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Defend the change of thunder productWhen people know that the thunder is a kind of electricity phenomenon after, to the adoration of the thunder and lightning with fear for the gradual disappearance, and start with the taste of science come from new observation the natural phenomena of this magic, hope to make use of or control a thunder and lightning activity to bring benefit to mankind.More than 200 year agos Franklin led off on the technique to start a challenge toward the thunder and lightning, he invent of the lightning rod may be regarded as to at the earliest stage defend a thunder product and this product name almost has already been know by the all people today.In fact, Franklin while invent lightning rod is think metals lightning rod of point of turn on electricity a function can synthesize the electric charge in thunder cloud, make thunder cloud and the electric field of the earth be as low as the level that can't broke through air, avoided strike by lightning thus of occurrence, so the then lightning rod must request to be sharp.But afterwards study enunciation:The lightning rod is the occurrence of the unavoidable thunder of, the reason that it can prevent°from a thunder is because the Gao is towering to sign of the lightning rod changed atmosphere electric field, make thunder cloud of certain scope always turn on electricity toward the lightning rod, be also say lightning rod be just than it surroundings of other objects more easily connect Shan thunder and lightning, the lightning rod is strike by lightning medium but other objects be protect, this be the defend of lightning rod thunder principle.Further of the research express the connect of lightning rod Shan function almost have something to do with its height, but have nothing to do with its shape, be say that the lightning rod isn't necessarily sharp.Defend a thunder technique realm to know together as now this type of defend thunder device for connect a Shan machine. The widespread usage of electricity promoted to defend the development of thunder product and be a high pressure power grid to provide motive and illuminate for the thousand 10000, thunder and lightning also a great deal of bane high pressure lose to change to give or get an electric shock an equipments.The high pressure line installs Gao, be apart from long, cross geography complications, is strike by lightning easily medium.The protection scope shortage of the lightning rod with protect up to thousand power lines, so avoid thunder line as to protect high pressure line of new connect a Shan machine to emerge with the tide of the times.After the high pressure line acquire a protection, the hair linked with high pressure line, go together with electricity equipments to be still conduct electricity to press damage, people discover this is because"respond thunder" is play tricks.(Respond the thunder is to respond the metals conductor of neighborhood because of keeping shot thunder to turn on electricity in, respond the thunder can pass 2 kinds to differently respond way incursion conductor, one is an electrostatic induction:When the electric charge in thunder cloud accumulates to gather, neighborhood of the conductor will also respond up the contrary electric charge and be a thunder to turn on electricity, the electric charge in thunder cloud quickly releases, and the conductor Central plains come to is tie up by thunder cloud electric field of the static electricity will also follow conductor fluxion to look for to release passage, will become electricity pulse in the electric circuit.Two is an electromagnetic induction:When thunder cloud turn on electricity, the thunder and lightning of quick variety flows to around produce to strongly change in a