One important factor of keeping China’s economy under sound development is whether we can find a good solution to the issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers. One good answer to this question is to satisfy the financial requirement from agriculture, countryside and farmers. Village and township banks, a new and developing agricultural finance institute established under successful experience from western countries, is accepted as one major approach to mitigate the conflict between funds supply and demand in rural areas. In Liaoning Province, the development of village and township bankis still in the initial stages. More and more problems occur during the rapid development and many scholars provide their solutions and suggestions about these questions.This paper can be divided into seven parts: Part one,preface, elaborates the background and meaning of this paper; part two, corresponding concepts and theories, explains the meaning of concepts such as village and township bank, small amount mortgage and financial theories related to the development of this kind of bank; part there is about the history and developing pattern of this kind of bank in western countries; part four, history of village and township bank in Liaoning Province, describes the progress of the development and provides an overall conclusion about the indices of the village and township banks in Liaoning; part five, existing problems, finds a series of problems based on the analysis of present situation of the village and township bank; part six, solution and suggestion, answers the questions found previously under the consideration of policy support from the government and actions from village and township banks themselves.Key words: village and township bank; small amount mortgage百度排版做的好差,有的地方两个词连在了一起,我已经改掉了大部分,如果还有自行纠正。花了我40多分钟,多给点分吧。
创新意识的缺乏和创新能力的薄弱一直都是我国企业生存和发展所面临的十分重要的问题。下面是我为大家整理的 企业运营 管理研究论文,供大家参考。 《 企业运营管理