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首页 > 学术期刊 > 星巴克营销策略毕业论文

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文化策略方面 因为它的取胜是来自进店氛围或者产品包装以及品牌文化所造成的 【DK-BOSS健康烟】

302 评论


Already arrived the superheating competitive market in present such one, how the star Barke coffee company obtains the so huge success? In its behind whether is hiding the corresponding marketing system and the related strategy? The author and analyzes after the investigation massive cases and the books, induces this research mainly to draw the conclusion to be as follows: First, star Barke synthesizes utilizes its unique many kinds of marketing way, constituted the star Barke's one kind of competitive advantage, becomes it one of in global swift and violent development domain key aspects.Second, star Barke ingeniously its unique perceptual marketing strategy fusion in marketing method 5P principle, and using management in.Third, the star Barke's case is Chinese Enterprise and the overseas-funded enterprise in the process which manages together, the foreign service standard system and China's culture organic fuses in together and obtains the huge success the illustrative case.This not merely has the instruction function regarding the service industry, all has a benefit to the very many enterprise's management.

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