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你好朋友:爱是关怀而不是宠爱 爱是相互交融而不是单相思 爱是百味而不全是甜蜜...包容所有的一切,包容那过往的故事,包容那曾经的快乐回忆与忧伤感受。爱是有人在你不开心或开心的时候为你分享,可以时刻守侯在你身边与你分享每一天的人! 是让彼此卜舍 让彼此伤痛 让彼此幸福 泪总是莫名其妙的落下 爱,是哪怕是在一起,每一秒钟也都在思念思念他。 真正的爱情并不一定是他人眼中的完美匹配 而是相爱的人彼此心灵的相互契合 是为了让对方生活得更好而默默奉献 这份爱不仅温润着他们自己,也同样温润着那些世俗的心 真正的爱情,是在能爱的时候,懂得珍惜 真正的爱情,是在无法爱的时候,懂得放手 因为,放手才是拥有了一切… 请在珍惜的时候,好好去爱 在放手的时候,好好祝福… 真爱是一种从内心发出的关心和照顾,没有华丽的言语,没有哗众取宠的行动, 只有在点点滴滴一言一行中你能感受得到。 那样平实那样坚定。反之发誓、许诺说明了它的不确定,永远不要相信甜蜜的话语。用心去感受吧

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Scene I( Julia and Romeo are classmates. Julia has liked Romeo for a long time. Today, Julia determines to show her feelings to Romeo. He passes by Betty and Clover. Allen and Julia are waiting for the bus. )Betty & Clover: Wow…so handsome.Julia: Hi, Romeo.Romeo: Hi.Julia: Your clothes fit you well.Romeo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too.Julia: Oh! Really? In fact, I ……have something to tell you.Romeo: What is it?Julia: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just…just… (shy!)Romeo: Just what? Julia: Just…I like you!! (determined)(Romeo and Julia stop action)Clover: Oh! My goodness! Do you hear what she said?Betty: Yeah! To my surprise.Clover: Look at her! So fat, so black, and…Betty: And so flat. (point at Julia’s breast)Allen: Yeah….you can say that again. Romeo: (surprised) But I want a thin girl. Julia: Okay! Give me some time. And I’ll show you.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene II(Julia had a plan of losing weight. First, she went to the famous weight control center. )Angel: Welcome to “Perfect Woman.”Julia: I’d like to talk to your manager.Angle: Please wait a moment.Julia: Okay, thank you.Emma: I’m the manager. May I help you?Julia: I want to become a thin woman in a very short time.Emma: No problem. A lot of people want to get thinner in a short time. You’re not alone. Let Angel show you.(Take a pile of paper. Skim the paper quickly.)Angle: Okay! First, trust me you can make it. Here, we have two programs. The first one includes “aroma oil massage”, “aroma oil treatment” and “acupuncture.” It only costs you 20 thousand dollars.Julia: Oh……Angle: The other is much cheaper. We have “aerobics”, “acupuncture” and “spa.” It’s only 10 thousand dollars.Emma: So which one do you prefer? Trust me, they’ll both made you thin and sexy.Julia: I like both. But I have no money.Emma & Angle: What? (Clap hands twice. And then two strong men come in andthrow Julia out) Two men: Get out of here. (Julia goes to the pharmacy to buy the most popular medicine “Slim Body” )Frank: May I help you? Julia: Do you have this kind of medicine called “Slim Body”? Frank: Of course we do. (Now, Jason comes in at the same time.)Jason: Frank, do you have “Slim Body”? I want to buy more. It makes me lose weight from 150 kilos to 70 kilos.Frank: Wow. Amazing! Here you are!Jason: Thanks. (Go out.)Julia: I want to buy a dozen of it. (After eating “Slim Body”, Julia gets the trots. Julia failed again. Then, she decided to go on a diet.)(In the restaurant)Clerk: Can I take your order?Clover: French fries, chicken and a large cola.Betty: Hamburger, one large milk shake.Allen: Roasted pork and ice cream.Clerk: Anything for you?Julia: Please give me a cup of water and some crackers. (Surprised by Julia’s order, they all turn their heads toward her.)Clerk: That’s all?Julia: Yeah…(Julia looks at Allen, Clover and Betty enjoying their food. And Julia is very hungry. But she can’t eat. She wants to lose weight. Then, she passes out.)Julia: I want to be slim!(A month later)Julia: I’ve become a thin girl. Now I can go to see Romeo. And he’s gonna accept me. Romeo, Romeo…..(Yell...Julia meets Romeo.)Julia: Hi, my dear Romeo. I’ve become a thin girl. Would you be my boyfriend?Romeo: Oh, Julia you look so different now. But I like girls with fair complexion.Julia: Oh, um……Ok, wait for me.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene III( Julia’s friends come visit her, and want to invite Julia to the beach.)Allen: The weather is nice for going out. We want to go to the beach. Would you like to join us?Julia: I’d like to… but it’s too hot. I don’t want to get a tan.Allen: Don’t worry. We won’t spend too much time staying in the sun.Clover: Come on, come on.Carol: Come with us.Julia: Okay…give me a little time to prepare for that.(Few minutes later)Allen: Are you done?Julia & Clover & Carol: Yes, we’re coming.Julia: Oh, I forget something.Allen & Clover & Carol: What? (She comes out with a lot of protections for her face.)(Two months later, Julia has become a girl with a fair complexion. And there are many boys who go after her, but all of them are turned down. Julia decided to show her love to Romeo one more time)Julia: Romeo, my love. I’ve become a thin girl with a fair complexion. Would you accept me?Romeo: Oh, Julia. You look terrific. But……your bosom is not my type.Julia: Oh, um……I know, I know……--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Scene IV(Julia goes to Korea, and finds the most famous plastic surgeon….)Julia: Doctor, I want to make my bosom bigger.Doctor: What size do you want? Julia: I prefer G cup.Doctor: No problem. We can make it come true.(After the surgery, Julia is more confident than before. And she decide to show her feelings to Romeo for the last time.)Julia: I think I ‘m a perfect woman now. Romeo will be very proud to have me. Romeo, Romeo......Romeo, look at me! Don’t you think I’m the most beautiful woman in the world? You would love to be my sweet heart, wouldn’t you?Romeo: Wow! You’ve become so beautiful. But I can not accept you.Julia: Why? I’ve done so many things for you.Romeo: Because I already have a boyfriend.Julia: Boyfriend?(Allen shows up.)Romeo: Honey~(Allen and Romeo walk away hand in hand.)

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查到很多,不过网速卡,我只能给你三篇。如果楼主感兴趣可以发邮件到,我可以发给你全文。另,本人不是赚钱的写手,来百度赚积分纯属业余爱好,查了发了也无存稿,无关人员勿骚扰.谢谢。[1]Marshall, P. Would ADR Have Saved Romeo and Juliet[J]. Osgoode Hall Law Journal. 1998. 36(4): 771-805.[2]Georgopoulou, X. Parting ‘Totally Sucks’: Filming Romeo and Juliet for Generation X[J]. Gramma: Journal of Theory and Criticism. 2007. 15: 211-226.[3]Logeman, H. Some notes on Romeo and Juliet[J]. Neophilologus. 1917. 2(1): 44-58.

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