SSN: 2789-5521(print)《教育研究前沿进展》(英文刊名:Journal of Educational Research Progress, JERP)为双清学术出版社(Shuangqing Academic Publishing House)出版的一本学术期刊,接收主要是和教育、教学(理论、方法等)等相关的文章,本刊对文章形式不限,无论是实证、综述等均可。本期刊征稿范围包括:教育理论前沿、教材教法、教学经验、教育案例、教学设计、教学管理、考试评价、大学论教育、中学教育、小学教育、幼教教育、教育经济等相关研究等。期刊现面向教育学者,在读研究生,各界教育工作者,老师,专家学者,还有博导,硕导等教育导师,课程研究者,课题研究者,教育科研学者等征稿。对于本刊认为有学术价值的文章,期刊会提供多轮修改机会,直到修改为可发表程度。支持在线投稿和邮箱投稿。百度搜索: 《教育研究前沿进展》中英文双版本期刊征稿了,就可以看到投稿方式
Teacher education is the discipline or professional, teacher education standards or criteria for the special needs of the general standard of teacher education curriculum should be designed for stage or for life, we must focus on training teachers or teachers in specialized subjects of specialization? Teachers in the education reform process, Both the theory and practice, there are still many problems look forward to the scholars to study and reflection. The article in the following point of view, perhaps give us some inspiration. To deepen the reform of teachers, foster the realization of a high-quality, high-level strategic objectives of the teaching profession, teachers need to reform the system, the theoretical system, the training model, management systems and services, and many other more in-depth study And practice. These problems affect a large extent, restricts teachers and the deepening of reform and personnel training strategy goals. Among these, and some need to rely on the Government to solve the problem, for example, how to create a modern education system, teachers, teacher education, professional clear to the general standards and specific standards for the teaching profession to ensure that the quality and level; how to further strengthen the government's clear and constant, schools And teachers in training, training in the responsibility and power, so that the system of qualified teachers and teacher training, training combine to better promote the development of teachers and so on. At present, combined with the status quo of teacher education and basic education reform and development of specific conditions, the developed countries learn from the successful experience of teacher education, I believe that the current focus should be concerned about is: Education should be the subject of an independent At present, the Normal University on the theory of teacher education system is relatively weak research, theoretical innovation and development of teacher education reform can not form a strong support. Theoretical innovation system should be teacher-disciplinary education for the construction of the main carrier. Teacher education and education are two different disciplines in the field. Teacher Education as a separate subject areas, rather than the general rules of research and education issues and to build a general theory of education, teacher training and research, but the growth of special laws, and this object, to establish their own research paradigm, to form their own The concept of the system. Then, on the practice guidance teachers, education, evaluation, prediction and transformation, the promotion of teacher education to enhance the level of practice. As a result, teacher education should be the subject of a disciplinary education is also associated with the difference between an independent discipline. If you do not distinguish between this concept and not to teacher education as an independent in the field of view, it will be difficult to break through the old mindset, it will be difficult to achieve the theoretical system of innovation in teacher education. Education should be committed to direct the building of discipline for teachers and teacher education practice, to answer transition mechanism in Education, teachers training mode reconstruction, specialized teacher education courses, such as reconstruction of the reality of the theoretical and practical issues, to form an innovative, forward-looking The theory of teacher education system, support and guide the practice of teacher education. Education standards to be refined Research to develop professional standards for general and special standards for building rich with Chinese characteristics and primary and secondary school teachers in early childhood education standards and quality standards for teacher education, teacher education is to achieve a comprehensive innovation system, an important guarantee for the current teacher education to professional development One of the bottleneck. Development of the Ministry of Education is organizing the "professional standards" and "teacher qualification standards for educational institutions", "teacher education curriculum standards" and "the quality of teacher education standards," will be built