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专著、论文集、学位论文、报告主要责任者。文献题名。出版地:出版者,出版年。起止页码。示例:Day,C.,Veen,D.van,& Walraven,G. Children and youth at risk and urban education. Research, policy and prac-tice. Leuven/Apeldoorn:Garant. 1997.

期刊文章:主要责任者。文献题名。刊名,年,卷(期):起止页码。示例:Driessen,G.,& Van der Grinten,M. Home language proficiency in the Netherland:The evaluation of Turkish andMoroccan bilingual programmes- A critical review, Studies in Educational Evaluation,1994, 20(3):365- 386.


示例:Driessen,G.,Mulder,L.,& Jungbluth,P. Structural and cultural determinants of educational opportunities in theNetherlands. In S.Weil(Ed.),Root and migration in global perspective. Jerusalem:Magnes Press.1999. pp.83- 104.



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339 评论


中英文对照:政府诚信是构建和谐社会的基石 摘要: 论文根据和谐社会的内容,分析了在建设和谐社会中,政府诚信的重要性,论证政府诚信是建设和谐社会的基石。 关键词:政府诚信 和谐社会 2005年2月19日胡锦涛同志在省部级主要领导干部提高构建社会主义和谐社会能力专题研讨班指出:“根据马克思主义基本原理和我国社会主义建设的实践经验,根据新世纪新阶段我国经济社会发展的新要求和我国社会出现的新趋势新特点,我们所要建设的社会主义和谐社会,应该是民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处的社会。” 在建设和谐社会的进程中,增进政府诚信有着特别重要的意义,政府诚信是构建和谐社会的重要基石。 “诚”,即真心;“信”,即不欺、可靠、信任不怀疑。“诚信”是中华民族的传统美德,是儒家伦理的核心理念。坚守诚信是做人的原则,也是事业成败的关键。诚信在政治生活和政府活动中的价值从来都得到无尚推崇,古今中外,莫不如斯。在中国,有商鞅变法“立木为信”的佳话,有“民无信则不立”、“忠信以为城池”、“匹夫行忠信,可以保一身,君主行忠信,可以保一国”、“上好信,则民莫敢不用情”等古训。司马光则将政府的诚信之德阐述得淋漓尽致:“夫信者,人君之大宝也。国保于民,民保于信;非信无以使民,非民无以守国。是故古之王者不欺四海,霸者不欺四邻,善为国者不欺其民,善为家者不欺其亲。不善者反之,欺其邻国,欺其百姓,甚者欺其兄弟,欺其父子。上不信下,下不信上,上下离心,以至于败。 ”这是将是否诚信上升到事关国与家成败得失的高度来看问题的。 政府诚信的本质可以从两个方面来看: 人民之所以信任政府,即作为委托人将行政权力委托给信任的代理人——政府,是因为:(1)人民相信政府具有诚实守信良好品格和道德责任感,能够掌好权,用好权;(2)人民相信政府具有胜任行政运营之责任的能力。因此,政府应该一切行为以人民利益着想,一切为人民利益服务,同时在实际工作中,接受人民的监督,不断提高执政能力和服务水准,及时根据人民要求调整公共政策,增进政府与人民之间的良性互动。如果政府不讲诚信,不能切实维护和增进人民的利益,甚至为自身谋私利,那么政府与公众之间的和谐关系将被破坏,政府就会失去人民信任,整个社会就会陷入危机,最后这样的政府会被更替。 政府诚信要求政府在行使行政权时能够维护政府对人民所承担的义务和责任,确保政府与人民之间的委托代理关系,做到取信于民。政府的诚信主要包括三方面的内容:首先是名与实的一致,即政府职能的设置、政府权利的配置和政府责任的承担相一致,也就是政府行政权限的范围、行政机构的大小、利益获取的多少必须与维护和增进人民利益的程度和提供公共产品的质量相一致,这是政府诚信的政治基础。第二是言和行的一致,就是理论与实践的一致,政策制订和政策执行一致,政府应该把对人民的承诺和对承诺的落实相结合,言必信、行必果。不能出尔反尔,朝令夕改,这是政府诚信的管理基础。第三是“信民”和“民信”的一致,就是政府取信于民的政策制订与人民对政府的理性预期和信任期待相一致,这是构成政府诚信的行为基础。如果政府的政治基础、管理基础和行为基础出现问题,政府执政的合法性就会受到怀疑,整个社会的和谐就会遭到破坏,社会就会趋于动乱。 在民主法治、公平正义、诚信友爱、充满活力、安定有序、人与自然和谐相处等六个方面中,民主法治既是其他五个方面的前提,又是它们形成和确立的基本要素和基本保障。在胡锦涛同志对“和谐社会”内涵的阐述中,“民主法治”被放在了首位。在今天中国和谐社会的建设过程中,要实现民主法制,政府的诚信是第一位的。诚信是政府取信于民之本、施政之基,在社会整个诚信体系中,政府诚信是核心,起着基础性、决定性、导向性作用。 在民主法治条件下,诚信是政府必备的品质。很显然,在独裁的政治体制中,政治人物之间的权力斗争,以及政治活动的全部细节基本处于秘密状态,具有极大的不确定性,这就很难要求政府有诚信品质。而民主政府,尤其是执政为民的政府,其政治活动应当基本处于公开和透明状态,它的行为应具有稳定性和可预测性,这样的政府要维持自身的健康运行,除依法执政外,还须具有诚信执政。这包括两层含义:一是民主的制度能将有诚信之德的人选入政府。而民主选举是人类发现贤才的最好办法。只有这种制度才能把具有美德的人选拔和集中起来,并很好地发挥诚信美德对政府的影响。二在实行民主政治的国家,信仰法律、服从法律、有责任感是执法者的基本道德要求。如果执法者都不信仰法律,不服从法律,没有责任感,就不可能有所谓诚信执政的存在,法律注定得不到真正推行,社会也不可能和谐。 公平和正义是人类构建理想社会的基本原则。社会主义在理念和制度上优越于资本主义的地方,主要就是体现公平和正义。但由于我国经济文化的相对落后,在经济体制改革过程中建立了以利益差别为基础的市场经济体制,在所有制和分配制度等方面鼓励一部分人、一部分地区先富起来。随着经济的快速发展,社会群体之间、地区之间、城乡之间、中央和地方之间的利益变动加剧,形成了欠发达地区、“三农”等突出问题。因此,体现公平和正义,从利益协调入手正确处理人民内部矛盾,化解社会风险,是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项基础性工作。而协调利益的工作首先应该是政府的工作。政府要综合运用法律、经济、社会、行政等手段,抑制收入差距、贫富差距的扩大,重点解决好合理税负、关心困难群众的生产生活、加快欠发达地区发展、缩小城乡受益差距、增加就业等直接关系利益协调的各种问题。要做好这些工作,政府就必须是一个讲求诚信的政府,否则政府推行的政策,政府的作为就会受到抵制,政府的功能就会大打折扣。很难想象,一个不讲诚信的政府在协调利益关系时,能够体现公平和正义。当然,公平是相对的,要与目前社会主义社会的初级阶段相适应,但体现不出公平,就没有正义,就绝对不是社会主义和谐社会。 和谐社会重在各种人际关系的和谐,友爱则是人际关系的一种理想状态,因而它是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项基本原则。社会主义是在人格、权利、机会等方面追求人与人平等的社会,它力图从政治、经济等制度上解决社会成员融洽相处的历史难题。但在社会主义初级阶段,在当前中国的社会主义实践中,这些方面还存在许多问题,如人民群众有效参与政治和社会事务的途径还不通畅、不同社会群体在经济社会发展过程中受益和表达意见的机会不等、社会互助机制尚未完善等等。其深层次原因,主要是民主法治建设在一些方面滞后,思想道德建设在社会转型期出现较明显的不适应,教育文化事业发展不够快等等。