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Zhejiang jieda dress Co., LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient transportation. At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial park. Employees more than 1,000. Founded in total 300 million or so. Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage system. Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the title. Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint venture. The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, etc. The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants praise. The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff together. Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality policy. Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect effect. Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers service. The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously expanding.

93 评论



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这种情况一般不会检查出来,有个一两篇是没有问题的,但不能好多篇都是这样的。补办流程第一、法人要带身份证原件及复印件;工商营业执照副本原件及复印件到丢失地点所辖的派出所报案,领取报案证明;第二、持报案证明原件及复印件,工商营业执照副本原件及复印件在市级以上每日公开发行的报纸上做登报声明,声明公章作废(备注:切记出现“丢失/遗失”字样,举例深圳市级报纸:深圳晚报、羊城晚报、深圳商报、南方都市报)第三、自登报起公示三天后,持整张挂失报纸;工商营业执照副本原件、复印件;法人身份证原件及复印件(身份证需正反面复印);法定代表人拟写并签名的丢失公章说明材料(需详细写明公章丢失的原因时间地点、报案的时间地点、登报声明的时间和登报所在的版面)第四、刻章。如果快的话一个星期,所以丢公章的人不用难受了,办好就可以了,还是新的呢!登报要求第一、公章丢失需到派出所报案,然后拿着报案回执单去报社刊登遗失声明;第二、刊登报纸要求:当地省市级报纸,举例如下:北京市级以上报纸发行的报纸 :(主流媒体)北京日报、北京晚报、北京晨报、京华时报等等杭州市级以上报纸发行的报纸 :(主流媒体)杭州日报、钱江晚报、每日商报、青年时报等等第三、登报提供手续:营业执照副本复印件,报案回执单(或者公司证明信)第四、登报格式:杭州XXX服饰有限公司遗失公章、财务章、法人章各一枚,现声明作废。补办材料1、单位公章遗失补刻,报警回执,报纸;2、《营业执照》副本原件和复印件各一份;3、法定代表人身份证复印件2份;4、需由企业出具刻章证明;5、授权委托书,委托员工承办印章事宜的需要携带公司出具的授权委托书,内容包括委托事项、姓名、身份证号码等;6、所有股东身份证复印件各1份;代办人身份证原件及复印件;7、成立日期与发证日期不一致,须提供工商局核准变更通知书;8、股东证或工商局打印股东名册;9、派出所报案回执、遗失声明的报纸;10、单位更名或原印章破损申请刻制新印章,需把旧印章交回原备案机关销毁,并按新印章刻制手续审批。注:《刻章申请》要全体股东签名,如果股东是个人就签名并提供身份证复印件,如果股东是单位就要盖股东单位的公章并附《营业执照》副本复印件及法人代表身份证复印件各1份;补刻公章申请格式申 请XXX公安局XX分局兹我单位因XXXX原因XXXX地点于200X年X月X日遗失公章。遗失公章后200X年X月X日于在XXX派出所报案。200X年X月X日于XXX报纸XXX版面上登遗失声明作废。现申请新刻公章一枚。以上情况和资料属实,如有虚假由本公司全体股东承担法律后果。现委托XXXXXXX通知为我方办理刻章此事,望给予办理相关备案。特此证明全体股东签名:法人签名:经办人签名:xxxxx有限公司年 月 日遗失公章后果第一、影响公司业务的往来,及相关合同签订等。第二、他人可以利用公章进行合同签订等行为,或涉及财产等,届时造成他人的损失会要求你单位进行赔偿,因为公章是真实而有效的,并且在相关机构办理了登记备案,如果不挂失,其引发的一切后果由公司自行承担。

150 评论


Zhejiang Jetta garments co., Ltd. was founded in 2001, is a Sino-foreign joint venture-funded company, located in Yongjia County, Zhejiang Province, Wenzhou black cattle East Mongolia industrial park, beautiful oujiang before spectrum, and is against the magnificent East momentum mengshan, immediately of the Rainbow Bridge, the geographical superiority in Wenzhou, beautiful environment, convenient transportation.It occupies a land area of 15 acres (building area 23000m), Office, production, warehousing, accommodation, facilities advanced complete modernization of the industrial park. Has a staff of more than 1000. Years into the total production by 300 million or so. At the same time bring some washing plant, covers an area of 2500 square meters, accessories from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical sewage system.This company is an International Association (Yongjia County Chamber of Commerce) Executive Director units, have repeatedly get Yongjia star enterprise, corporate credit ratings AAA-class, national rights, integrity, no complaints unit and other titles.Company since its inception, by virtue of modernization of production base, scientific, humanistic management, advanced production capacity, exquisite craft, to create a set design, production and sales of joint ventures. The company mainly produces leisure jacket, mianbi, down jacket, coat, vest, trade dress, and products are mainly exported to Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, the United States and other places. The company has been for many domestic brands OEM processing, by the majority of merchants. The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced equipments, enterprise employees unite. Abide by the "exquisite, elegant and comfortable, perfect," the quality policy. Quality first, try to meet customers ' needs, the pursuit of "exquisite, luxurious, comfortable and perfect" costume, perfect result. Companies adhering to the "operating wing, integrity-based" management idea merchants service wholeheartedly.Companies always adhere to market-oriented, brand culture as the main item of business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root to "people", "sincerity" hospitality business philosophy, the company obtained the rapid development, comprehensive strength constantly grow and develop.