national standards for teacher education system, the basic framework for developing a more comprehensive Teacher education and access to quality control mechanism for Teacher Education. But it should be noted that the western and eastern China, with the mountain city of the gap between the very different types of education, the teachers of specialized subjects vary, kindergarten, primary, secondary specialized teachers have a lot of difference. As a result, in promoting the professionalism of teachers, not only concerned about the professionalism of the teaching profession's national standards, but also take full account of teachers in the education level, specifications and differences in form, as well as the professionalism of the special nature of individual teachers, or teachers The personality differences. This requires organization of education in colleges and universities under the framework of the basic national standards, proceeding from reality and to develop and implement national standards for the implementation of programs, rules and measures to make it more practical significance of the school to form its own advantages and characteristics of the development. Teachers need to build a life-long education system Teacher education reform and innovation is the core of the curriculum reform of the system. Modern teacher education curriculum to build a new theory with practice, so that teachers have advanced the idea of education and quality education to adapt to the requirements of the comprehensive ability; to carry out an in-depth study of professional teachers and professional cooperation between the practice of scientific disciplines to address Vocational Education and Teacher Education; building cover general education, teacher education and professional disciplines professional education and knowledge of the structure of capacity; give full consideration to the professional development of teachers and the continuity of the stage, the scientific design and build pre-service training, recruitment Education and job training interface between the three life-long learning for teachers and curriculum development, teacher education to promote a comprehensive, scientific, sustainable development. This is the teacher education reform and development of key and difficult, but also teachers continue to deepen reform, a comprehensive innovation system, the core content. Teachers can further improve the quality of education Education trends in integrated and specialized macro background, academic and professional education of teachers of Vocational Education separation, teachers, education reform has become a mainstream trend. Teacher Education what kind of training model, which is currently involved in teacher education institutions to face and answer. In accordance with normal university teacher education and professional requirements from the higher level design, upgrade-related disciplines and professional, educational level and to enhance overall strength. In the realization of specialized teachers, subject to achieve professional and specialized education for teachers and lay a sound foundation. Increase the discipline of education reform efforts, improve teacher education system, strengthening and reform of the education aspects of the practice, to achieve academic standards and improve the education level of synchronization. In recent years, I tried according to an academic school (or professional categories) students, and in accordance with "thick foundation, Kuankou Jing, fine professional, strong capacity," the general requirements, "according to the type of students, school-way section, the direction of diversion ", The formation of disciplines and professional education of teachers of Vocational Education of the separation of" 3 +1 "training model (teacher professional education about credit accounts for 25% of the total school-or 1 / 4). Its outstanding feature is that according to the pre-largest category of culture, science-way section design, or professional expertise in a timely manner in accordance with the direction of diversion. Structures through the "general education subjects + + Professional Education Teacher Education," "+ platform module" structure of the curriculum, teacher education, personnel training to promote a comprehensive, professional and personal development. "3 +1" the basic framework of the training model, taking into primary and secondary school teachers and child care training differences in the specific goal of training and training on the model and different. Secondary school teachers training in the implementation of "academic education and professional education in the teaching profession