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Electric Automation 电气自动化ELECTRIC AUTOMATION DEVICE AND METHOD FOR ADJUSTING THE FUNCTIONS OF THE ELECTRIC AUTOMATION DEVICE The invention relates to an electric automation device comprising a control unit that is controlled by a computer. In order to create an automation device that can be set to predefined functions in a particularly flexible manner while requiring less testing, a computer hardware component (2) is provided with control software comprising a basic functional area which includes an operating system (3), a device driver (4), and communication modules (5) so as to form a basic automation device (1) while the basic automation device (1) is complemented with any application modules (7a, 7b, 7c, 8, 9) that can be connected to the basic functional area via a software interface (6) in order to obtain the automation device. The invention also relates to a method for producing or adjusting the functions of such an electric automation device. 电气自动化专业介绍一、专业概况 随着高新技术的发展和生产自动化程度的提高,我国国民经济发展,正在和继续需要大批技术应用型实用人才。电气自动化技术是现代制造技术中不可缺少的重要技术门类,也是一个国家科技实力乃至综合竞争力的综合反映,在工业发展中具有前导地位。电气自动化技术,集机、电、计算机、信息处理等多学科于一体,是多学科相互交叉、渗透、结系淖酆涎Э疲�诠�窬�媒ㄉ柚姓加兄匾�牡匚弧R虼耍�梢运档缙�远��际跏嵌ヌ炝⒌氐氖乱担�枪�窬�梅⒄购腿嗣裆�钏�教岣叩奈镏侍跫�� ?br> (一)、培养目标本专业培养德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,具有良好职业道德和综合业务素质,具备较强的创新意识和创业能力,掌握电气自动化技术、计算机控制技术的基础理论,能在生产、建设、管理、服务第一线从事常用电气自动化设备、常用电气设备、供配电系统和装置、计算机控制系统、PLC控制系统的安装、调试、运行和维护的实用型高技能专门人才。 (二)、培养要求及职业能力分析 1、培养要求:本专业主要学习电气自动化的专业技术知识,应具有较强的本专业技术应用能力。 2、职业能力分析 (1)具有良好的身体素质、职业道德和人文素质,较强的语言文字表达能力和一定的社会交往能力及继续学习能力。 (2)具有较强的用英语进行人际和人机交流能力,具有阅读和翻译本专业有关英文资料的能力。 (3)具有较强的在信息化社会中工作、学习、生活所必备的计算机应用能力;熟练使用电子电气CAD软件;掌握一门程序设计语言。 (4)具有分析和测试常见的电工电子线路,能设计一般电工电子应用线路,能熟练使用常规电工电子仪器、仪表,具有熟练的电工基本操作技能。 (5)熟悉常用低压电器的基本原理及使用;能熟练阅读电气控制线路的原理图与接线图;具有对常规电气设备、供配电设备等电气控制系统进行安装、调试、维护能力。 (6)具有正确选用、安装、调试、维护电力电子装置和典型交、直流调速系统的能力。 (7)具有熟练的可编程控制器应用能力。 (8)具有以嵌入式计算机数字控制技术为核心的新技术基本应用能力,对相应控制系统具有调试维护能力。 (9)具有对一般的机械零件图、产品装配图与机械、液压和气压传动系统回路的识读能力,了解常用机械设备的结构特点及工艺过程,了解常见的机械和电气的配合关系。 (10)了解企业管理的基本知识,具有一定的质量意识。 (三)、课程设置 课程设置共分五部分:公共必修课、专业必修课、专业限定选修课、专业选修课及公共选修课。 1、公共必修课包括:思想道德修养、法律基础、邓小平理论、马克思主义哲学、体育、英语、高等数学、计算机操作基础等。 2、专业必修课包括:电工基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机及拖动基础、机械制图及公差、机械工程基础、嵌入式计算机原理及应用、C语言程序设计、自动检测与转换技术、现代电力电子技术、可编程序控制器应用、自动控制原理与系统、C语言、工厂电气控制技术、电子电气CAD、变配电技术、变频调速原理与应用、工业控制网络、DSP原理与应用及专业英语等。其中主干课程为:电工基础、模拟电子技术、数字电子技术、电机及拖动基础、嵌入式计算机原理及应用、自动检测与转换技术、现代电力电子技术、可编程序控制器应用、自动控制原理与系统等。 3、专业限选课包括:计算机控制技术、工业自动化仪表、控制电机、智能控制等。 4专业任选课包括:电工电子工艺、多媒体技术、楼宇自动化、计算机系统仿真、计算机维修、程序设计(VB)等。 5、公共选修课包括:包括两个能力模块:经济管理科学类和人文与社会科学类。 (四)、实践教学环节 1、专业主要实践教学包括:电工实验、模拟电子技术实验、数字电子技术实验、电机与电力拖动实验、可编程序控制器应用实验、嵌入式计算机原理实验、现代电力电子技术实验、电工基础课程设计、电子技术课程设计、嵌入式计算机原理课程设计、可编程序控制器应用课程设计、自控系统课程设计、综合系统实训、金工实习、电工电子实习、专业参观、综合生产实习、毕业设计等。 2、非专业实践教学包括:入学教育、军训、暑期社会实践、社团活动、体育活动、文艺活动等。 (五)、职业技能证书 本专业证书包含三个方面: 1、公共必修证书:PET、计算机一级证书。 2、专业必修证书:CAD初级、维修电工中级。 3、任选证书:CET四级证书、计算机三级证书(单片机方向)、CAD中级证书、维修电工高级证书、气液电控制技术。 (六)、本专业师资力量 学院拥有一支学术造诣高、教学经验丰富、实践能力强的师资队伍。电气自动化技术专业现有师资26人,其中副高职称以上有17人,“双师型”教师10人。能够满足公共基础课、专业基础课和专业课的理论及实践教学的需要。 