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首页 > 学术期刊 > 有关旅游的英文论文参考文献

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257 评论


Book: Annotation serial number. Author. Monograph. Book title [M]. publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number periodical: Annotation serial number. Author. Periodical. Autographs the [J]. publication name, the publication year (volume, time): Beginning and end page number collection: Annotation serial number. Author. Paper name: Collection name [C]. publication place: Publishing house, publication year. Beginning and end page number dissertation: Annotation serial number. Author. Autographs [D]. to preserve the place: Preserved unit, writing year. patent documentation: Annotation serial number. Patent owner. Autographs the [P]. patent nationality: Patent number, publication date

215 评论


你好 翻译如下Book: Notes ID. Author. Monograph. Title [M]. Press, Publication Year. Beginning and ending page number.Series: Notes ID. Author. Periodicals. Title [J]. Title, publication year (volume, issue): beginning and ending page number.Essays: Notes ID. Author. Thesis title: Essays name [C]. Published in: Publisher, publication year. Beginning and ending page number.Dissertation: Notes ID. Author. Title [D]. Save Location: preservation unit, writing the year.Patent Literature: Notes ID. Patent owner. Title [P]. Patent country: patent number, date of publication.

221 评论


[1] Patterson, T. M.,Niccolucci V.,Marchettini N. Adaptive environmental management of tourism in the Province of Siena, Italy using the ecological footprint[J]. J Environ Manage. 2008, 86(2): 407-418.[2] Bruyere, B. L.,Beh A. W.,Lelengula G. Differences in perceptions of communication, tourism benefits, and management issues in a protected area of rural Kenya[J]. Environ Manage. 2009, 43(1): 49-59.[3] Phillip, R.,Hodgkinson G. The management of health and safety hazards in tourist resorts. World Tourism Organization[J]. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 1994, 7(3): 207-219.[4] Kozma, C. M. Medical tourism: a role disease management?[J]. Manag Care Interface. 2006, 19(11): 35-36.

167 评论


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    ] 李淼. 旅游群体规模与旅游体验质量:针对旅游群体成员间互动过程的实证分析[D]. 东北财经大学 , 2005 [2] 李怀兰. 旅游体验效用因素分析[D]

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