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首页 > 学术期刊 > 泉州纺织业出口贸易研究论文

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155 评论


With the economic globalization and trade liberalization, the traditional trade barrier effect is increasingly weakened, technical barriers to trade and the increase of proportion of. After our country is joining WTO, exports are facing more and more technical barriers to trade. Textile industry is affected by the impact of technical barriers to trade one of the largest industries, to the economy of our country has caused a great loss. This article from the Quanzhou area textile industry status quo, analysis of technical trade barriers on Quanzhou's textile and garment export effect, then further discusses the technical barriers to trade the reason, finally from the government, industry organizations, enterprises were put forward from the aspects of coping with technical barriers to trade and some countermeasures.

112 评论


Along with economic globalization and trade liberalization, the role of the traditional trade barriers become increasing insignificant, meanwhile the gravity of technical trade barriers are increasing.Since its accession to WTO China's exports face more and more technical trade barriers. One of the largest industries being experienced the impact of technical trade barriers is textile industry, which has caused great loss to China's economy.In this paper, starting from the present status of the textile export of Quanzhou Area we analyzed the impacts of technical trade barriers on the textile and apparel exports in this area and on this basis, we further explored the reasons why technical trade barriers are encountered. Finally, we proposed some measures aiming at several sides like government, industry organizations, business and etc, to copy with the technical trade barriers.

236 评论



147 评论


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