I. Introduction
1.1 The Author——Margaret Mitchell
1.2 The Novel——Gone with the Wind
II. The Effect of Scarlett’s Character on Her Marriages
2.1 Self Willfulness——the Failure of Love
2.2 Stubbornness——Losing Herself
2.3 Selfishness——Married With Her Sister’s Fiancé
2.4 Obstinacy——Missing the Third Marriage
III. On the Marriage Value from Scarlett’s Marriages
3.1 The First Marriage of Scarlett
3.2 The Second Marriage of Scarlett
3.3 The Third Marriage of Scarlett
IV. The Inevitability of Scarlett’s Marriage Failure
4.1 The Effect of Her Views on Life
4.1.1 Leaving the Hope to Tomorrow
4.1.2 Egocentrism
4.1.3 Emotional Conflicts and Radical Changes
4.2 The Effect of Her Values
4.2.1 The Vanity of Scarlett
4.2.2 The Contradictoriness between Substantial Value and Immaterial Value
5. Conclusion
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英美文学类英语论文提纲范文 I. Introduction 1.1 The Author——Margaret Mitchell 1.2 The Novel——G
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艺术论文提纲模板 导语:随着人们生活水平的提高,艺术越来越受到人们的关注。下面是我分享的艺术论文提纲的模板,欢迎阅读! 传统文化下声乐艺术审美观研究 摘要:中华