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The Water Rat was restless, and he did not exactly know why. To all appearance the summer’s pomp was still at fullest height, and although in the tilled acres green had given way to gold, though rowans were reddening, and the woods were dashed here and there with a tawny fierceness, yet light and warmth and colour were still present in undiminished measure, clean of any chilly premonitions of the passing year. But the constant chorus of the orchards and hedges had shrunk to a casual evensong from a few yet unwearied performers; the robin was beginning to assert himself once more; and there was a feeling in the air of change and departure. The cuckoo, of course, had long been silent; but many another feathered friend, for months a part of the familiar landscape and its small society, was missing too and it seemed that the ranks thinned steadily day by day. Rat, ever observant of all winged movement, saw that it was taking daily a southing tendency; and even as he lay in bed at night he thought he could make out, passing in the darkness overhead, the beat and quiver of impatient pinions, obedient to the peremptory call.河鼠心烦意乱,焦躁不安,也不知究竟因为什么。从表面看,大自然还保持着盛夏欣欣向荣的气象,尽管庄稼地的翠绿已让位给金黄,花楸树变红了,丛林已有多处染上了烈焰般的赤褐,然而光照、气温和色彩依旧没有减退,看不出一年行将逝去的萧瑟迹象。不过,果园里树篱间那弦歌不辍的大合唱已削减,只剩下几个不知疲倦的演唱者,偶尔表演一曲黄昏之歌。知更鸟又开始大出风头。空气里荡漾着一种变迁和别离的意蕴。杜鹃自然早就沉默了,许多别的羽毛界朋友,几个月来一直是这幅熟悉的风景画和那个小小社会的一部分,也逐渐隐没不见,他们的队伍看来正一天天减员。河鼠向来密切关注着所有羽翼界的活动,看到他们正日渐趋向南迁。甚至夜间躺在床上,他也能听出那急于南行的鸟儿们听从造化的指令,扑打着翅膀掠过夜空。Nature’s Grand Hotel has its Season, like the others. As the guests one by one pack, pay, and depart, and the seats at the table-d’hote shrink pitifully at each succeeding meal; as suites of rooms are closed, carpets taken up, and waiters sent away; those boarders who are staying on, en pension, until the next year’s full re-opening, cannot help being somewhat affected by all these flittings and farewells, this eager discussion of plans, routes, and fresh quarters, this daily shrinkage in the stream of comradeship. One gets unsettled, depressed, and inclined to be querulous. Why this craving for change? Why not stay on quietly here, like us, and be jolly? You don’t know this hotel out of the season, and what fun we have among ourselves, we fellows who remain and see the whole interesting year out. All very true, no doubt the others always reply; we quite envy you—and some other year perhaps—but just now we have engagements— and there’s the bus at the door—our time is up! So they depart, with a smile and a nod, and we miss them, and feel resentful. The Rat was a self-sufficing sort of animal, rooted to the land, and, whoever went, he stayed; still, he could not help noticing what was in the air, and feeling some of its influence in his bones.