sudden an electromagnetism field at it and produce very high feeling to living electromotive force in the conductor of its neighborhood.Study enunciation:The wave that the electrostatic induction method cause flows out the wave that the several cause at the electromagnetic induction to flow out.)The thunder and lightning is on-line to start to respond an electricity to flow out in the high pressure, and follow to lead line to spread with it connect with each other of hair, go together with electricity equipments, be these bear of equipmentses to press lower hour will be responded thunder to damage, for repress to lead line in of give or get an electric shock to flow out, people invented a circuit lightning arrester. The circuit lightning arrester in earlier period is a liberal air cleft.The air brokes through electric voltage very high, about the 500 kVs/m, but after it was broke through by the high electric voltage the low pressure of only several ten Fus.This characteristic people who make use of air designed the circuit lightning arrester in earlier period and lead 1 line of a carry connect on the power line, another lead line of on carrying to connect ground, 2 lead line of another a carry to be separated certain distance constitute air cleft of two electrodes, cleft distance made sure a broke through of lightning arrester electric voltage, broke through the electric voltage should be slightly high at the work electric voltage of power line, so be electric circuit to normally work, the air cleft is equal to open a new road, will not influence the normal work of circuit.While conducting electricity to press invade, the air cleft is broke through, conduct electricity to press quilt Qian to arrive very low level, conduct electricity to flow to also leak to put into the ground through an air cleft and carried out a lightning arrester to protect circuit.Open the cleft contains too many weakness, if broke through electric voltage is influence by environment greatly;Air's turn on electricity will oxidize electrode;Air electricity arc-shaped needs to through many communicate that the period then can extinguish Hu after become, this may result in the lightning arrester break down or the circuit break down.Hereafter developped the air of to turn on electricity a tube, tube type lightning arrester, Ci to blow a lightning arrester to to a large extent overcome these troubles, but they are still the principles that the establishments turn on electricity in the air up.The air turns on electricity the proper weakness of a lightning arrester:The impact brokes through electric voltage Gao;Postpone while turn on electricity longer(the μ s class);The remnants presses a form steep.(the dV/dt be more big)These protections ability that the weakness comes to a decision air to turn on electricity a lightning arrester an equipments to the sensitive electricity aren't strong. The semi-conductor technical development provided to defend the thunder new material for us, for example steady press a tube, it the Fu-Anne's characteristic match circuit to defend a thunder request, just it passes the ability that the thunder and lightning flow weak, make common of steady press a tube can't directly used to a lightning arrester.The valve type that the semi-conductor lightning arrester in earlier period is make into with carborundum material lightning arrester, it have with steady press the Fu-Anne's characteristic of the tube likeness, but pass the ability that the thunder and lightning flow very strong.However very quick people discovered metals oxide again the semi-conductor change Zu machine(MOV), it the Fu-Anne's characteristic be better, and have to respond to time quickly, flow to have great capacity etc. many advantages.Therefore, currently widespread adoption