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蜂胶的关键不在于黄酮的高低,而在于它绝妙的天然配比、多种物质起到多病同治的目的。 卫生部和国家食品药品监督管理局在审批蜂胶类保健食品时,一般以总黄酮含量作为功效成分指标,其含量是与蜂胶含量越高,蜂胶含量就越高,效果也越好,消费者在注意蜂胶产品总黄酮含量的同时,还要把蜂胶含量作为参考。 因为一方面总黄酮地人体起作用,有一定的量效,单次摄入总黄酮量较多时,人体并不能完全吸收。另一方面,蜂胶是一种成分十分复杂的综合性物质,单就总黄酮来讲,它有很多组分,且每种组分功效是千差万别的。况且蜂胶除了含有黄酮类化合物外,还含有萜烯类化合物等多种功效成分,但矛盾的是从目前检测手段来说,每个黄酮类化合物的组分都可称是总黄酮的含量,在没有更好的方法下,蜂胶含量与总黄酮含量的关系判断,两袖清风是一个较符合实际的蜂胶产品质量判断的依据。 据农业部蜂产品检测中心、中国蜂产品协会蜂胶专业委员会对不同纯蜂胶样品检测,总黄酮平均含量在—,业内一般有以作为纯蜂胶总黄酮含量的平均值,目前最高的可以做到16%. 计算方法:(或16%)×胶囊所含蜂胶×每粒胶囊的重量,得出来的就是每粒蜂胶含多少毫克黄酮了,呵呵。

127 评论


NC508 Sustainable Solutions to Problems Affecting Honey Bee HealthWhite Paper: Honey bee genetics and breeding As the managed pollinator of choice for numerous crops, the honey bee is an animal of substantial importance to . agriculture. However, like many of the crops they pollinate, honey bees are not native to North America. Current honey bee populations within the United States reflect historical patterns of introduction from Old World source populations and the genetic consequences of founder events and subsequent queen propagation practices by beekeepers. With few exceptions, commercial queen propagation in the United States has relied on the production of a large number of saleable queens from a very limited number of queen mothers each generation. The ratio of daughter queens to queen mothers in these operations has averaged well over 1000:1 over the past decade (1, 2, 3). Following the establishment of parasitic honey bee mites in . beekeeping operations in the 1980's, substantial losses occurred at the national level to both managed honey bees and a formerly robust feral honey bee population (4). While queen production output was able to provide replacement queens for the beekeeping industry during this period, little effort was made to select for and incorporate genetic traits that enhanced the resistance of honey bees to parasitic mites and diseases. Unfortunately, substantial annual losses of honey bees due to parasitic mites have continued, as the mite Varroa destructor rapidly develops resistance to beekeeper applied chemical control measures. The inherent genetic capacity of some honey bees to tolerate or resist V. destructor, tracheal mites and contagious brood diseases is well known (5, 6, 7). However, there has not been a concerted effort within the queen breeding industry to develop selection protocols nor to manage even breeder queen populations without supplemental miticides and antibiotics. Exceptions include some private and public institution bee breeding programs that have adopted selection protocols based, in part, on specific assays, for traits of apicultural significance. While the impact of these programs has been limited, relative to overall queen production totals, collectively they represent a germplasm reserve of honey bee stocks that are comparatively productive, mite resistant and healthy in the face of known pathogens and stressors. Measurements that are used in selection protocols include the expression of hygienic behavior, short-term weight gain, mite and bee population growth, temperament, Varroa sensitive hygiene and reports of increased honey bee losses in the United States due to as yet undefined causes (8) makes it clear that high priority should be given to selecting and breeding honey bees that can remain healthy with minimal need for chemical inputs in the bee hive. There is preliminary evidence to suggest that selection and breeding would be an efficient and sustainable approach to deal with novel pathogens or group of pathogens, including those that may be involved in CCD (9, 10). The recent report that a virus associated with CCD is present within a population of honey bees that are currently being imported into the . in massive numbers(11) brings up another aspect that must be considered together with selection and breeding regimes, the issue of honey bee source populations and of the 26 recognized subspecies of honey bees, only 9 are known to have been sampled and introduced into the New World (12). Currently, commercial strains (Italian, Carniolan) based on two of these subspecies predominate in managed populations in the United States, although a third strain (Caucasian) was available until quite recently. Since 2004, due to perceived/projected shortfalls in managed honey bee colonies available to effect almond pollination, the . has permitted the importation of honey bees of presumptive European origin maintained in Australia. These honey bees underwent a genetic bottleneck associated with importation, similar to . populations (vis a vis sampling original sources from Europe) although, in contrast to . populations, the Australian honey bees have not been selected for any measure of resistance through exposure to parasitic mites over the past 20 years. The importation of additional honey bee germplasm for selection and breeding purposes could address several key needs. First, the importation of germplasm from Old World subspecies known to have been sampled and previously introduced to the . would provide additional genetic diversity for breeding purposes, a means to enhance and maintain sex allele diversity, to recover the commercial Caucasian strain and potentially bolster mite resistance. The latter contribution would depend on whether original Old World source populations (with their own history of mite exposure and survival) were utilized (13), rather than mite-free "introduced" populations from other New World sources. Secondly, the importation of novel honey bee germplasm from subspecies now known to be the original pollinator for crops of agricultural importance, such as A. m. pomonella in endemic forests of wild apples and pears, may provide improved pollination efficiency in crop-specific climatic conditions. Finally, as genetic markers associated with genetic resistance mechanisms or useful immunological or behavioral characteristics become available, Old World honey bee populations represent an available resource for marker-assisted identification of desirable germplasm. Currently, there is no explicit protocol . researchers and breeders to import live bees from many countries nor are there readily accessible quarantine facilities to assist in safe importation of summary, research is needed to:1) Screen available stocks of honey bees from . breeding programs for the expression of genetic characteristics associated with colony health. This could involve phenotypic measurements of heritable traits or identification of specific genes that influence these traits. In addition to known apicultural traits and measures of genetic diversity, these characteristics could include immunological resistance to pathogens and potential indicators of "CCD-resistance" detectable through novel screening protocols. 2) Develop a selection and breeding protocol for the queen breeding industry that can be implemented with existing honey bee stocks to maximize the preservation of genetic diversity (sex-allele diversity) , while still permitting measurable stock improvement in areas of disease resistance and parasitic mite tolerance. Stocks identified in the colony health screening protocol (1) as useful to breeders could be promoted within this ) Characterize additional populations of Old World honey bee stocks as potential sources to assure sustainable germplasm maintenance within the . bee breeding industry. This research will use molecular markers for the identification of specific subspecies and to label highly desirable breeding lines or lines expressing "CCD-resistance" (1). Develop a protocol to maintain these stocks within an association of involved university/private/government bee breeding facilities. Primary author: Steve Sheppard1Participants: Marla Spivak2, Greg J. Hunt31. Washington State University, shepp@. University of Minnesota, spiva001@. Purdue University, ) Schiff, . and . Sheppard. 1995. Genetic analysis of commercial honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from the southern United States. J. Econ. Entomol. 88: ) Schiff, . and . Sheppard. 1996. Genetic differentiation in the queen breeding population of the western United States. Apidologie 27:) Delaney, Schiff and Sheppard. 2007. Unpublished data4) Sanford, M. T. 2001. Introduction, spread, and economic impact of Varroa mites in North America, in; Webster ., Delaplane . (Eds.), Mites of the honey bee, Dadant and Sons, Hamilton, Illinois, pp. ) Guerra Jr., J. C. V., L. S. Gonçalves and D. De Jong. 2000. Africanized honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) are more efficient at removing worker brood artificially infested with the parasitic mite Varroa jacobsonii Oudemans than are Italian bees or Italian/Africanized hybrids. Genetics and Molecular Biology 23 89-92. 6) Spivak, M. and G. S. Reuter. 2001. Resistance to American foulbrood diseases by honey bee colonies (Apis mellifera) bred for hygienic behavior. Apidologie 32: ) Danka, R. G. and J. D. Villa. 2000. A survey of tracheal mite resistance levels in . commercial queen breeder colonies. American Bee Journal 140: ) Oldroyd, B. P. 2007. What's killing American honey bees? PLOS Biology, 5: ) Evans, J. D. and D. L. Lopez. 2004. Bacterial probiotics induce an immune response in the honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 97: 752-756 10) ) Cox-Foster et al. 2007. A metagenomic survey of microbes in honey bee colony collapse disorder. Sciencexpress, 6 September 2007, ) Sheppard, . 1989. A history of the introduction of honey bee races into the United States, I and II. Amer. Bee J. 129: 617-619, 664-667. 13) De Guzman, ., . Rinderer, A. M. Frake. 2007. Growth of Varroa destructor (acari: varroidae) populations in Russian honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. . Soc. Amer 100:187-195