在当前,道德失范、交往失信的状况还比较普遍,重要原因之一是一些地方的政府官员自身就是不讲道德,没有诚信,当面一套,背后一套,满口马克思主义,行动上是以权谋私,背叛人民利益。解决这些问题,要采用系统工程方法,从制度供给、道德规范、教育发展、文化繁荣、社会组织培育等方面,引导和要求人们互帮互助、诚实守信、平等友爱、融洽相处,当前重点要治理社会诚信问题,尤其是要发动群众,利用一切手段和方法监督政府官员,让不讲诚信的政府官员无法在政府中立足。没有政府诚信,就没有社会诚信,人际关系紧张,就不会有友爱;没有友爱,就不会有社会和谐;没有诚信友爱,就没有社会主义和谐社会。 从历史发展的角度看,社会和谐是一个动态的概念。没有活力也就不是真正的和谐。社会活力来自社会成员、社会组织和社会机制的有效作用,表现为政治活力、经济活力、文化活力、人的发展的活力等等。在当前,制约我国社会活力的主要是体制不健全、机制不完善、社会流动性差、利益分配失当等因素,其中关键的问题,还是出在政府诚信缺失上。促进社会充满活力的办法,关键还在于改变那些影响和束缚活力的制度供给和政策设定,建设一个诚信政府。要用政府诚信来营造有利于创业和创新的机制和环境,充分调动人民群众的积极性和创造性,去推动各个领域的持续、健康、快速发展,使一切有利于社会进步的创造愿望得到尊重,创造活动得到支持,创造才能得到发挥,创造成果得到肯定。创业、创新、创造,是社会活力的来源;社会活力是社会和谐的来源,和谐的达成依靠活力。 和谐本身是一种有序状态,和谐社会必定是安定有序的社会,应是一个有着良好社会风尚,讲伦理道理、讲诚信的社会。从理论上来说,政府诚信是社会诚信体系的核心,只有政府做到诚信了,整个社会才会有良好的秩序,人们对于自己努力的结果就有比较明确的预期,整个社会才会安定。诚信缺失有如一座横在我们前进道路上的大山,要改变这种现象首先要增进政府诚信。政府诚信要求政府在行使行政权时能够维护政府对公众的承担的义务和责任,确保政府与公众之间的委托代理关系的存续,做到取信于民。 和谐社会是一个人和自然和谐相处的社会。自然包括资源和环境两个方面。和谐社会不可能建立在资源枯竭和环境恶化的基础上。人与自然和谐相处就是要寻求生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的最佳结合点。这对我国这样一个人均资源占有量较小,生态环境比较脆弱的国家来说十分重要。人与自然和谐相处要人们特别注重保护环境和发展循环经济。但目前一些地方政府,不顾对环境的破坏,片面追求“政绩”,违轨审批项目,如2004年受到查处的常州“铁本”事件,在整个项目的立项工作中,一些职能部门迫于领导压力,违规批准了项目的用地,环评报告等,破坏了当地的环境。类似的事情在全国各地一再发生,2004年的“环保风暴”就吹停了一批项目,那些没有通过环境评价的项目的建设,都是不讲诚信的具体体现。 政府诚信是社会诚信的先导和表率。作为一种道德规范,诚信是一切美德的基础和根本。于个人,它是做人的最为重要的品德;于社会,它是一个社会赖以生存和健康发展的基石;于政府,诚信是一项基本的政治道德。政府承诺的事,要千方百计克服困难去兑现,要保持政策的连续性。这样的政府,才能取得社会各界的信任,才能为社会各界树立榜样,才能在打造诚信社会中发挥榜样作用。如果不履行承诺,政府就会成为无水之鱼,无源之水,在丧失诚信的同时也会失去民心,甚至还会被民众推翻。 在我国社会发生深刻变革的历史进程中,能否建设一个全体人民各尽所能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会,是对我们党的执政能力的重大考验。构建社会主义和谐社会,是一项艰巨复杂的系统工程,也是一个需要随着经济、政治、文化的发展而不断推进的历史过程,需要全社会长期坚持不懈地努力,在政府的层面上,首先要切实建设诚信政府。诚信是中华民族的传统美德。坚守诚信是做人的原则,也是事业成败的关键。我们的政府是服务群众的,必须首先做到诚信。 The government good faith is constructs harmonious social the cornerstone Abstract: The paper basis harmonious society's content, has analyzed in the construction harmonious society, the government good faith importance, the proof government good faith is the construction harmonious society's cornerstone. Key word: Government good faith harmonious society On February 19, 2005 Comrade Hu Jintao mainly the leading cadre in 省部级 to enhance constructs socialism harmonious society ability topic 研讨班 to point out that, "According to the Marxism basic principle and our country socialist construction experience, the new request which develops according to the new century new stage our country economic society the new tendency new characteristic which appears with our country society, we must construct the socialism harmonious society, should be the democratic government by law, the fair justice, the good faith friendly affection, is full of the energy, the stability has the society which the foreword, the human and the nature harmoniously is together." In in the construction harmonious society's advancement, promotes the government good faith to have the specially vital significance, the government good faith is constructs harmonious social the important cornerstone. "Honest", namely sincerity; "The letter", namely does not deceive, to be reliable, the trust did not suspect. "The good faith" is Chinese nation's traditional moral excellence, is the Confucianist ethics core idea. Perseveres the good faith is 做人 the principle, also is the enterprise success or failure key. The good faith moved in the political life and the government the value always all to obtain does not have still esteems, ancient and modern in China and abroad, none who does not in this way. In China, has the Shang Yang political reform "the standing timber