separation," the basic framework of the training model, the prominent liberal arts education and professional education in organic integration, stressed the humanistic quality and cultural background characteristics of the culture; science science literacy And the humanistic quality of the organic integration, stressed the overall quality, hands-on and practical ability. Primary school teacher training and child care to highlight the University of basic education, culture, education and the teaching profession organic combination of a moderate strengthening of primary and early childhood education major subject knowledge and teaching ability so that students and the humanities formation of a good quality of science and technology, have carried out the characteristics of education for children Teaching background knowledge and ability to create general-primary and kindergarten teachers. Education to combination of the actual basic education The promotion of primary and secondary schools and universities, this is the education of teachers in today's international development trend. At present, China's teacher education a prominent problem is that from the basic education curriculum reform in primary and secondary schools in particular, the real, it is difficult for teachers in-depth reform of this important cause. From the reform of basic education teachers training model can not meet the requirements of the development of education. Even if the subject has the advantage of universities, primary and secondary schools do not know if the reforms could not do the training of teachers especially in the new curriculum of teacher training. As a result, teacher education must adhere to basic education for the direction of the service, and work closely with primary and secondary schools, primary and secondary education and teaching practice closely. Otherwise, teacher education has become a source of water without wood, not innovation, strengthen and develop.教师教育是学科还是专业,教师教育标准需要一般标准还是特殊标准,教师教育课程体系应设计为阶段性还是终身性,教师培养是注重教师专业化还是学科专业化?在教师教育改革的进程中,无论是理论上还是实践中,仍有许多问题期待着学者们去研究和思考。下面这篇文章中的观点,或许能给我们一些启示。 为深化教师教育改革,实现培养一支高素质、高水平的教师队伍的战略目标,教师教育改革需要在体制、理论体系、培养模式、管理机制与服务体系建设等多方面进行更为深入的研究与实践。这些问题在很大程度上影响和制约着教师教育改革的深化和人才培养战略目标的实现。 这其中,有的问题需要依靠政府解决,比如,如何建立一套现代教师教育制度,明确教师教育专业的一般标准与特殊标准,确保教师队伍的质量和水平;如何进一步明确和不断增强政府、学校和教师在培养、培训中的责任和动力,使教师资格制度与教师的培养、培训有机结合起来,更好地促进教师的发展等。 结合目前国内教师教育的现状和基础教育改革与发展的具体实际,借鉴发达国家教师教育的成功经验,笔者认为,当前应当着重关注的问题是: 教师教育应成为独立的学科 目前,高等师范院校关于教师教育理论体系的研究相对薄弱,理论创新对教师教育改革与发展尚不能形成有力支撑。理论体系创新应当以教师教育学科建设为主要载体。教师教育与教育学科是两个不同的领域。教师教育学科作为一个独立的领域,不是研究教育的一般规律和问题,构建教育的一般理论,而是研究教师培养与成长的特殊规律,并以此为对象,建立自己的研究范式,形成自身的概念体系。然后,对教师教育实践进行指导、评价、预测和改造,促进教师教育实践水平的提升。 因此,教师教育学科应当成为一个与教育学科既相关联又相区别的独立学科。如果不区分这样的概念,不把教师教育作为独立的领域来看待,就难以突破原有的思维定式,也难以实现教师教育理论体系创新。 教师教育学科建设应致力于直接为教师及教师教育实践服务,回答教师教育机制转型、教师人才培养模式重构、教师教育专业化课程重建等现实的理论与实践问题,形成具有创新性、前瞻性的教师教育理论体系,支撑并指导教师教育实践。 教师教育标准体系有待细化 研究制定教师专业的一般标准与特殊标准,建设富有中国特色的中小学和幼儿教师教育课程标准和教师教育质量标准,是实现教师教育全面系统创新的重要保证,也是当前教师教育向专业化发展的瓶颈之一。教育部正在组织研制的《教师专业标准》、《教师教育机构资质标准》、《教师教育课程标准》、《教师教育质量标准》,将构建起国家教师教育标准体系的基本框架,形成比较完善的教师教育准入制度和教师教育质量监控机制。 但也应当看到,我国西部与东部、城市与山区之间的差距很大,不同类型教育、各学科教师的专业化不尽相同,幼儿园、小学、中学教师的专业化也有很大的区别。因此,在教师专业化推进的过程中,不仅要关注教师职业专业化的国家标准,还要充分考虑教师教育在层次、规格及形式上存在的差异,以及教师个体专业化的特殊性,即教师的个性差异。这就需要举办教师教育的高等学校在国家标准基本框架之下,从实际出发,制定贯彻国家标准的实施方案、细则和措施,使其更具有实践意义,形成学校自身发展的优势和特色。 教师教育需构建终身体系 教师教育改革创新的核心是课程体系改革。用现代教师教育的内容构建新的课程体系,从理论和实践的结合上,使教师具有先进的教育理念和适应素质教育要求的综合能力;深入进行教师专业学习与专业合作的实践,科学处理学科专业教育与教师专业教育的关系;建构涵盖通识教育、学科专业教育和教师专业教育的知识与能力结构;充分考虑教师专业发展的连续性和阶段性,科学设计并建立职前培养、入职教育和在职培训三者相互衔接的教师终身学习和发展的课程体系,促进教师教育全面、科学、可持续发展。这是教师教育改革与发展的重点和难点,也是教师教育改革继续深化、实现全面系统创新的核心内容。 教师教育质量可进一步提升 在教师教育趋向综合化、专业化的宏观背景下,学科专业教育与教师专业教育分离,已经成为教师教育改革的主流趋势。教师教育采用什么样的培养模式,这是目前参与教师教育的院校首先要面对和回答的问题。师范院校要根据教师教育专业化的要求,从更高层次上设计、提升相关的学科与专业,提升办学水平和综合实力。在实现教师专业化的同时,实现学科专业化,为教师教育专业化打下良好基础。 加大教育学科改造力度,不断完善教师专业教育课程体系,加强和改革教育实践环节,实现学术水平和教育水平的同步提升。近年来,我校尝试按一级学科(或专业大类)招生,并按照“厚基础、宽口径、精专业、强能力”的总体要求,实行“按类招生、学程分段、方向分流”,形成学科专业教育与教师专业教育分离的“3+1”培养模式(教师专业教育约占总学分的25%或占总学程的1/4)。 其突出特点是,前期按大类培养,学程分段设计,适时按专业或专业方向分流。通过搭建“通识教育+学科专业教育+教师专业教育”的“平台+模块”课程结构,促进教师教育人才培养向综合化、专业化、个性化发展。在“3+1”培养模式的基本框架下,考虑中小学及幼儿教师培养的差异,在具体培养目标和培养模式上又有所不同。中学教师培养在实行“学科专业教育与教师专业教育相分离”基本培养模式的框架下,文科突出通识教育与专业教育的有机融合,强调人文素养和文化大背景的特色培养;理科突出科学素养和人文素养的有机融合,强调综合素质、动手能力和实践能力的培养。小学及幼儿教师培养突出大学文化基础教育和教师专业教育的有机结合,适度加强小学及幼儿教育主科相关知识和能力的教学,使学生形成良好的人文和科技素养,具备开展适合儿童特点的教育教学活动的知识背景和能力,造就全科型小学及幼儿教师。 教师教育要结合基础教育实际 促进大学与中小学的结合,这是当今国际教师教育发展的重要趋势。而目前我国教师教育一个突出的问题是,脱离基础教育特别是中小学课程改革的实际,这是目前教师教育改革难以深入下去的重要原因。脱离基础教育改革的教师培养模式不能适应教育发展要求。即使具有学科优势的大学,如果不了解中小学改革,也难以胜任培养教师尤其是培养新课程师资的任务。因此,教师教育一定要坚持为基础教育服务的方向,与中小学校密切合作,与中小学教育教学实践密切结合。否则,教师教育就成为无源之水、无本之木,得不到创新、加强和发展。
在学前 教育 专业的论文写作中,参考文献是论文的重要构成部分,也是论文研究过程之中对于所涉及到的所有文献资料的 总结 与概括。下文是我为大家整理的关于学
给你个具体格式吧: [1]【美】R•M•加涅.杨天成译.中国改革道路研究[M].上海:上海人民出版社,2003.