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叶佑天《传统工艺美术中吉祥图案的文化意蕴》【M】湖北美术学院,2006张道一《中国传统纹样与现代艺术教育》[M] 2005赵农 《中国艺术设计史》陕西人民美术出版社【M】2004 望采纳 码字不容易 最近也在写毕业论文 希望大家都能顺利通过。

347 评论


Chinese traditional designs to realism, impressionistic, and deformation approach demonstrated all aspects of human life, reflect the habits and customs of different times. It is one of the traditional Chinese art treasure, contains the rich national cultural elements. These charming elements, for the animated GIF creator provides unlimited inspiration. Animated GIF creator of the creativity, from the traditional lines in different gimmick element, has created a different styles of work. Among them is representative of the animated excellent "NaZha make the sea", "JiuSeLu", "kung fu panda," etc.This thesis mainly expounds in animation film, traditional lines of the perfect match the application for use, and some of the problems that are encountered were analyzed. And with contemporary animation using traditional lines based on the reality of the situation, this paper discusses how to better inherit and promote the traditional pattern of national art form.Keywords: animation; Traditional lines; Character design

267 评论


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