is the letter" the charming story, has "the people no news then does not set up", "the loyal letter thought the city", "an ordinary man line of loyal letter, may guarantee a body, a crowned head line of loyal letter, may guarantee a country", "the very good letter, then the people not dare not to use the sentiment" and so on the ancient precept. Sima Guang then elaborates incisively the government's Germany of good faith: "Husband believing, great treasure of the monarch. The country guarantees in the people, the people guarantees in the letter; The non- letter does not have by causes the people, the non- people do not have by defend the country. Therefore the ancient king does not bully the great-hearted, the tyrant does not bully the neighbors all about, friendly does not bully its people for the country, friendly does not bully it for the family to kiss. The badness otherwise, bullies its neighboring country, bullies its common people, really bullies his/her brothers, bullies his/her fathers and sons. Under on does not believe, gets down does not believe on, about gentrifugalism, down to defeats. "This is whether the good faith rises to the critical time country and the family success or failure success and failure looks at the question highly. The government good faith essence may look from two aspects that, The people the reason that the trust government, namely give the trust as the trustee the administrative authority request the agent □□government, is because: (1) the people believed the government has the honest code of honor good moral character and the moral sense of responsibility, can hold the good power, with power; (2) the people believed the government has is competent responsibility of the administrative operation ability. Therefore, the government should all behaviors consider by the people's benefit, all serve for the people's benefit, at the same time in the practical work, accepts people's surveillance, sharpens the ruling ability and the service level unceasingly, promptly requests the adjustment community policy according to the people, promotes between the government and people's benign interaction. If the government does not speak the good faith, cannot practically maintain and promote people's benefit, even seeks the personal gain for oneself, then between the government and public's harmonious relations are destroyed, the government can lose the people to trust, the entire society can fall into the crisis, finally such government can change. The government good faith request government in exercises the administration temporary to be able to maintain the government the duty and the responsibility which undertakes to the people, guarantees between the government and people's request agent relates, achieves earns the trust of the people. Government's good faith mainly includes three aspects the contents: First is with the solid consistency, namely the government function establishment, the government right disposition and the government responsibility undertake consistently, also is the government limitations of executive authority scope, the administrative machinery size, benefit gain how many must with maintain and promote the people's benefit the degree and provides the public product the quality to be consistent, this is the government good faith political basis. Second is makes peace a line of consistency, is the theory with the practice consistency, the policy making and the policy execution is consistent, the government should falls to people's pledge and to the