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首页 > 学术期刊 > 月饼包装设计论文课题研究意义

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月饼包装设计利用中国风元素的运用。通过文艺性的设计,将传统文化的精神与艺术内涵进行有机的结合,可以提升月饼的档次。利用丰富的传统文化要素,将民族文化团经过先到演绎来诠释中秋文化意境。 月饼包装设计中使用最多的就是牡丹花朵图案,牡丹花寓意圆满富贵,又有国花之称,在包装设计中使用再合适不过了。加入仙女图案,引用中华神话故事的内容,给包装形成一种古色古香的风格。 中国山水画主要表现清新自然的主题,用绿色或者其他颜色作为主色调的包装设计也能很好展现个性。祥云代表好的预兆,表示对未来的美好祝愿,五彩祥云又意味着五谷丰登,从大体上说就是国泰民安,从这一含义上讲,月饼包装设计中使用祥云图案,既符合传统文化观念,又表达了美好的祝愿。中国吉祥图案无论是造型还是服饰,都深深地植根于中国传统文化之中,在现代包装设计中,传统文化思想以包装作为载体,不仅表达了人们的美好愿望和情感,而且使包装具有了独特的美感。 月饼包装设计移植设计法。月饼包装材料多种多样,如纸、木、塑料等,各种材料都有起本身的特点。作为高档礼品铁盒包装,吸收众家所长,结合铁皮的印刷,加工特点进行改进,是切实可行的。将之前的纸盒设计进行移植,利用铁皮配以典雅的颜色图案、特色形状,给人一种华贵的感觉。 月饼包装设计寓意性设计。月饼与其说是一种传统食品,不如说是一种文化,是一种沟通感情、仁慈友情的寄托。因此,月饼盒的设计更体现了一种文化,例如把月饼盒设计成心形直接表达爱心,或者把月饼盒做成厚书形,可以内附一些介绍月饼文化的资料,将月饼文化渗透于中秋赏月和中秋送礼的氛围中。“花好月圆”,把月饼包装盒设计成花形或者是月形也应该效果不错。 月饼包装设计多功能设计法。普通的月饼盒在月饼被使用后就废弃了,而在充分保证月饼包装性能的同时,设计多动能包装盒,精美多用的设计给消费者提供日后继续利用的方面,可能更能引起消费者的注意。例如,铁盒的外形类似一个糖果盒,又如手推式儿童月饼盒等,用后可用作文具盒,或者是用来装茶叶或者其他食品,符合家庭主妇购买心理。

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This has been a period of ad wrote: "Quality of which is, outside decoration. Human history of the development of the packaging, Is also the evolutionary history of civilization. Merchants tend Wei, Even with packaging, Increasing business-chi, also the rules of hygiene, Language, culture and civilization of Health also. From the 'You Yi Xi Tao, including the well' tribal times, To the post-modern design for the mainstream today. No boring is not the lack of human nature, A tradition in the negative criticism and give up. In the industrial age functional packaging ideas, One-sided pursuit of large-scale production of uniform, And we are after are: Aesthetic harmony between man and nature nirvana -- The formal beauty of human nature, for the information age aesthetic orientation, The retro design elements, and context of the transmission, Also is the best interpretation of human values " A full moon cake packaging includes three major parts: inside the packaging, logo and the packaging of moon cakes. Including packing broader context of . The moon cake boxes and the hard cover of the brochure in this part of the moon cake boxes may be different, but generally include the whole box, Handbags and so on. Sales in the packaging of moon cakes play an important guiding role. Box of moon cakes is like a beautiful coat. To be able to attract The customer's attention and aroused their strong desire to purchase. Moon cake box packaging design can be said that there is greater flexibility . But as far as possible should be comprehensive, coordinated and able to buy moon cakes are relatively wide range of options. Therefore, we can see Different style moon cake boxes. Box of moon cakes are not only confined to the rectangular shape. Yen The box-moon is not uncommon. And commonly found in some of the higher grade of Famous moon on the packaging. The outer packaging of moon cakes often choose paper. For a number of high-grade timber to the moon also to the outer material. Show their natural and cultural qualities. Moon cake packaging design in the use of a large number of wood-based materials for the production of moon cake packaging And the moon cakes in the box with a cloth in order to join the moon as a foil. The moon will be a strong rural culture embodies the characteristics come out. To do the moon and the moon cake packaging design and cultural harmony. [Abstract] The moon cake packaging design to explore the source, found in the national culture heritage in the design of moon cake packaging. And sub - Analysis of the need for fundamental way, as well as in the packaging of moon cakes in a concrete manifestation of national culture. Should be made in the packaging of moon cakes Design of cultural heritage, inheritance and development of national culture. [References] (1) of Hunan, Hubei, Shu "design semantics" Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House in 2001 edition (2) Liu Guan "Design Culture" (3) Yang Li, Xu, "humanity's scientific and design" version of the Liaoning People's Publishing House in 1998 (4), "packaging design" in 2003 the total period of period 121,120,122

311 评论


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