209 评论



199 评论


这样是不可以的,现在本科论文也是会上网的,修改的也是能查重查出来的。补办流程第一、法人要带身份证原件及复印件;工商营业执照副本原件及复印件到丢失地点所辖的派出所报案,领取报案证明;第二、持报案证明原件及复印件,工商营业执照副本原件及复印件在市级以上每日公开发行的报纸上做登报声明,声明公章作废(备注:切记出现“丢失/遗失”字样,举例深圳市级报纸:深圳晚报、羊城晚报、深圳商报、南方都市报)第三、自登报起公示三天后,持整张挂失报纸;工商营业执照副本原件、复印件;法人身份证原件及复印件(身份证需正反面复印);法定代表人拟写并签名的丢失公章说明材料(需详细写明公章丢失的原因时间地点、报案的时间地点、登报声明的时间和登报所在的版面)第四、刻章。如果快的话一个星期,所以丢公章的人不用难受了,办好就可以了,还是新的呢!登报要求第一、公章丢失需到派出所报案,然后拿着报案回执单去报社刊登遗失声明;第二、刊登报纸要求:当地省市级报纸,举例如下:北京市级以上报纸发行的报纸 :(主流媒体)北京日报、北京晚报、北京晨报、京华时报等等杭州市级以上报纸发行的报纸 :(主流媒体)杭州日报、钱江晚报、每日商报、青年时报等等第三、登报提供手续:营业执照副本复印件,报案回执单(或者公司证明信)第四、登报格式:杭州XXX服饰有限公司遗失公章、财务章、法人章各一枚,现声明作废。补办材料1、单位公章遗失补刻,报警回执,报纸;2、《营业执照》副本原件和复印件各一份;3、法定代表人身份证复印件2份;4、需由企业出具刻章证明;5、授权委托书,委托员工承办印章事宜的需要携带公司出具的授权委托书,内容包括委托事项、姓名、身份证号码等;6、所有股东身份证复印件各1份;代办人身份证原件及复印件;7、成立日期与发证日期不一致,须提供工商局核准变更通知书;8、股东证或工商局打印股东名册;9、派出所报案回执、遗失声明的报纸;10、单位更名或原印章破损申请刻制新印章,需把旧印章交回原备案机关销毁,并按新印章刻制手续审批。注:《刻章申请》要全体股东签名,如果股东是个人就签名并提供身份证复印件,如果股东是单位就要盖股东单位的公章并附《营业执照》副本复印件及法人代表身份证复印件各1份;补刻公章申请格式申 请XXX公安局XX分局兹我单位因XXXX原因XXXX地点于200X年X月X日遗失公章。遗失公章后200X年X月X日于在XXX派出所报案。200X年X月X日于XXX报纸XXX版面上登遗失声明作废。现申请新刻公章一枚。以上情况和资料属实,如有虚假由本公司全体股东承担法律后果。现委托XXXXXXX通知为我方办理刻章此事,望给予办理相关备案。特此证明全体股东签名:法人签名:经办人签名:xxxxx有限公司年 月 日遗失公章后果第一、影响公司业务的往来,及相关合同签订等。第二、他人可以利用公章进行合同签订等行为,或涉及财产等,届时造成他人的损失会要求你单位进行赔偿,因为公章是真实而有效的,并且在相关机构办理了登记备案,如果不挂失,其引发的一切后果由公司自行承担。

277 评论


楼主你好,这是我的翻译(不是机器)希望给分:Zhejiang jieda dress Co., LTD was founded in 2001, is a joint venture foreign-funded enterprises, located in zhejiang wenzhou always fine NiuDong by industrial park, uzziah before frequency beautiful the oujiang river, leaning against the majestic scenery of the east mengshan; next, geographical superiority, wenzhou bridge, a beautiful environment, convenient transportation. At present, the company covers an area of 15 mu (building area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation integration, facilities advanced &complete modern industrial park. Employees more than 1,000. Founded in total 300 million or so. Meanwhile self-provided have water factory, covering an area of 2500 square meters, the supporting from Germany import washing equipment and biochemical drainage system. Our company is an international fashion association (always fine chamber of commerce) standing director unit, has repeatedly obtain always fine the star enterprise, enterprise AAA, national rights protection, honesty and complain unit and so on the title. Since venture since, with modern scale production base, science, humanized management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, created a set design, production, sales in the integration of sino-foreign joint venture. The company mainly produces leisure jacket, cotton-padded jacket, coats, dust coat, ma3 jia3 etc series products are mainly sold to foreign trade clothing, Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, USA, etc. The company long-term for domestic numerous brand clothing tiepai processing, deeply the general merchants praise. The company technical force is abundant, has all kinds of advanced imported equipment, the enterprise staff together. Abide by the "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" the quality policy. Quality first, and try to meet the needs of customers, pursue "delicate, luxuriant, comfortable and perfect" costumes, achieve perfect effect. Companies adhering to the "business ever since, integrity-based" business philosophy wholeheartedly for all customers service. The company has always adhered to the market as the guidance, take the brand culture as the leading business strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, with "person" as this, take "sincerity" hospitality management concept, company obtained a rapid development and comprehensive strength is continuously expanding.

