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吉林银行是长春市商业银行与吉林市商业银行、辽源市城市信用社合并而设立的股份有限公司。下面是我整理的一些关于吉林银行的相关资料。供你参考。吉林银行介绍 吉林银行股份有限公司(BANK OF JILIN CO.,LTD,简称吉林银行)是经中国银行业监督管理委员会于2007年10月10日批准,在长春市商业银行的基础上,吸收合并吉林市商业银行、辽源市城市信用社而设立的股份有限公司。 设立吉林分行后,2008年11月、12月和2009年4月,吉林银行通过吸收合并白山、通化、四平、松原等四个地区的城信社成立了白山、通化、四平、松原分行,新设立了延边分行、白城分行。在实现省内跨区域发展后,在银监会和吉林银监局、大连银监局的支持下,2009年12月30日,大连分行成立,标志着吉林银行实现跨区域发展和成为区域性股份制商业银行。2011年5月30日,吉林银行沈阳分行开业。 吉林银行行标释义 该标志以符号化的形式出现,以吉林银行英文首写字母“J”为创意元素,有别于传统的银行系统以钱币为主要特色的标识。 主题图形的圆形和半月形组成“j”,寓意着日月同辉,代表着吉林银行将以服务中国经济建设为出发点,努力提高自身的市场竞争力,并最终与国家的经济建设一同发展。图形也如“逗号”标点符号,隐喻着吉林银行坚持不懈、永不止步、逐渐壮大、不断完善自我的进取精神。 行标标准色为红色,象征着生机、发展、充满活力,寓意吉林银行事业蓬勃发展。 吉林银行的发展历史 2008年,吉林银行通过增资扩股,增强了资本实力;吸收合并通化、四平、白山、松原等四个地区城市信用社和设立延边、白城分行等工作稳步推进,2009年4月完成了省内机构设置,初步形成在全省的跨区域经营。 吉林银行成立后,积极推进流程银行、新一代IT综合业务系统、培训“三大工程”建设,夯实经营基础。把整合资源和管理作为提升核心竞争力和可持续发展能力的首要工作,率先在国内同类银行中开展了流程银行建设,努力打造前台营销服务职能完善、中台风险控制严密、后台保障支持有力的现代商业银行运营模式;强力推进人力资源改革和薪酬制度改革,实行行员制和差别薪酬,建立专业技术序列晋升通道。开展多角度、多层次、多种形式的培训,努力把吉林银行办成学习型企业;积极进行IT业务系统的升级改造,着力提升科技支撑能力和核心竞争能力,实行科技系统建设、软件开发、售后服务外包,建立高起点、先进的新一代综合业务系统;结合民生工程建设,以社区“一卡通”为纽带,实施金融服务进社区工程,大力发展零售业务,打造社区银行品牌,走特色银行之路。 吉林银行成立三年多来,坚持依法合规和稳健经营,稳步推进各项改革,不断加大产品和服务创新力度,经营规模不断扩大,服务明显改善,效益显著提升。截至2010年末,资产规模达1478亿元,较成立时增长了187%;各项存款余额达1174亿元,较成立时增长了161%;各项贷款余额为790亿元,较成立时增长了148%;三年多累计实现净利润近28亿元,资产规模和盈利能力已跻身全国城商行前列。 未来,吉林银行将按照吉林省委、省政府提出的“推动吉林银行跨区域发展和上市经营,努力进入全国城商行最前列”的要求,围绕打造一流股份制商业银行的目标,继续深化各项改革,推进创新,把吉林银行建设成为资本充足、内控严密、运营安全、服务优质、效益良好、创新能力和竞争能力强的现代金融企业。,资产规模和盈利能力已跻身全国城商行前列。 吉林银行相关 文章 : 1. 吉林省全民创业政策 2. 中小企业融资难论文 3. 吉林省2015年《政府工作报告》 4. 吉林旅游攻略2016 5. 名人演讲:马蔚华财富管理与中国商业银行的未来发展

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Organizational structure restructuring and optimization The Liaoyuan Jilin Bank in organizational structure's restructuring and the optimization, must adapt the enterprise environment of competition change and the competition strategy adjustment, eradicates take the self-control as the characteristic administrative type management, carries on the organizational structure the innovation, establishes take the customer as the central internal management system. In resources in and so on insider, wealth, thing dispositions to customer service department incline: Supposes newly take the deposit strategic target and the deposit competition strategy making and the adjustment as the primary interest fund raising Management committee, takes the entire good deposit management the highest leadership organization; Take the deposit market's investigation, the analysis and the segmentation, the deposit concrete competition strategy's making and the deposit current management and as primary interest's professional fund raising Control section, takes the deposit management coordinated the permanent organization; Take new service, new market and key customer as goal market development department; Carrying out finances customer manager primarily to make. In organizational structure's transformation, strengthens take the customer serves the idea as the center, improves and consummates the service flow unceasingly, establishes the new deposit management pattern, the enhancement comprehension service function, the backing is characteristic “the first-level legal person, two levels of managements” the flat -like management pattern, the Liaoyuan Jilin Bank's headquarters will construct into the entire line of management and operation, the fund operation and the service innovation center, constructs into the independent marketing main body, the fund raising main body and the customer services center the sub-branch, under the general headquarters authorization, has relatively independently saves, the loan, to collect ability, and manages in the scope of authority, thus displays the sub-branch fully in the organizationIn the fund initiative and the creativity, enhance the Liaoyuan Jilin Bank unceasingly deposit competitive ability. (does not want the software translation. The especially difficult sentence to be possible to put Chinese not to translate. Little brother's heartfelt gratitude)

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