自然界的大饭店,也和其他大饭店一样,有它自己的旺季和淡季。旅客们一个又一个收拾行装,结帐离店,公共餐厅里每开过一顿饭,坐椅就撤去一批,怪凄凉的。一套套房间关闭了,地毯卷起来了,侍者辞退了。而那些长住的客人,则留下等待来年饭店全面开业。他们眼瞅着大批旅伴飞走的飞走,告别的告别,热烈地谈论着下一步的计划、路线和新居,眼瞅着伙伴的人数日渐削减,心情难免不受影响。他会感到心绪不宁,郁郁寡欢,烦躁易怒。你们干吗要变换环境?干吗不老老实实呆在这儿,安安生生过日子?这家饭店在淡季的模样,你没见识过;你哪里知道,我们这些留下来共赏四时美景的动物,享有多少乐趣。可那些打定主意要走的动物总是回答说:当然,这无疑是事实;我非常羡慕你们——也许改年我们也留下来——不过现在我们有约会——公共汽车就停在门口,出发的时刻到啦!于是,他点头微笑,走啦,撇下我们苦苦思念他们,心头窝着火。河鼠是一种知足常乐的动物,扎根在这片土地上,不管谁走,他反正不走;尽管如此,他还是不免觉察到空气里有种变化,打骨节里感受到它的影响。It was difficult to settle down to anything seriously, with all this flitting going on. Leaving the water-side, where rushes stood thick and tall in a stream that was becoming sluggish and low, he wandered country-wards, crossed a field or two of pasturage already looking dusty and parched, and thrust into the great sea of wheat, yellow, wavy, and murmurous, full of quiet motion and small whisperings. Here he often loved to wander, through the forest of stiff strong stalks that carried their own golden sky away over his head—a sky that was always dancing, shimmering, softly talking; or swaying strongly to the passing wind and recovering itself with a toss and a merry laugh. Here, too, he had many small friends, a society complete in itself, leading full and busy lives, but always with a spare moment to gossip, and exchange news with a visitor. Today, however, though they were civil enough, the field-mice and harvest-mice seemed preoccupied. Many were digging and tunnelling busily; others, gathered together in small groups, examined plans and drawings of small flats, stated to be desirable and compact, and situated conveniently near the Stores. Some were hauling out dusty trunks and dress-baskets, others were already elbow-deep packing their belongings; while everywhere piles and bundles of wheat, oats, barley, beech-mast and nuts, lay about ready for transport.处处都在忙着辞行送别,行色匆匆,在这种时候,要安下心来干点正事,是很难的。河岸边,灯芯草丛已经长得又高又密,河水已经流得缓慢,水位低落了。河鼠离开了河岸,漫无目地的朝田野走去。他走过一两块龟裂的布满尘埃的牧场地,一头钻进一大片麦田。麦子金黄灿灿,麦浪翻滚,沙沙作响,充满了宁静的动作和呢喃细语。河鼠常喜欢在这里漫游,穿行在粗壮的麦秆丛林之间。麦秆在他头上高高地支起一片金色的天空——那天空总在不停地婆娑起舞,闪闪发光,细语绵绵,有时被过路的风刮得歪歪斜斜,风一过,它又把头一昂,开怀大笑,恢复故态。在麦田里,河鼠也有许多小友,整个儿一个小社会,过着丰足忙碌的的生活,。可也总能抽出片刻空闲,和来访的客人聊会儿闲天,互换个信息。但今天,不知怎的,野鼠和田鼠尽管挺客气,却似乎心不在焉。有些在忙着挖洞掘壕;另一些则分成小组,在研究一套套小居室的规划和草图,考虑如何才能构造得紧凑适用,而且要建在仓库附近。有的正把积满尘土的箱笼和衣篓拖出来,有的已经在埋头捆扎自己的财物;遍地都是一堆堆一捆捆的小麦、燕麦、大麦、果实、干果,等待运走。‘Here’s old Ratty!’ they cried as soon as they saw him. ‘Come and bear a hand, Rat, and don’t stand about idle!’