量中采用导线法也能控制隧道的贯通误差。光电测距仪的出现和发展,解决了量距的困难。山岭隧道洞外及洞内都采用主副闭合导线法,即在主导线上测角并用光电测距仪量距,在副导线上只测角不量距。由主副导线所组成的多边形,只平差其角度,不平差其长度。这样主副导线法比三角网法简单实用,比单一导线法可靠。中国大瑶山双线隧道即采用主副闭合导线法作为中线平面控制在隧道进行中线测量以前,就要考虑将来隧道打通后的偏差数值。根据隧道的长度和平面形状,在地形图上先行布置测点的位置和预计的贯通点,并在平面图上量出必要的尺寸,再根据规范规定的极限误差试算出测角和量距的必要精度,然后进行测量。这个过程叫做测量设计或叫做隧道贯通误差的预计4公里以下的隧道中线贯通极限误差为±100毫米;4~8公里的隧道中线贯通极限误差为±150毫米。 高程控制:短隧道应用普通水平仪,长隧道应用精密水平仪即能保证需要达到的精度。高程贯通极限误差为±50毫米。 隧道开挖开挖方法分为明挖法和暗挖法。明挖法多用于浅埋隧道或城市铁路隧道,而山岭铁路隧道多用暗挖法。按开挖断面大小、位置分,有分部开挖法和全断面开挖法。在石质岩层中采用钻爆法最为广泛,采用掘进机直接开挖也逐渐推广。在松软地质中采用盾构法开挖较多。 Tunnel survey: to determine location, construction methods and tunnel lining type support, and technical solution to the tunnel, which is located in the range of terrain, geological condition, and the distribution of the underground water and hydrological conditions such as water to survey. In the tunnel survey and excavation process, must understand the categories of the surrounding rock. Surrounding rock tunnel excavation is to have influence on the stability of the tunnel surrounding rock mass. Classification of surrounding rocks is that in turn around the comprehensive strength of rock. In 1975, China railway tunnel project for technical specification of surrounding rock is divided into 6 will. About rock classification before the 70 s commonly used the field commander and the classification method such as pullman's rock. Since the 70 s are widely used in the world and for international rock mechanics society recommendation of various classification system for patton. In addition, and Japan with elastic wave velocity as the classification. The category of the surrounding rock of tunnel engineering, the determination of reasonable design and construction smoothly to provide the basis. Tunnel design: including tunnel line longitudinal, design, the cross-sectional design, auxiliary tunnel design, etc. Route: according to the standard, line topography and geology condition such as position and the length of the selected tunnel. Route shall be the comparison of the DuoZhong scheme. Long tunnel to consider auxiliary tunnel and operation ventilation Settings. The mouth of the cave location choice must be based on the geological conditions. Consider the slope and the scope of slope stability, prevent landslide. Longitudinal design: along the tunnel to the centerline of the vertical slope line design limit slope. Because humidity is big, the wheel/rail tunnel between adhesion coefficient decreases, and train the air resistance increases, so in a long tunnel vertical slope should be reduction. ZongPo shape to ChanPo and person word majority, to fight for slope ChanPo elevation, person word for construction drainage and slope of ballastless out. In order to facilitate drainage, ZongPo minimum general for 2 ‰ ~ 3 ‰. Cross-sectional design: tunnel lining in outline, namely cross into the tunnel construction is on the gauge and work. China tunnel structure gauge is divided into steam and diesel locomotives traction sections, electric locomotives traction sections two kinds, the two and every single divided into sections and double section. In general, the outline lining single round or three heart heart of the formation of the round arch department and straight or curved sidewall of the side-wall composed. In the geological soft zone plus Yang arch. Singleline tunnel rail surface outline area within the above about 27 ~ 32 square meters, dual for 58 to 67 square metre about. Because the area in the curve track vehicles factors such as high tilt, shall be appropriately enlarging section. Electrified railway tunnel for suspension overhead contact system should be improved and in high profile. And the United States, Susan countries size is used outline: singleline tunnel height about 6.6 ~ 7.0 m, width is about 4.9 ~ 5.6 meters; Two-lane tunnel height about 7.2 ~ 8.0 meters, width is about 8.8 ~ 10.6 m. The two-lane railway building two seat singleline tunnel, including the distance between the line must be considered formation pressure on the distribution of the rock tunnel, about 20 to 25 m, soil tunnel should appropriate widened. Auxiliary tunnel design: auxiliary tunnel have, well, DaoKeng parallel shafts and horizontal hole four. Tilt in the mountains of Central Line is near the site of the favorable oblique are dug the hole in the tunnel. Tilt Angle in the 18 ° ~ 27 general °, the hoisting between ascension. Inclined section is rectangle commonly, an area of about eight to 14 square meters. By the top of the hill near the midline of the shaft is perpendicular to the tunnels of the excavation, is hole. Its plane position on the central railway line or the side of about 20 meters) from the center line. Shaft section for more rounded, inner diameter is about 4.5 ~ 6.0 m. Parallel DaoKeng is apart from 17 to 25 m midline tunnel excavation of the parallel tunnel, with little inclined to channel tunnel, can also be connected with future expansion for the second line of drift. China since 1957-built railway cool wind railway tunnel adopts parallel DaoKeng stelae since a long 3, in all 58 km above the tunnel around 80% of the parallel DaoKeng built. The hole is the waterfront in mountain tunnel river valley side on the benefits of open terrain small cross-section tunnel. In addition, the tunnel also includes DongMen design, design and excavation method and lining type of selection. Tunnel breakthrough control measurement: the tunnel is to ensure that the measurement and elevation measurement line in tunnel breakthrough face the deviation of the place not beyond the prescribed limits. Central Line plane control: long tunnel before the triangulation short tunnel, multi-purpose multi-purpose the wire act to control the midline deviation. Since the s, China has in the 1 km above the length measurement of the wire act for the tunnel can also control the tunnel breakthrough error. Photoelectric ranger's appearance and development, to solve the difficulties of distance. Mountain tunnel hole hole and all the main and auxiliary closed to the wire act, that in leading online measuring Angle and photoelectric rangefinder quantity in the distance, vice wires Angle measuring only not measure distance. By the vice wire of polygons, only the Angle adjustment of the length of the poor, uneven. So the Lord vice wire method is better than the triangle nets method is simple, practical, and the wire act than single reliable. China is the principal tunnel data to double the wire act as deputy closed midline plane control tunnel in the midline measurement, be about to consider the future before tunnel through the deviation of the numerical. After According to the length of the tunnel face shape in peace, topographic map decorate the measuring point position and advance the breakthrough point, and is expected to in the quantity on the floor plan of the necessary size, again according to the provisions of the code limit error try calculate measuring Angle and quantity of precision, and then from the necessary measure. This process is called measure design or called tunnel breakthrough error of 4 km of the tunnel is expected to line breakthrough limit error for + 100 mm; 4 to 8 kilometers of tunnels through Central Line limit error for + 150 mm. Elevation control: short tunnel application ordinary level, long tunnel precision level that can ensure application needs to achieve the precision. Elevation breakthrough limit error for + 50 mm. Tunnel excavation excavation method into the Ming WaFa and type of method. Ming WaFa more for shallow buried tunnel or city railway tunnel, and mountains railway tunnel multi-purpose type of method. According to section size and location excavation points, excavation method and the whole section division excavation method. In stone in the rock drill blasting method, the most widely used roadheader direct excavation also gradually promotion. In the loose in the geological shield excavation method is more.

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