117 评论



114 评论


Jetta Garments Co., Ltd., Zhejiang was established in 2001, is a joint venture funded enterprise, located in Yongjia, Wenzhou, Zhejiang Industrial Park WUNIU East Mongolia, the former frequency Oujiang beautiful, perched between the majestic East Monsanto, immediately Hong momentum of Wenzhou Bridge, geographical location, beautiful environment and convenient transportation. Company covers an area of 15 acres (gross floor area 23000m), set office, production, storage, accommodation, integration, advanced and complete facilities of a modern industrial park. Has a staff of more than 1,000. Harvest produced about 3 million total. Also owned a washing plant, covering an area of 2,500 square meters, matching washing equipment imported from Germany and biochemical sewage system. The company is international and Apparel Association (Yongjia Association) executive director of the unit on several occasions to get Yongjia Star Enterprise, corporate credit ratings AAA, the national rights, integrity, no complaints units titles. Since venture company, with modern production base of the scale, scientific, humanistic management, advanced production capabilities, superb craftsmanship, to create a set design, production and sales joint ventures.The company mainly produce casual jacket, cotton, down jackets, coats, vests and other foreign trade clothing, products are sold to Italy, France, Spain, Hungary, the United States. Long-term for many domestic OEM designer clothes, popular among clients received. Strong technical force, with all kinds of advanced imported equipment, employees together.Compliance with "exquisite, gorgeous, comfortable, perfect" quality. Quality first, to meet customer demand, the pursuit of "exquisite, gorgeous, comfortable, perfect" dress, to achieve perfect results. Companies adhering to the "business Yong Ji, integrity-based" business philosophy dedicated to all merchants. We always adhere to market-oriented culture as the leading brand management strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, the "people" oriented to "sincerity" hospitality business philosophy, the company has rapidly developed, integrated strength of the growing strength.

180 评论


翻译的话一般逐字逐句翻译(直议)不过来的,就只能按照大意翻译(意译),比如说“龙头”,可以意译为重点。翻译的目的是让别人明白,所以简单明了是最重要的。每个人的翻译都会不同,质量因人而异,我也不是达人或大牛,翻译不一定都对,这只是我的个人见解,如果翻译有困难,参考工具翻译可以有一些提示,拿最后一段举个例子:公司始终坚持以市场为导向,以品牌文化为龙头的经营策略,坚持以“质”为根,以“人”为本,以“诚”待客的经营理念,公司得到了迅速的发展,综合实力不断的壮大。工具翻译是:We always adhere to market-oriented culture as the leading brand management strategy, adhere to the "quality" as the root, the "people" oriented to "sincerity" hospitality business philosophy, the company has rapidly developed, integrated strength of the growing strength.做适当修改后:We always adhere to the market-oriented management strategy and focus on building our brand culture. Our business philosophy is treating "quality" as our root, "people" as our foundation, and treating our client sincerely. As a result, our company has rapidly developed, and our integrated strength has kept growing up.工具翻译,词也许是对的,但语序可能需要修改。--------------------------------浙江捷达服饰有限公司Zhejiang Jieda Garments Co., Ltd.中外合资的三资企业three kinds of foreign-invested enterprises座落于浙江省温州永嘉乌牛东蒙工业园区 is located in Wuniu Dongmeng industrial park, Yongjia City, Zhejiang Province前频秀丽的瓯江,背倚雄伟的东蒙山,紧接气势如虹的温州大桥,地理优越,环境优美,交通便捷。Ou Jiang lies in the front; Dongmeng Shan sits behind; very close to Wenzhou Bridge. We have good geographical location, beautiful environment and convenient transportation. 集办公、生产、仓储、住宿一体化a complex of office, manufacturing, warehousing and accommodation.国际服装协会(永嘉商会)常务理事单位executive director of units of ITAA. International Textile and Apparel Association (Yongjia Chamber of Commerce)公司长期为国内众多名牌服饰贴牌加工,深受广大客商好评。The company has been doing OEM for many domestic designer clothes for many years, and have high reputation among our clients. 遵守“精致、华丽、舒适、完美”的质量方针adhere to our quality policy of "Exquisite, gorgeous, comfortable and perfect"公司秉承“经营永继,诚信为本”的经营理念竭诚为各界客商服务。dedicate to servicing our clients according to our business concept of "Continuing Business, based on honesty"用翻译工具只能参考,有些是根本翻译不过来的,以上是我个人的一些见解,仅供参考。其他的可以参考2楼的机器翻译,做适当组织与修改。 有不会的,可以追问我,祝好运!

343 评论


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