pledge the dharmadhatu union, the word must believe, the line must the fruit. Cannot renege on a promise, 朝令夕改, this is the government good faith management foundation. Third is "the letter people" and "the people believes" the consistency, is the policy making which the government earns the trust of the people anticipated and the trust anticipation is consistent with the people to government's rationality, this is constitutes the government good faith the behavior foundation. If government's political basis, the management foundation and the behavior foundation have the problem, the government being in power validity can receive the suspicion, the entire society's harmony can be destructed, the society can tend to the turmoil. In the democratic government by law, the fair justice, the good faith friendly affection, are full of the energy, the stability has the foreword, the human and the nature harmoniously is together and so on in six aspects, the democratic government by law not only is other five aspects premise, also is they forms with the establishment basic essential factor and the basic safeguard. In Comrade Hu Jintao to "the harmonious society" in the connotation elaboration, "the democratic government by law" has been placed the first place. In in today China harmonious society's construction process, must realize the democratic legal system, government's good faith is first. The good faith is the government earns the trust of the people the foundation, the administration base of, in the social entire good faith system, the government good faith is the core, is playing foundationally, decisiveness, 导向性 the role. Under the democratic government by law condition, the good faith is the government necessary quality. Very □4 $. . However, in the dictatorship political system, between political figure's conflict of authority, as well as the political activity complete detail basically is at the secret condition, has the enormous not determinism, this very is difficult to request the government to have the good faith quality. But the democratic government, is in power in particular for people's government, its political activity must basically be at public and the vitreous state, its behavior should have the stability and may 预测性, such government must maintain own health movement, besides is in power legally, still needs has good faith being in power. This includes two meanings: One is the democratic system can have Germany's of the good faith person 选入 the government. But the democracy election is the humanity discovers talent's best means. Only then this kind of system can the human which has the moral excellence select and concentrate, and displays the good faith moral excellence well to the government the influence. Two in the implementation democratic politics country, the belief law, obeys the law, has the sense of responsibility is 执法者 the basic moral request. If 执法者 all do not believe the law, does not obey the law, does not have the sense of responsibility, is impossible to have so-called good faith being in power the existence, the law is doomed not to be able to obtain carries out truly, the society is impossible to be harmonious. Fair and is just is the humanity constructs ideal social the basic principle. The socialism in the idea and the system superiorly in the capitalism place, mainly is manifests fair and is just. But as a result of our country economical culture relative backwardness, in economic restructuring

268 评论





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