研究生课程论文写作规范(一)论文应包含1、封面(见上页)2、论文题目、摘要和关键词3、正文4、参考文献(二)格式要求题目:黑体,小二,居中标题:一 级标题:黑体,三号,左对齐;二级标题:黑体,小三号,左对齐;三级标题:黑体,四号,左对齐;所有级别标题段前段后0.5行正文:宋体,小四,左对齐,首行缩进 2字符,行距固定值20磅,段前段后0行,左右缩进0字符页边距:.上下左右2.5 厘米页码:底部居中引文:直接引用的引文须加脚注,请用①②③表示,引用格式请依照参考文献格式,并在最后注明引文页码,被引用的着述也应该同时在参考文献中列出;未直接引用的文献,可在参考文献中列出。(三)参考文献格式示例[1]专着: XX,XX,XX着,《XXX》 [M], 北京:中国人民大学出版社,2010年4月。[2]译着: XX,XX着,XX,XX译,《XXX》[M],. 上海:三联出版社,2010 年4月。[3]学位论文: XX, 《
One of the characteristics of the development of modern society is the rapid replacement of the old and new things, and the emergence of new things. As far as higher education is concerned, it also needs to constantly update and add new contents. College teaching content is also closely following the pulse of the times, is a microcosm of the development of modern knowledge, so it has a certain frontier of the times.
Teaching activities should be diversified and scientific research oriented. Teaching activities in Colleges and universities are for students' scientific research and employment preparation. Only by combining teaching with scientific research, changing the single teaching form of colleges and universities, making teaching activities have a certain scientific research nature, can the teaching quality be improved.
The teaching form should be more practical, emphasizing the combination of theory and practice. The teaching process is an open process. It is a process of mutual cooperation between inside and outside class, the unity of cognition and practice, and the mutual promotion of teaching and research. It is also a process of the integration of teaching, research and practice.
The teaching process of colleges and universities should not only impart systematic theoretical knowledge, skills and skills, but also cultivate students' awareness of transforming theoretical knowledge into practical application, carrying out practical activities and engaging in practical activities, so as to realize the socialization of college students.
研究生课程论文写作规范(一)论文应包含1、封面(见上页)2、论文题目、摘要和关键词3、正文4、参考文献(二)格式要求题目:黑体,小二,居中标题:一 级标题:黑体
毕业设计论文提纲怎么写 导语:不合乎要求的的毕业论文是没有说服力的。为了有说服力,必须有虚有实,有论点有例证,理论和实际相结合,论证过程有严密的逻辑性,拟提纲时