二、职业前景 1、对口行业 电气自动化技术是传统而具有新内涵的专业,本专业培养拥护党的基本路线,德、智、体、美等全面发展,具备从事电气自动化技术所需要的理论知识和职业技术能力,主要在生产、建设、服务和管理等第一线工作的高级技术应用性专门人才。本专业的毕业生可就职于国防、航天、航空、航海、铁道、机械、轻工、化工、电子、电力、电信、钢铁、石油、矿山、煤炭、地质、勘测等广泛的工业、农业、科学研究领域,也可就职于现代物流及现代服务业。 2、就业前景 在上海市经济委员会的《上海制造业战略升级的行动纲要》中指出:加快推动制造业的战略升级是贯彻党的十六大精神,坚定地走新型工业化道路,实现向制造业强国转变的国家战略需要,也是上海建立新型产业体系,提高城市综合竞争力,坚持“四个中心”的客观要求。上海制造业战略升级的重点包括:高新技术产业重点发展电子信息和现代生物与现代医药制造业;交通运输设备制造业重点发展汽车、轨道交通、船舶、民用飞机;装备制造业重点发展大型成套设备、电站设备、新能源和新型环保设备制造业;原材料制造业重点发展石油化工和精细化工、精品钢材制造业;生产性服务业重点发展制造业物流、技术服务等产业;大力发展就业广、清洁型的都市型工业。根据电气自动化的内涵,上述产业无不包含电气自动化技术,同时也对电气自动化技术专业的人才提出了更高的要求。据上海市政府组织的《面向新世纪上海紧缺人才需求趋势与开发研究对策》的报告显示,复合型技术人才是紧缺的专业人才,而电气自动化技术专业是培养复合型技术人才的有效载体。可以预见在未来数年内,电气自动化专业毕业生就业前景良好。

133 评论


Electric Power Systems 电力系统 The modern society depends on the electricity supply more heavily than ever before. 现代社会的电力供应依赖于更多地比以往任何时候。 It can not be imagined what the world should be if the electricity supply were interrupted all over the world. 它无法想象的世界应该是什么,如果电力供应中断了世界各地。 Electric power systems (or electric energy systems), providing electricity to the modern society, have become indispensable components of the industrial world. 电力系统(或电力能源系统),提供电力到现代社会,已成为不可缺少的组成部分产业界的。 The first complete electric power system (comprising a generator, cable, fuse, meter, and loads) was built by Thomas Edison – the historic Pearl Street Station in New York City which began operation in September 1882. 第一个完整的电力系统(包括发电机,电缆,熔断器,计量,并加载)的托马斯爱迪生所建-站纽约市珍珠街的历史始于1882年9月运作。 This was a DC system consisting of a steam-engine-driven DC generator supplying power to 59 customers within an area roughly km in radius. The load, which consisted entirely of incandescent lamps, was supplied at 110 V through an underground cable system. 这是一个半径直流系统组成的一个蒸汽发动机驱动的直流发电机面积约公里至59供电范围内的客户。负载,其中包括完全的白炽灯,为V提供110通过地下电缆系统。 Within a few years similar systems were in operation in most large cities throughout the world. With the development of motors by Frank Sprague in 1884, motor loads were added to such systems. This was the beginning of what would develop into one of the largest industries in the world. In spite of the initial widespread use of DC systems, they were almost completely superseded by AC systems. By 1886, the limitations of DC systems were becoming increasingly apparent. They could deliver power only a short distance from generators. 在一个类似的系统在大多数大城市在世界各地运行数年。随着马达的弗兰克斯普拉格发展在1884年,电机负载被添加到这些系统。这是什么开始发展成为世界上最大的产业之一。在最初的直流系统广泛使用尽管如此,他们几乎完全被空调系统所取代。到1886年,直流系统的局限性也日益明显。他们可以提供功率只有很短的距离从发电机。To keep transmission power losses ( I 2 R ) and voltage drops to acceptable levels, voltage levels had to be high for long-distance power transmission. Such high voltages were not acceptable for generation and consumption of power; therefore, a convenient means for voltage transformation became a necessity. 为了保持发射功率损失(我2 R)和电压下降到可接受的水平,电压等级,必须长途输电高。如此高的电压不发电和电力消耗可以接受的,因此,电压转换成为一个方便的手段的必要性。 The development of the transformer and AC transmission by L. Gaulard and JD Gibbs of Paris, France, led to AC electric power systems. 在发展的变压器,法国和交流输电由L.巴黎戈拉尔和JD吉布斯导致交流电力系统。 In 1889, the first AC transmission line in North America was put into operation in Oregon between Willamette Falls and Portland. 