China started to use MCU is in 1982, the 1990 s of single chip microcomputer and market is developing very fast. In recent years, the single chip has become a powerful tool in the field of science and technology, human social life right-hand man. It is widely used, and not only embodies in industrial control, mechanical and electrical application, intelligent instrument, real-time control, aviation, sophisticated weapons industries and areas of intelligence, and of high precision, and in human daily life also can be seen everywhere it figure. The washing machine, freezer, electronic toys, radio and other home appliances match on single chip microcomputer, not only improve the level of intelligence, enhance the function, also make the human life more convenient, comfortable, rich and colorful. After the 1990 s, the embedded System design by embedded microcontroller processor with the core of integrated circuit "class design, gradually turned to" integration System "class design, in MCU (Micro Controller Unit) put forward the System Chip SoC (System on a Chip) of the basic concepts, for example,
The thesis(毕业论文用thesis,一般论文用paper)describes(这个词你打错了)a LED display system that shows transmitters live broadcast in real time situation, the system developed by Visual Basic 6.0 as software development platform and Microsoft Access as background database. The system mainly consists of communication link, operation diagram receiving and storage, screen management, system sittings and database.还有一些小的改动
China started to use MCU is in 1982, the 1990 s of single chip microcomputer and
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