“河鼠兄来啦!”他们一见河鼠,便喊了起来。“快过来帮一手,河鼠,别在那儿愣着!”‘What sort of games are you up to?’ said the Water Rat severely. ‘You know it isn’t time to be thinking of winter quarters yet, by a long way!’“你们在玩什么游戏呀?”河鼠绷着脸说。“你们该懂得,现在还不是考虑过冬住所的时候,早着呐!” ‘O yes, we know that,’ explained a field-mouse rather shamefacedly; ‘but it’s always as well to be in good time, isn’t it? We really MUST get all the furniture and baggage and stores moved out of this before those horrid machines begin clicking round the fields; and then, you know, the best flats get picked up so quickly nowadays, and if you’re late you have to put up with ANYTHING; and they want such a lot of doing up, too, before they’re fit to move into. Of course, we’re early, we know that; but we’re only just making a start.’“是啊,这我们懂,”一只田鼠有点不好意思地说。“不过,及早作准备总是好的,对不?我们必须赶在那些可怕的机器开始轧轧地翻地之前,把这些家具、行李和储备粮搬走。再说,你也知道,现如今最好的套间很快就给抢光了,要是你晚了一步,你就得随便找个地方将就住下;而且,新住所还得先修整拾掇一番,才能搬进去呀。当然,现在是早了点儿,这我们知道;不过我们也只是刚开个头。”‘O, bother STARTS,’ said the Rat. ‘It’s a splendid day. Come for a row, or a stroll along the hedges, or a picnic in the woods, or something.’“开什么头,”河鼠说。“天气这么好,跟我一道划划船,或者在树篱边散散步,或者到树林里去野餐,或者干点别的什么不好吗?” ‘Well, I THINK not TO-DAY, thank you,’ replied the field-mouse hurriedly. ‘Perhaps some OTHER day—when we’ve more TIME----‘“噢,今儿个不去了,谢谢你。”田鼠忙说。“也许改天等我们有空——”The Rat, with a snort of contempt, swung round to go, tripped over a hat-box, and fell, with undignified remarks.河鼠轻蔑地哼了一声,转身要走,不想蹴到一只帽盒,摔倒了,嘴里不干不净地骂了几句。‘If people would be more careful,’ said a field-mouse rather stiffly, ‘and look where they’re going, people wouldn’t hurt themselves—and forget themselves. Mind that hold-all, Rat! You’d better sit down somewhere. In an hour or two we may be more free to attend to you.’“要是人们小心在意些,”一只田鼠尖刻地说,“走路留神看道,人们就不致伤着自己,不致失态了。注意那只大旅行袋,河鼠!你最好找个地方坐坐。再过一两个钟头,我们也许就有空闲陪陪你了。”‘You won’t be “free” as you call it much this side of Christmas, I can see that,’ retorted the Rat grumpily, as he picked his way out of the field.“你所说的‘空闲’,只怕在圣诞节以前,是不会有的。”河鼠没好气地反唇相讥。他在行李堆中择路走出了麦田。He returned somewhat despondently to his river again—his faithful, steady-going old river, which never packed up, flitted, or went into winter quarters.河鼠灰溜溜地回到了河边。那是他忠实的稳重的老河,它从不收拾行装,从不开溜;也从不搬到别的住宅去过冬。In the osiers which fringed the bank he spied a swallow sitting. Presently it was joined by another, and then by a third; and the birds, fidgeting restlessly on their bough, talked together earnestly and low.他看见,岸边的一排杞柳林里,栖着一只燕子。不一会又来了一只,跟着又来了第三只。。燕子们在枝头不停地动弹,热烈地低声交谈。‘What, ALREADY,’ said the Rat, strolling up to them. ‘What’s the hurry? I call it simply ridiculous.’“怎么,这就要走?”河鼠踱到他们跟着,问道:“着什么慌呀?我说,这简直滑稽可笑。”