MOV circuit lightning arrester. Along with the development of correspondence, and then produced many lightning arresters which used for corresponding by letter circuit, because of being deliver by correspondence circuit the stipulations of parameter, this lightning arrester wants to consider that the influences, such as electric capacity and electricity feeling...etc. delivers the index signs of parameter.But it defends thunder principle and MOV basic consistent.A, connect Shan function to point a realization to connect the condition that the Shan function should have, include a form(lightning rod, avoid thunder to take and avoid a thunder net) of connect the Shan machine, bear to flow to bear the ability of press and connect Shan effect and build price and connect Shan machine and the esthetics unity of the building etc. in a row.B, reposition of redundant personnel influence the guide line log out to the reposition of redundant personnel effect of influence.Lead to log out of thick thin directly influence reposition of redundant personnel effect with amount, lead to log out to have another, each one leads to log out to pass of the thunder and lightning flow small, it responds scope small.The distance which leads to log out its mutually shouldn't be small at the provision in the norm.When the building is very high, lead to log out very long time, should in the building of the middle part's increment all presses wreath to lead by let up to log out of the electricity electric voltage decline.This not only can with the reposition of redundant personnel, and can also lower to counter-attack electric voltage.C, the balanced electric potential make each parts in the building all become an equal electric potential, then etc. electric potential.If the structure reinforcing bar in the building can link with various metals constitution and the metals pipelineses unify of conduct electricity a body, certainly will not produce different electric potential inside building, so can promise will not produce counter-attack and endanger contact electric voltage or stride electric voltage of Human body safety inside building, to keep the micro-electronics equipments of the pulse interference of the thunder and lightning electromagnetism from have also a very big advantage.The building of reinforced concrete structure most has a realization etc. the condition of the electric potential, because it all of the big parts of internal structure reinforcing bar is to naturally weld or colligation together.In order to satisfy a request of defend the thunder device, should there is destination connect Shan device and beam, plank, pillar and foundation to dependablely weld, colligation or take to connect together, in the meantime again various metals equipments and the metals pipeline with it weld or the card connect together, this makes the whole building become good etc. electric potential a body.D, shield the main purpose that the function shield is make inside building of correspondence equipments, computer, precise instrument and automatic control system don't need encounter thunder and lightning electromagnetism the bane of the pulse.These facilitieses in the building, not only will be subjected to electromagnetism interference while defending thunder device to connect Shan, and intelligent because of they sex Gao and bear to press level low, sometimes nearby thunderclap or connect Shan, will also be subjected to the influence that the electromagnetism of thunder and lightning wave radiate, even will also be subjected to from the electromagnetic wave for spread when other buildings connect Shan of influence.Therefore, we should as far as possible make use of the reinforcing bar in the reinforced concrete structure, namely the reinforcing bar in the plank, wall