1889年,第一次在北美交流传输线将在俄勒冈州波特兰之间威拉梅特大瀑布和实施。It was a single-phase line transmitting power at 4,000 V over a distance of 21 km. With the development of polyphase systems by Nikola Tesla, the AC system became even more attractive. By 1888, Tesla held several patents on AC motors, generators, transformers, and transmission systems. Westinghouse bought the patents to these early inventions, and they formed the basis of the present-day AC systems.这是一个单相线路传输功率为4,000公里,超过21 V系统的距离。随着交流的发展多相系统由尼古拉特斯拉,成为更具吸引力的。通过1888年,特斯拉举行交流多项专利电动机,发电机,变压器和输电系统。西屋公司购买了这些早期的发明专利,并形成了系统的基础,现在的交流。 In the 1890s, there was considerable controversy over whether the electric utility industry should be standardized on DC or AC. By the turn of the century, the AC system had won out over the DC system for the following reasons: 在19世纪90年代,有很大的争议或交流电力行业是否应该统一于直流。到了世纪之交的,在交流系统赢得了原因出在下面的直流系统为: (1)Voltage levels can be easily transformed in AC systems, thus providing the flexibility for use of different voltages for generation, transmission, and consumption. (1)电压水平可以很容易地改变了空调系统,从而提供了传输的灵活性,发电用不同的电压和消费。 (2)AC generators are much simpler than DC generators. (2)交流发电机简单得多比直流发电机。 (3)AC motors are much simpler and cheaper than DC motors. (三)交流电机和电机便宜简单得多,比直流。 The first three-phase line in North America went into operation in 1893——a 2,300 V, 12 km line in southern California. 前三个阶段的美国北线投产于1893年- 1 2300五,南加州12公里路线研究。 In the early period of AC power transmission, frequency was not standardized. 在电力传输初期交流,频率不规范。 Many different frequencies were in use: 25, 50, 60, 125, and 133 Hz. 有许多不同频率的使用:25,50,60,125,和133赫兹。 This poses a problem for interconnection. Eventually 60 Hz was adopted as standard in North America, although 50 Hz was used in many other countries. 这对互连的问题。最后60赫兹标准获得通过,成为美国在北美,虽然是50赫兹在许多其他国家使用。 The increasing need for transmitting large amounts of power over longer distance created an incentive to use progressively high voltage levels. To avoid the proliferation of an unlimited number of voltages, the industry has standardized voltage levels. In USA, the standards are 115, 138, 161, and 230 kV for the high voltage (HV) class, and 345, 500 and 765 kV for the extra-high voltage (EHV) class. In China, the voltage levels in use are 10, 35, 110 for HV class, and 220, 330 (only in Northwest China) and 500 kV for EHV class . 较长的距离越来越需要大量的电力传输多激励他们逐步使用高压的水平。为了避免电压增殖数量无限,业界标准电压水平。在美国,标准是115,138, 161,和230千伏的高电压(高压)类,345,500和765千伏级的特高电压(超高压)。在中国,各级使用电压为10,35,110级高压, 220,中国330(仅在西北)和500千伏超高压类。The first 750 kVtransmission line will be built in the near future in Northwest China. 第一个750 kVtransmission线将建在不久的将来在中国西北地区。With the development of the AC/DC converting equipment, high voltage DC (HVDC) transmission systems have become more attractive and economical in special situations. 随着交流的发展/直流转换设备,高压直流高压直流(HVDC)传输系统已经成为更具吸引力的经济和情况特殊。 The HVDC transmission can be used for transmission of large blocks of power over long distance, and providing an asynchronous link between systems where AC interconnection would be impractical because of system stability consideration or because nominal frequencies of the systems are different. 