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超临界蜂胶软胶囊原料:蜂胶成分:蜂胶(总黄铜>=5%)、蜂胶含量>=30主要功能:1,预防和改善糖尿病的并发症,2抗氧化降血脂、防治血管系统疾病,3消炎、杀菌、抗病毒,4促进组织再生5调节胃肠功能6抗过敏防治过敏性鼻炎、气喘,7提高免疫功能,8抗氧化、美容护肤,9防癌、减少放、化疗的副作用,10调节内分泌改善女性更年期症状,11调节肝功能,12防治上呼吸道疾病,改善吸烟危害,13调节血糖修复胰岛组织,14抗疲劳、改善睡眠,15调节和维持机体的生理功能规格:500mg *60粒服用方法:每日1-2次,每次2粒售价:233元/瓶产品特点:市场上的蜂胶大多数都是黑褐色的,而金黄色是高品质蜂胶制品的标准色。蜂胶原料一般呈现黄褐色、棕褐色或灰褐色。这是因为目前通常的蜂胶提取工艺大多采用酒精提取法生产,在生产过程中,酒精和蜂胶中的一些成分发生化学反应,生成一种黑色焦油状的多酚咖啡酸聚合物,因而呈现黑褐色。很多有效成份被破坏,而采用超临界CO2萃取技术生产的医盛蜂胶制品,在无氧化状态下萃取,是纯物理的提取过程,天然蜂胶的成分得到充分地保全,还原了蜂胶的本色---金黄色。并且好的蜂胶气味芳香,传统有机溶剂如酒精用于蜂胶的提取,其中的低沸点、脂溶性、热敏性成分容易遭到破坏,所以酒精提取得到的蜂胶有一股刺鼻的味道。医盛超临界蜂胶采用瑞士技术超临界CO2绿色分离技术,在31℃的条件下提取,蜂胶中芳香味的成分(低沸点、脂溶性物质)完整地保留了下来,酿造的蜂胶制品气味芳香宜人。

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