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酸碱值称为PH值,水的PH值是7.0为中性。高于7.0以上则愈碱,低于7.0以下则愈酸。(成人)正常的血液PH值是7.4称为微碱性。酸碱值的差距是很小的,差0.001就可能会有问题,痛风的病人血液PH值7.399差0.001关节就酸痛了。食物的酸碱度如何决定?酸碱性食物不是用舌头的感觉来决定的,是由吃的食物在体内消化后所残存的物质来决定。吃蔬菜、水果消化后残存的物质为:钙、钾、铁、镁……等,较多呈碱性。吃肉、鱼、蛋、五榖消化后残存的物质为:磷、氯、硫磺……等,较多呈酸性。 那些是酸性食物?一、所有的油脂:动物油、植物提炼油都是酸性食物。二、大部分的五榖:大麦、小麦、燕麦、玉米、饭、面包、面条都是中酸性食物,只有小米、栗子、蕃薯、马铃薯、南瓜是碱性。大部分的坚果、种子、豆类是酸性:腰果、核桃、花生、芝麻、扁豆,只有杏仁、黄豆、豆荚类是碱性。三、所有肉类、内脏、蛋、海鲜、贝壳类都是高酸性。动物杀死后,肉没有氧气运转,因此,肉是酸性。吃活生生的动物,鱼类、虾、贝壳类还是酸性,因它们含酸性物质多,呈酸性。※ 尤其是癌症、肿瘤病人,最好吃天然素食百分之百碱性食物。不能吃肉。癌症病人不能多吃米饭、面包,因是酸性,可吃碱性马铃薯、地瓜、南瓜、小米、栗子。 那些是碱性食物?植物98%为碱性,除了加州李、红莓。几乎所有新鲜的蔬菜、水果都是碱性食物。但用盐或糖腌制发酵过,或用油炒炸过的蔬果则变成酸性食物。爱吃肉、油、糕点及喝咖啡、茶、汽水等酸性食物者,血液应是高酸性,但不然,爱吃酸性食物者的血仍然是微碱性(PH7.4)为甚么会如此呢?因上帝创造人体有奇妙之功能。肝、肾把酸性血中和(排掉)成微碱性,使人体能正常运作。但长期吃肉、油、糕点饮料,总有一天肝、肾累坏了,废物排除不良,累积在内脏、关节、黏膜等处,就会发炎生病。所有动物肉制品为酸性,易令人生病,人年轻时肝、肾有能力中和(排除)酸性,当年纪大时,运动量减少,血液的酸性物质不易中和掉,就容易生病。长期患病者的血液就呈酸性了。人若要健康,血液必须长期维持呈微碱性,则体内废物容易排除,免疫力好。因此要使血呈微碱性很重要,如何维持?一、多吃碱性食物:新鲜的蔬菜、水果都是碱性食物,这也是我们为何要吃天然素食的最大原因。每餐碱性食物(蔬果)占75%,剩25%可吃五谷类、蛋白质、天然油脂等。胃的容量有一定限度,吃八分饱即可,要先吃碱性食物:生菜(或水果),先占胃的容量(6分饱),然后再吃酸性食物(2分饱):饭、面包或蛋白质食物,如此吃法才能使血液呈微碱性,使体内废物容易排除,增强免疫力。二、多运动(呼吸新鲜空气)、多喝水,可排除体内废物、自由基。消化时间最长的是脂肪约五小时,蛋白质约四小时,蔬菜含有蛋白质及纤维,会延长消化时间约四小时,消化五谷淀粉类约三小时,消化时间最短的是水果约一至二小时。蔬菜可与五榖淀粉同餐吃,水果也可与五谷淀粉同餐吃,因在胃里消化时间只相差一小时,不至于发酵。但水果与蔬菜不能同时(同餐)吃,道理如下:水果与蔬菜同餐吃,胃把容易消化的水果消化好,还要多等蔬菜二小时,水果醣在胃里体温三七°C如焖烧锅会发酵,制造酒精及二十多种垃圾出来,输送至血液,造成血不清洁发酸生病。因此没喝酒的人,也会因吃发酵食物而有肝病(渐硬化)。没有牙周病但有口臭的人,就是因吃食物不合(蔬菜水果同餐吃)制造发酵口臭。人吃肉口腔会更臭。例外:可与菜同吃的水果:酪梨、黑橄榄,因含油脂多,消化时间与菜同,可同餐吃。例外:可与水果同吃的菜:大小黄瓜、莴苣、芽菜、西洋菜(长在水里的)因水分多,密度低容易消化,因此可与水果同餐吃。每一个人身体健康程度不同,胃的消化功能不一样,有人吃高丽菜会胀气,有人吃豆胃就受不了,因此各人要凭自己的经验来取舍。蔬菜含有蛋白质及纤维,会延长消化时间约四小时,纤维是淀粉的一部分,但人体没有消化纤维的酵素,因此纤维能清肠、通便。但一餐吃太多种类的蔬菜,胃肠会很累,容易消化不良,未消化的菜蠕至大肠,大肠内有益菌会吃,造成胀气、发酵或肠蠕动不良。所以一餐中不合适吃太多种类的菜,3至5种就好,且要细细的嚼。一餐中还要吃全榖类、蛋白质类、天然脂肪等。最好每餐以不超过七种为宜,免得肠胃太累,营养也难吸收。1. 消化肉就要分泌多量胃酸,从血微碱性7.4降至1.5最酸,然后胃再把胃酸升高到6.5(中性)再消化菜,胃把胃酸又降低又升高,所以吃肉加上吃菜,胃会更受不了!2. 有胃痛的人不能吃肉,因消化肉需要更多胃酸变成1.5很酸的胃酸,会使胃出血。(胃酸多会腐蚀胃膜溃疡、出血)。胃镜照出胃出血(有铁质+胃酸)呈绿色在胃溃疡处。3. 酪梨含脂肪多可改善便秘。黑橄榄含脂肪及镁可以改善便秘。加州梅(prume)含纤维多也可改善便秘。4. 橄榄熟了是黑色,绿色的橄榄是未成熟的,不适合吃。

271 评论


"Set exposed Shuting" in the history of academic research in part (Volume 35, Volume 42 to 56 volumes, including the sequence, Postscript, biographies, etc.), and Four of the Kangxi Wushisannian (1714) Keben (Shanghai Han, in floor, photocopy the original four series Kanben) on the school than the survey text, reveals the same differences, test a little more discussion.关键词: 朱彝尊:Zhu Yizun曝书亭集:Set exposed Shuting

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