Graduated from the comprehensive use of creative design an planning, packaging design, text and layout, logo design, advertising graphic design and production expertise of the school, to create a Royal Manor wine packaging design, the paper will start on the design of the graduate creative analysis. In this paper, Part I analysis of current and potential domestic wine market, identified the creation of the wine packaging design practical significance. The second part of this article: The domestic wine industry and wine market analysis to establish the direction of the packaging and design objectives. In this paper, Part I: The packaging design from logo design to packaging design to the last completed the entire process. In this paper, Part iv: The packaging design of the application to the described methods, the design process the text, graphics, color analysis the use of color.
关于皇家庄园葡萄酒包装设计的创作分析about the Royal Manor wine packaging design creative analysis摘 要abstarct 本次毕业设计综合运用广告创意与策划、包装设计、文字与版式、标志设计、广告平面设计与制作等所学专业知识,来创作一个皇家庄园葡萄酒的包装设计,本文将展开对本次毕业设计的创作分析。This comprehensive application of graduation and planning, advertising creative packaging design, text and typography, logo design, advertising, graphic design and production of knowledge, to the creation of a Royal Manor of wine packaging design, this article will expand on the creation of this graduation project analysis本文第一部分:研究分析当前国内的葡萄酒及其潜在市场,确定了创作该葡萄酒包装设计的现实意义。本文第二部分:通过对国内葡萄酒产业及葡萄酒市场的分析确立了包装方向和设计目标。本文第三部分:本次包装设计从标志设计到包装设计到最后完稿的全过程。本文第四部分:对本次包装设计中运用到的表现手法进行了阐述,对设计过程中文字、图形、色彩色调的运用进行分析。This article: the first part of domestic research and analysis of current and potential market for wine, wine has determined the creation of the packaging design of practical significance.This article: second part of the wine industry through domestic and wine market analysis to establish the direction and design goals.This article: this third part of the packaging design from logo design to packaging design to finally finished the whole process.This article part four: current packaging design applied to the performance of the chirismus expatiatefrom, on the design process in the text, graphics, color tone of the application for analysis.关键词:包装设计;设计元素;葡萄酒;色彩;文字;色调;图形 Keywords: packaging and design; design elements; wine; color; graphics; text; tintonce这样就可以了。
Real estate on the creation of wine packaging design analysis Abstract Graduated from the comprehensive use of creative design and planning, packaging design, text and layout, logo design, advertising graphic design and production expertise of the school, to create a Royal Manor wine packaging design, the paper will start on the design of the graduate creative analysis. In this paper, Part I: analysis of current and potential domestic wine market, identified the creation of the wine packaging design of practical significance. The second part of this article: The domestic wine industry and wine market analysis to establish the direction of the packaging and design objectives. In this paper, Part III: The packaging design from logo design to packaging design to the last completed the entire process. In this paper, Part IV: The packaging design of the application to the described methods, the design process of the text, graphics, color analysis of the use of color. my doing
酒文化的研究论文提纲 一、本课题研究的主要内容、目的和意义: 本次课题研究中西方酒文化差异,主要研究对象为中