noodles, and beam, pillar of the building hinterland plank, crest, make it constitute a net cage of hexahedron, namely the cage type avoid a thunder net and carry out to shield thus.Because of the dissimilarity of structure structure, inside wall with the reinforcing bar in the building plank have Shu is airtight, when the reinforcing bar density isn't enough, design a person should press the density that the different demand of various equipments increases a mesh.Goodly shield to not only make etc.'s electric potential and reposition of redundant personnel's these two problems solve problems with the greatest ease, but also is also the most valid measure towards defendoofing thunder and lightning electromagnetism, pulse.In addition, building of whole shield can also defend ball thunder, side shot and round the raid of shot thunder.Five, connect the quality which connects a ground of effect of a ground of effect.Goodly connecting a ground of effect is goodlyalso one of important assurances which defends thunder success.Each building wants to consider which kind the effect which connects a place type had better with the most economic.King Xu the Sir think, when the building which is reinforced concrete structure matches a norm condition, should make use of reinforcing bar conduct and actions in the foundation to connect a ground of device.When condition or foundation coulded not reach to rule in the norm wrap in waterproof book material layer, can do for a week, the turn type connects a ground of device, but should week the turn type connect a ground of device in advance covers up in the foundation slot of outermost.(need not leave the building 3 ms outside)Connect a ground of body near the foundation inside of the reinforcing bar be advantageous to balanced electric potential, can also save in the meantime for dig the manpower and material resources that deep ditch cost.Dig again after the foundation complete work the deep ditch then easily influences a basal stability. Mix structure building to the wood structure and the brick, have to do independence to lead to log out and adopt independence to connect a place type.When soil electric resistance the rate be big, the usage connects ground very more, can also do a surroundings type to connect a ground of device.Because the week turn type connects a ground of impact resistance of device small in independently connect a ground of impact resistance of device, and be advantageous to the ground electric potential which improves inside building to distribute, let up stride electric voltage.Taking drilling a hole to deeply cover up effect of connect a ground of pole(about the 4~12 ms) as when adopt the independent type connects a place type had better, the deep bore connect a ground of water level with underground pole easy reach, and can reduce to connect use of a ground of pole amount of steel.E, the thunder and lightning wave invadeThunder and lightning wave the form which invade an intelligence building contains 2 kinds, 1 kind keeps shot thunder, another is to respond thunder.Generally speaking, the possibility which keeps the electronics equipments of intelligence building universe in the shot thunder is very small, usually need not install the equipments that the protection keeps shot thunder.Respond the thunder is flowed output strong electromagnetism field variety and conductor by the thunder lightning flash to respond a conduct electricity of to press and conduct electricity to flow a formation thunder.Respond the thunder invades electronics equipments and calculator system to mainly have the following three paths:(1)The ground electric potential of thunder and lightning counter-attacks electric voltage to pass to connect a ground of body to invade.