在高压直流输电可用于输电块以上的大长途电话,并提供不同系统间的异步连接在AC联网系统将是不切实际的,因为稳定考虑,或因标称频率的系统。 The basic requirement to a power system is to provide an uninterrupted energy supply to customers with acceptable voltages and frequency. 基本要求到电源系统是提供一个不间断的能源供应,以客户可接受的电压和频率。 Because electricity can not be massively stored under a simple and economic way, the production and consumption of electricity must be done simultaneously. A fault or misoperation in any stages of a power system may possibly result in interruption of electricity supply to the customers. 由于电力无法大量储存在一个简单的方法和经济,电力的生产和消费必须同时进行。系统的故障或误操作的权力在任何阶段可能导致电力供应中断给客户。 Therefore, a normal continuous operation of the power system to provide a reliable power supply to the customers is of paramount importance. 因此,一个正常的电力系统连续运行的,提供可靠的电力供应给客户的重要性是至关重要的。 Power system stability may be broadly defined as the property of a power system that enables it to remain in a state of operating equilibrium under normal operating conditions and to regain an acceptable state of equilibrium after being subjected to a disturbance. 电力系统稳定,可广泛定义为干扰财产的权力系统,可继续经营的状态下正常运行的平衡条件和后向遭受恢复一个可以接受的平衡状态。 Instability in a power system may be manifested in many different ways depending on the system configuration and operating mode. 在电力系统的不稳定可能会表现在经营方式和多种不同的方式取决于系统配置。 Traditionally, the stability problem has been one of maintaining synchronous operation. Since power systems rely on synchronous machines for generation of electrical power, a necessary condition for satisfactory system operation is that all synchronous machines remain in synchronism or, colloquially "in step". This aspect of stability is influenced by the dynamics of generator rotor angles and power-angle relationships, and then referred to " rotor angle stability ". 传统上,稳定性问题一直是一个保持同步运行。由于电力系统的发电电力,一个令人满意的系统运行的必要条件是,依靠同步电机同步电机都留在同步或通俗的“步骤”。这一方面是受稳定的发电机转子的动态角度和功角的关系,然后提到“转子角稳定”。

329 评论


我是电气自动化的,有专业英语!这个给你看看希望能帮到你!电力和电路的来源One of them is the electric cell, or battery, which generates electricity by chemical action. The other device called generator makes use of light, heat, and mechanical motion to produce electric energy. Now, more than 95 percent of the world's electric energy is produced by generators其中之一是由化学作用产生电力的电池的电的单元格。调用生成器使其他设备使用的光、 热和机械的运动来产生电能。现在,世界电力能源的 95%以上是由发电机产生的An electric current is a constant flow of electrons through a conductor. The reason why an electric current flows through conductors is much like reason why water flows through mains. 源源不断地通过导体电子的电流。为什么电流流经导线的原因很多像为什么水流通过水管的原因。智能机器人An entirely new phase in robotic applications has been opened with the development of “intelligent robots”. An intelligent robot is basically one that must be capable of sensing its surroundings and possess intelligence enough to respond to a changing environment in much the same way as we do. Such an ability requires the direct application of sensory perception and artificial intelligence. Much of research in robotics has been and is still concerned with how to equip robots with visual sensors-eyes and tactile sensors-the “fingers”. Artificial intelligence will enable the robot to respond to and adapt to changes in its tasks and in its environment, and to reason and make decisions in reaction to those changes.