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从1981年至今已公开发表论文50余篇,其中用英文发表在国外杂志上的论文10余篇。英文专著(合著)二部。发表主要相关论文(中文):1) 胡军 (1983): 微生物利用半纤维素《应用微生物》13(3)14-172) 胡军 (1984): 生物工程学与发酵技术 《无锡轻工业学院学报》8(3)76-84.3) 胡军 (1984): 环氧聚胺-一种细胞固定化的新型交联剂《生物化学与生物物理进展》11(3)77-784) 胡军 (1988):葡萄糖氧化酶电极的研究《工业微生物》18 (2) 4-10.5) 胡军(1989):积极发展新型生物传感器 《解放日报》11.106) 胡军和Robert Foster(1989):用橘红诺卡氏菌发酵生产胆固醇氧化酶《微生物学通报》16(6)337-3407) 胡军 (1990):媒体酶电极《生物化学与生物物理进展》17 (3)198-2018) 胡军和M.Hendry (1990):二茂铁改良葡萄糖氧化酶电极《生物化学与生物物理进展》17 (3) 235-2369) 胡军和Anthony Turner (1990):苯醌修饰葡萄糖氧化酶电极《生物工程学报》6 (4)328-33110) 胡军 (1990):氧化还原酶活中心和有机金属之间的电子交换《工业微生物》20(2)13-1711) 胡军 (1991):TCNQ-一种用于酶电极研究的新型导电介体《微生物通报》19 (1) 38-4012) 胡军 (1991):新型生物传感器的研究和应用《工业微生物》13) 胡军(1992):TTF改良葡萄糖氧化酶电极用于发酵葡萄糖测试《工业微生物》18 (2)13-1514) 胡军 (1992):生物传感器 <文汇报> 2.8.15) 胡军 (1995): 快速血糖测试仪为家庭测血糖提供方便 <北京日报> 7.1416) 胡军 (1995):快速血糖测试仪使用问答 <北京日报> 7.2117) 胡军 (1996):丝网印刷电极的研究与应用 《化学传感器》5 (1)18-2018) 胡军 (1996):临床诊断与生物传感器《传感器世界》2 (4)22-2319) 胡军(1998):酶蛋白结构稳定性对商品酶电极影响的研究《工业微生物》28 (4)1-320) 胡军 (1999): 酶技术发展和酶定向进化《工业微生物》29 (4)37-4221) 陈滋青,胡军和Axel Warsinke (2000) 双酶电极法测定L-苯丙氨酸的研究《工业微生物》30(1)5-8

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国际会议特邀报告:1. 2009年8月,第7届中日韩反刍动物瘤胃生理与调控学术研讨会Keynote speech,韩国,首尔。2. 2008年9月,第13届亚澳动物科学代表大会 (13th AAAP Animal Science Congress)作动物营养专题报告(invited paper),越南,河内。3. 2007年9月,第七届国际草食动物营养研讨会,大会特邀报告(plenary paper),北京;发表的主要论文 (* 为通讯作者)1) Dai ZL, Zhang J, Wu G, Zhu W-Y*, 2010. Utilization of amino acids by bacteria from the pig small intestine. Amino Acids, 39 (5): 1201-1215.2) Huang RH, Qiu XS, Shi FX, Hughes CL, Lu ZF, Zhu W Y*. 2010. Effects of dietary allicin on health and growth performance of weanling piglets and reduction in attractiveness of faeces to flies. Animal, (first view)3) Pei CX, Mao SY, Cheng YF, Zhu W-Y*, 2010. Diversity, abundance and novel 16S rRNA gene sequences of methanogens in rumen liquid, solid and epithelium fractions of Jinnan cattle. Animal, 4(1):20–294) Sun YZ, Mao SY, Zhu W-Y*. 2010. Rumen chemical and bacterial changes during stepwise adaptation to a high concentrate diet in goats. Animal, 4(2):210–2175) Cheng Y F, Edwards J E., Allison G G., Zhu W-Y* and Theodorou M K., 2009. Diversity and activity of enriched ruminal cultures of anaerobic fungi and methanogens grown together in consecutive batch culture. Bioresource Technology, 100 (2009) 4821–4828.6) Lu Y, Sarson AJ, Gong J, Zhou H, Zhu W-Y, Kang Z, Yu H, Sharif S, Han Y. Expression profiles of genes in Toll-like receptor-mediated signaling of broilers infected with Clostridium perfringens. Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 2009, 16(11):1639-1647.7) Iqbal MF, Zhu W-Y*, 2009. Characterization of newly isolated Lactobacillus delbrueckii –like strain MF-07 isolated from chicken and its role in isoflavone biotransformation. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 291 (2): 180-187, FEB 20098) Iqbal MF, Zhu W-Y*, 2009. Bioactivation of flavonoid diglycosides by chicken cecal bacteria. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2009, 295, 30-41.9) Cheng YF, Mao SY, Liu JX, Zhu WY*, 2009. Molecular diversity analysis of rumen methanogenic Archaea from goat in eastern China by DGGE methods using different primer pairs. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2009, 48(5):585-592.10) Zhou, W, Wang, GJ, Han, ZK, Yao, W, Zhu, WY. 2009. Metabolism of flaxseed lignans in the rumen and its impact on ruminal metabolism and flora. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 150 (1-2): 18-26.11) Zhou, W, Han, ZK, Zhu, WY, 2009. The metabolism of linseed lignans in rumen and its impact on ruminal metabolism in male goats. Journal of Animal and Feed Science, 18 (1): 51-60 200912) Su Y, Yao W, Perez O, Smidt H, Zhu W-Y*, 2008. Changes in abundance of Lactobacillus spp. and Streptococcus suis in stomach, jejunum and ileum of piglets after weaning. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 66:546-555.13) Yu ZT, Yao W, Zhu WY*, 2008. Isolation and identification of equol-producing bacterial strains from cultures of pig faeces. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2008, 282:73–80.14) Su Y, Yao W, Perez-Gutierrez ON, Smidt H, Zhu WY*.2008. 16S ribosomal RNA-based methods to monitor changes in the hindgut bacterial community of piglets after oral administration of Lactobacillus sobrius S1. Anaerobe, 14(2): 78-86.15) Mao SY, Zhang G, Zhu WY*, 2008. Effect of disodium fumarate on ruminal metabolism and rumen bacterial communities in goat as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 140 (2008) 293–306.16) Mao SY, Zhang G, Zhu WY*, 2008. Effect of disodium fumarate on ruminal metabolism and rumen bacterial communities in goat as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 2008, 140: 293–306.17) Iqbal MF, Cheng YF, Zhu WY*, Zeshan B, 2008. Mitigation of ruminant methane production: current strategies, constraints and future options. World J Microbiol Biotechnol, 24:2747-2755.18) Sun YZ, Mao SY, Yao W, Zhu WY*. 2008. DGGE and 16S rDNA analysis reveals a highly diverse and rapidly colonising bacterial community on different substrates in the rumen of goats. Animal, 2008, 2 (3): 391–39819) Guo, YQ, Liu, JX, Lu, Y, Zhu, WY, Denman, SE, McSweeney, CS, 2008. Effect of tea saponin on methanogenesis, microbial community structure and expression of mcrA gene, in cultures of rumen micro-organisms. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 47(5):421-426.20) Zhang, CM, Guo, YQ, Yuan, ZP, Wu, YM, Wang, JK, Liu, JX, Zhu, WY. 2008. Effect of octadeca carbon fatty acids on microbial fermentation, methanogenesis and microbial flora in vitro. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 146(3-4):59-269.21) Mao SY, Zhu WY*, Wang QJ, Yao W. 2007, Effect of daidzein on in vitro fermentation of micro-organisms from the goat rumen. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 136:154-163.22) Mao SY, Zhang G, Zhu WY*, 2007, Effect of disodium fumarate on in vitro rumen fermentation of different substrates and rumen bacterial communities as revealed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of 16S ribosomal DNA. Asia-Australian Journal of Animal Sciences, 20 (4): 543-549.23) Liu W, Mao SY, Zhu WY*, 2007. Impact of tiny miRNAs on cancers. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 13(4):497-502.24) Yu QH, Dong SM, Zhu WY, Yang Q, 2007. Use of green fluorescent protein to monitor Lactobacillus in the gastro-intestinal tract of chicken. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 275 (2): 207-213.25) Wang HF, Zhu WY, Yao W, Liu JX, 2007. DGGE and 16S rDNA sequencing analysis of bacterial communities in colon content and feces of pigs fed whole crop rice. Anaerobe 13: 127-133.26) Li MY, Zhou GH, Xu XL, Li CB, Zhu WY. Changes of bacterial diversity and main flora in chilled pork during storage using PCR-DGGE. Food Microbiology, 2006, 23: 601-611.27) Zhu WY*, Mao SY, Liu JX, Cheng YF, Iqbal MF, Wang JK, 2007. Diversity of methanogens and their interactions with other microorganisms in methanogenesis in the rumen. Plenary Paper, Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, pp 125-139, Beijing, September 17 – 22, 2007.28) Zhu WY*, Iqbal M F, Cheng YF, Liu JX, Mao SY, 2008. Rumen methanogenesis and nutritional approaches to the mitigation of ruminant methane. Invited paper, The 13th Animal Science Congress of the Asian – Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, International Symposium: ”Recent Advances in Ruminant Nutrition”, pp 33-40, 2008/9/2229) Zhu WY*, Mao SY, Cheng YF, Liu JX, Wang JK, 2009. Rumen microbial communities involved in methanogenesis and nutritional strategies to mitigate. Invited Keynote Speech: The 7th Korea-Japan-China Joint symposium on Rumen Metabolism and Physiology, 2009/8/5.30) Han ZK, Wang GJ, Yao W, Zhu WY*. 2006. Isoflavonic phytoestrogens - new prebiotics for farm animals: a review on research in China. Current Issues in Intestinal Microbiology, 7:53-60.31) 毛胜勇,王新峰,朱伟云,2010. 体外法研究延胡索酸二钠对瘤胃微生物发酵活力及甲烷产量的影响。草业学报,19(2):69-75。32) 毛胜勇,龙黎明,朱伟云,2010. 体外研究反刍兽新月形单胞菌及与酵母联用对瘤胃微生物发酵的影响。草业学报,19(8):176-186。33) 陆扬,姚文,苏勇,朱伟云*, 2010. 大豆苷元对断奶仔猪胃肠道发育的影响. 南京农业大学学报,33(2):91-95.34) 成艳芬,朱伟云*,2009. ARISA方法研究产甲烷菌共存及去除条件下瘤胃真菌多样性变化。微生物学报,2009, 49(4):504-511.35) 杭苏琴,戴兆来,朱伟云*,2009,甘露寡糖对纯培养和共培养的乳酸杆菌体外生长的影响。微生物学通报,2009,36(1):51-56.36) 于卓腾,姚文,朱伟云*,2009,体外培养发现二花脸猪粪样菌群具有降解大豆黄酮产生雌马酚的能力。南京农业大学学报,2009,32(1):164-167。37) 刘相玉,毛胜勇,朱伟云*,2009,高精料日粮条件下酵母培养物对瘤胃细菌体外发酵的影响。动物营养学报,2009,21(2):199-204.38) 龙黎明,毛胜勇,苏勇,朱伟云,一株瘤胃源乳酸利用菌的分离鉴定及其体外代谢特性研究。微生物学报,2008,48(12):1571-1577。39) 苏勇,姚文,朱伟云*,代表性差异分析比较两株来自不同地区的猪源Lactobacillus 菌株。微生物学报,2008,48(5):1~6。40) 戴兆来,董红军,林勇,黄瑞华,朱伟云*,合生元组合筛选及对仔猪生产性能和腹泻的影响。南京农业大学学报,2008,31(2):81-85。41) 裴彩霞, 毛胜勇, 朱伟云*,晋南牛瘤胃中古菌分子多样性的研究。微生物学报,2008,48(1):8-14。42) 俞晓辉,姚文,施学仕,朱伟云,大豆发酵蛋白替代鱼粉对断奶仔猪生产性能和肠道主要菌群的影响。动物营养学报,2008,20(1):46-51。43) 罗玉衡,朱伟云*,2007,消化道微生物区系与肥胖关系的研究进展。微生物学报,47(6):1115-1118。44) 刘威,朱伟云*,姚文,毛胜勇,2007,一株乳酸利用、丁酸产生菌的分离与鉴定及代谢特性的初步研究。微生物学报,47(3):435-440。45) 张耿,朱伟云*,刘相玉,毛胜勇,2007,延胡索酸二钠对瘤胃微生物体外发酵不同饲料成分的影响。草业学报,16:112-117。46) 于卓腾 姚 文 毛胜勇 朱伟云*,2007,黄豆苷元对仔猪肠道微生物区系的影响。营养学报,29(1):82-86。47) 姚光国,姚文,陆扬,朱伟云*,2007,乳酸菌肽聚糖部分免疫增强作用的研究。微生物学通报,34(1):105-107。48) 成艳芬,毛胜勇,裴彩霞,刘建新,朱伟云*,共存于厌氧真菌分离培养液中瘤胃甲烷菌的检测及其多样性分析。微生物学报,2006,46(6):879-883。49) 孙云章,毛胜勇,姚文,朱伟云*,2006,不同精粗比底物下瘤胃真菌和纤维降解细菌共培养发酵特性及菌群变化。微生物学报,46(3):422-426。50) 姚文,朱伟云*, 毛胜勇,2006,16S rDNA技术跟踪分析新生腹泻仔猪粪样细菌区系的变化。微生物学报,45(1):150-154。专利等成果1. 发明专利:一种芽孢乳杆菌及其生产的活菌制剂。(授权公开日:2007年6月20日);2. 国家发明专利受理一项:绞股蓝皂甙用于减少动物瘤胃内甲烷产生的方法。3. 成果鉴定:仔猪肠道微生物区系研究及芽孢乳杆菌S1研制。苏科鉴字【2004】第1308号。鉴定形式:会议鉴定。组织鉴定单位:江苏省科技厅。鉴定日期:2005年1月29日。

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