(2)From communicate power supply power supply the circuit invade.(3)It is invade by the correspondence signal circuit.Ignore is to pass which form, which path invade, will make electronics equipments and calculator system be subjected to damage or serious interference of different degree. The intelligence mansion is generally and all a type of building, should build up comprehensive connect a ground of system, connect a ground of electric resistance to be no bigger than one Ω .Design in the building crest from avoid thunder to take, lightning rod or mixture constitute of connect a Shan machine, make use of steel pillar or sign the reinforcing bar in the pillar as to defend thunder to lead to log out, and and the foundation reinforcing bar of building, beam reinforcing bar, the metals frame conjunction gets up, become to shut to match good farad cage and construct inside the Shu toward the metals piping should each time all press of the 3 F and turn beam wreath connect with each other, all press wreath should with defend thunder device ad hoc lead to log out connect with each other.When building is more than 30 meters high, in response to 30 meters and the railing on above part of outside walls, the metals doors and windows wait a bigger metal direct or through metals doors and windows cover up an iron with defend thunder device a conjunction.The intelligence is various exchanges inside the mansion, the direct current equipments is numerous, the circuit maneuvers interleave, should exchanges work in the building ground, safe protection ground, direct current work ground, defend thunder to connect ground and the cage good conjunction of the building farad, become an etc. electric potential body, avoid connecting the existence potential difference of the of a ground of line, respond to conduct electricity reason of press the creation by cancellation.Thunder and lightning in order not to from communicate power supply power supply the circuit invade, can in the high pressure cabinet of go together with the electricity of the change of mansion of each mutually install the first degree protection of lightning arrester conduct and actions, install a valve door a type to defend thunder device as a second degree protection in the low-pressure cabinet, in order to prevent thunder and lightning irruptive go together with of mansion electricity system.For careful rise to see, can install power supply to avoid thunder box as in the power supply of each layer of mansion go together with the electricity box x-rated protection and will go together with an electricity box of the metals outer shell and defend of mansion thunder connect a ground of system credibility conjunction.The correspondence circuit in the intelligence mansion's have another is take by the comprehensive cloth line system.The comprehensive cloth line system constitutes to°from six statures systems:(1)The buildings sub- system.(2)Equipments sub- system.(3)Manage sub- system.(4)Perpendicular trunk line sub- system.(5)The level trunk line sub- system.(6)Work the area sub- system.Our underneath is once analytical to comprehensive the cloth line defend of system thunder protection.

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摘 要:文章通过分析高压输电线路雷击闪络跳闸产生的原因,在进行线路防雷工作时,提出一些合理有效的防雷措施,以提高输电线路的耐雷水平,降低输电线路的雷击跳闸率。 关键词:输电线路 防雷 福州 一、概述 福州位于东南沿海,常年受季风和台风影响,雷电活动剧烈,输电线路防雷工作任务异常严峻。福州电业局的输电线路主要以220kV和110kV为骨干,输电线路经过的地区气候、地形、地质和各种自然条件比较复杂。受土壤电阻率高,海洋季风,雷云对地距离低,地面落雷密度大等因素影响,和近几年来运行环境条件的劣化,在雷雨季节,由雷击引起的输电线路故障也日益增多,不仅影响设备正常运行,也极大影响日常生产生活。 目前输电线路本身的防雷措施主要依靠架设在杆塔顶端的架空地线,其运行维护工作中主要是对杆塔接地电阻的检测及改造。由于其防雷措施的单一性,无法达到防雷要求。而推行的安装耦合地线、增强线路绝缘水平的防雷措施,受到一定的条件限制而无法得到有效实施,如通常采用增加绝缘子片数或更换为大爬距的合成绝缘子的方法来提高线路绝缘,对防止雷击塔顶反击过电压效果较好,但对于防止绕击则效果较差,且增加绝缘子片数受杆塔头部绝缘间隙及导线对地安全距离的限制,因此线路绝缘的增强也是有限的。而安装耦合地线则一般适用于丘陵或山区跨越档,可以对导线起到有效的屏蔽保护作用,用等击距原理也就是降低了导线的暴露弧段。但其受杆塔强度、对地安全距离、交叉跨越及线路下方的交通运输等因素的影响,因此架设耦合地线对于旧线路不易实施。因此研究不受条件限制的线路有效防雷措施就显得十分重要,本文将安装线路避雷器、降低杆塔接地电阻等方法进行综合分析研究,从它们对防止雷击形式的针对性出发,得出切实可行的方案。 二、雷击线路跳闸原因 高压送电线路遭受雷击的事故主要与四个因素有关:线路绝缘子的50%放电电压;有无架空地线;雷电流强度;杆塔的接地电阻。高压送电线路各种防雷措施都有其针对性,因此,在进行高压送电线路设计时,我们选择防雷方式首先要明确高压送电线路遭雷击跳闸原因。 (一)高压送电线路绕击成因分析 根据高压送电线路的运行经验、现场实测和模拟试验均证明,雷电绕击率与避雷线对边导线的保护角、杆塔高度以及高压送电线路经过的地形、地貌和地质条件有关。对山区的杆塔,计算公式是:式中, a为避雷线对边导线的保护角; h为杆塔高度; P0为线路雷电绕击率。山区高压送电线路的绕击率约为平地高压送电线路的3倍。山区设计送电线路时不可避免会出现大跨越、大高差档距,这是线路耐雷水平的薄弱环节;一些地区雷电活动相对强烈,使某一区段的线路较其它线路更容易遭受雷击。 (二)高压送电线路反击成因分析 雷击杆、塔顶部或避雷线时,雷电电流流过塔体和接地体,使杆塔电位升高,同时在相导线上产生感应过电压。如果升高塔体电位和相导线感应过电压合成的电位差超过高压送电线路绝缘闪络电压值,即Uj>U50%时,导线与杆塔之间就会发生闪络,这种闪络就是反击闪络。 由以上公式可以看出,降低杆塔接地电阻Rch、提高耦合系数k、减小分流系数β、加强高压送电线路绝缘都可以提高高压送电线路的耐雷水平。在实际实施中,我们着重考虑降低杆塔接地电阻Rch和提高耦合系数k的方法作为提高线路耐雷水平的主要手段。 三、高压送电线路防雷措施 清楚了送电线路雷击跳闸的发生原因,我们就可以有针对性的对送电线路所经过的不同地段,不同地理位置的杆塔采取相应的防雷措施。目前线路防雷主要有以下几种措施: (一)加强高压送电线路的绝缘水平 高压送电线路的绝缘水平与耐雷水平成正比,加强零值绝缘子的检测,保证高压送电线路有足够的绝缘强度是提高线路耐雷水平的重要因素。 (二)降低杆塔的接地电阻 高压送电线路的接地电阻与耐雷水平成反比,根据各基杆塔的土壤电阻率的情况,尽可能地降低杆塔的接地电阻,这是提高高压送电线路耐雷水平的基础,是最经济、有效的手段。 (三)相关规定 根据规程规定:在雷电活动强烈的地区和经常发生雷击故障的杆塔和地段,可以增设耦合地线。由于耦合地线可以使避雷线和导线之间的耦合系数增大,并使流经杆塔的雷电流向两侧分流,从而提高高压送电线路的耐雷水平。 (四)适当运用高压送电线路避雷器 由于安装避雷器使得杆塔和导线电位差超过避雷器的动作电压时,避雷器就加入分流,保证绝缘子不发生闪络。根据实际运行经验,在雷击跳闸较频繁的高压送电线路上选择性安装避雷器可达到很好的避雷效果。目前在全国范围已使用一定数量的高压送电线路避雷器,运行反映较好,但由于装设避雷器投资较大,设计中我们只能根据特殊情况少量使用。 本文主要对安装线路避雷器、降低杆塔的接地电阻两方面进行分析: 1、安装线路避雷器 由于安装避雷器使得杆塔和导线电位差超过避雷器的动作电压时,避雷器就加入分流,保证绝缘子不发生闪络。我们在雷击跳闸较频繁的高压送电线路上选择性安装避雷器。 线路避雷器防雷的基本原理:雷击杆塔时,一部分雷电流通过避雷线流到相临杆塔,另一部分雷电流经杆塔流入大地,杆塔接地电阻呈暂态电阻特性,一般用冲击接地电阻来表征。 雷击杆塔时塔顶电位迅速提高,其电位值为p; Ut=iRd+L.di/dt (1) 式中,i―雷电流;Rd―冲击接地电阻;L.di/dt―暂态分量。 当塔顶电位Ut与导线上的感应电位U1的差值超过绝缘子串50%的放电电压时,将发生由塔顶至导线的闪络。即Ut-U1>U50,如果考虑线路工频电压幅值Um的影响,则为Ut-U1+Um>U50。因此,线路的耐雷水平与3个重要因素有关,即线路绝缘子的50%放电电压、雷电流强度和塔体的冲击接地电阻。一般来说,线路的50%放电电压是一定的,雷电流强度与地理位置和大气条件相关,不加装避雷器时,提高输电线路耐雷水平往往是采用降低塔体的接地电阻,在山区,降低接地电阻是非常困难的,这也是为什么输电线路屡遭雷击的原因。 加装线路避雷器以后,当输电线路遭受雷击时,雷电流的分流将发生变化,一部分雷电流从避雷线传入相临杆塔,一部分经塔体入地,当雷电流超过一定值后,避雷器动作加入分流。大部分的雷电流从避雷器流入导线,传播到相临杆塔。雷电流在流经避雷线和导线时,由于导线间的电磁感应作用,将分别在导线和避雷线上产生耦合分量。因为避雷器的分流远远大于从避雷线中分流的雷电流,这种分流的耦合作用将使导线电位提高,使导线和塔顶之间的电位差小于绝缘子串的闪络电压,绝缘子不会发生闪络,因此,线路避雷器具有很好的钳电位作用,这也是线路避雷器进行防雷的明显特点。 2、降低杆塔的接地电阻 杆塔接地电阻增加主要有以下原因: (1)接地体的腐蚀,特别是在山区酸性土壤中,或风化后土壤中,最容易发生电化学腐蚀和吸氧腐蚀,最容易发生腐蚀的部位是接地引下线与水平接地体的连接处,由腐蚀电位差不同引起的电化学腐蚀。有时会发生因腐蚀断裂而使杆塔“失地”的现象。还有就是接地体的埋深不够,或用碎石、砂子回填,土壤中含氧量高,使接地体容易发生吸氧腐蚀,由于腐蚀使接地体与周围土壤之间的接触电阻变大,甚至使接地体在焊接头处断裂,导致杆塔接地电阻变大,或失去接地。 (2)在山坡坡带由于雨水的冲刷使水土流失而使接地体外露失去与大地的接触。 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文 (3)在施工时使用化学降阻剂,或性能不稳定的降阻剂,随着时间的推移降阻剂的降阻成分流失或失效后使接地电阻增大。 (4)外力破坏,杆塔接地引下线或接地体被盗或外力破坏。 高压送电线路的接地电阻与耐雷水平成反比,根据各基杆塔的土壤电阻率的情况,尽可能地降低杆塔的接地电阻,这是提高高压送电线路耐雷水平的基础,是最经济、有效的手段。 四、采取的措施 1、我局已在220kV水塔ⅠⅡ回线路上加装线路避雷器,我们考虑在经过2-3年外界雷电气候环境的考验并获的相应成功运行经验的基础上,对今后走廊内落雷密度较大的运行(或新建线路)扩大应用范围,以适当加装线路型避雷器,来提高架空线路的综合防雷水平。 2、对线路中测出的接地电阻不合格的杆塔的接地电阻进行重新测试,并测试土壤电阻率。 3、对查出的接地电阻不合格的杆塔接地放射线进行开挖检查,重新对该杆塔的敷设接地线,并进行焊接。 4、对检查中发现已烂断或无接地引下线的杆塔接地装置进行焊接,并对接地电阻重新测试,不符合规定的重新进行敷设。对被浇灌在保护帽内的接地引下线,采取的方式可为将引下线从保护帽内敲出,再重新浇灌保护帽或将引下线锯断重新进行焊接。 5、对重新敷设的接地电阻不合格的杆塔,再次使用降阻剂进行改造。 五、结语 在总结了送电线路防雷工作存在的问题和如何运用好常规防雷技术措施的基础上,我们认为雷电活动是小概率事件,随机性强,要做好送电线路的防雷工作,就必须抓住其关键点。设计中我们要全面考虑高压送电线路经过地区雷电活动强弱程度、地形地貌特点和土壤电阻率的高低等情况,还要结合原有高压送电线路运行经验以及系统运行方式等,通过比较选取合理的防雷设计,提高高压送电线路的耐雷水平。雷电活动是一个复杂的自然现象,需要电力系统内各个部门的通力合作,才能尽量减少雷害的发生,将雷害带来的损失降低到最低程度。 参考文献: [1]张殿生.电力工程高压送电线路设计手册.中国电力出版社,2003,1(第二版). [2]万千云,梁惠盈,等.电力系统运行实用技术问答.2003,4. [3]国家电网公司生产技术部,南方电网有限公司安全监察与生产技术部.线路通讯.全国电力系统送电专业运行工作网,98年第一期至2005年第二期. [4]包建强,等.输电线路绝缘子运行技术手册.中国电力出版社,2003,2. [5]过电压与绝缘配合、接地装置.供电生产常用指导性技术文件及标准(第六册),中国电力出版社,2003,2. [6]架空送电线路.供电生产常用指导性技术文件及标准(第四册),中国电力出版社,2003,2. [7]王清葵.送电线路运行与检修.中国电力出版社,2003,12. [8]单中折,王清葵.送电线路施工.中国电力出版社,2003,10. [9]韩崇,韩志军.架空送电线路施工技术问答.中国电力出版社,2003,8. [10]110~500kV架空送电线路设计技术规程.中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会,1999,10.□ 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文

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