一个全新的阶段,在机器人的应用程序中已打开的"智能机器人"发展。一个智能机器人基本上是一种必须能够感知周围的环境并拥有足够的智能响应不断变化的环境一样,我们做的。这种能力需要感官知觉与人工智能技术直接的应用。多机器人的研究一直,仍然关注如何使机器人视觉传感器眼睛和触觉传感器在"手指"。人工智能技术将使机器人响应和适应其任务和它的环境变化的原因和反应对这些变化做出的决定。Integrated circuit集成电路The invention of IC is a great revolution in the electronic industry. Sharp size, weight reductions are possible with these techniques; and more importantly, high reliability, excellent functional performance, now cost and low power dissipation can be achieved. ICs are widely used in electronic industry.集成电路的发明是大革命在电子工业中。锋利的大小重量减少有可能与这些技术 ;和更重要的是现在成本的优良性能的高可靠性和可以实现低功耗。集成电路 广泛应用于电子行业。The electrically interconnected components that make up an IC are called integrated elements. If an integrated circuit includes only one type of components, such as only diodes or resistors, it is said to be an assembly or set of components.芯片组成的电互连的组件称为集成的元素。如果一个集成电路包含一种类型如仅二极管或电阻的组件的据说是一个程序集或一组组件。Digital integrated circuit can contain anything form a few thousand to millions of logic gates, flip-flops, multiplexers, and other circuits in a few square millimeters. These digital ICs, typically microprocessors, digital signal processing, and micro controllers work using binary mathematics to process “one” and “zero” signals.数字集成电路可以包含任何内容形成数千数以百万计的逻辑门、 触发器、 多路复用器和其他线路的几个平方毫米。这些数字集成电路、 通常微处理器、 数字信号处理和微控制器工作使用二进制的数学处理"1"和"零"的信号。SIM Card Want to use your GSM service in the United States? Bring along this tiny piece of you’re traveling to the United States, be sure to take your SIM card with you. Because your GSM service can work in the . just like it dose at you have to do is to rent the right frequency handset for use in the States. (If you don't have your SIM card with you, relax. We'll provide a handset with the SIM card included.)As in other countries, you'll find using GSM in the . is often less expensive than calling cards, pay phones and hotel phones. And, of course, far more convenientAll you have to do to enjoy GSM convenience is call one of the numbers listed below. We'll provide the handset to rent within 24 hours, or, in some cities, the very same rent a handset call:In France 0800 508 968In Italy 0800 790948In In 1877 OMNI-2-GOAll other countries +44 SIM 卡要使用您的 GSM 服务在美国吗?携带此小件行李。如果您正在前往美国,一定要带上您的 SIM 卡。因为您的 GSM 服务可以像工作在美国它剂量在家里。你要做的是租住在美国使用合适的频率手机。(如果您不具有您的 SIM 卡,放松。我们会提供一个手机 SIM 卡包括。)在其他的国家一样,你会发现使用 GSM 在美国通常是少比电话卡、 电话和酒店电话。的课程,更方便你要享受 GSM 方便做的只是调用下面列出的数字之一。我们会提供租 24 小时,或在一些的城市非常同一天手机。租手机的调用:在法国 0800年 508 968在意大利 0800年 790948在英国 0800年 328 5396在美国 1877年转到 2-OMNI所有其他国家 + 44 Computer Control TechnologyA computer is a fast and accurate symbol manipulating system that is organized to accept, store ,and process data and produce output results under the direction of stored program of instructions. This section explains why a computer is a system and how a computer system is organized. Key elements in a computer system include input, processing, and output devices. Let's examine each computer of the more detail.计算机是一种快速而又准确的操纵系统,为了接受、 存储,和处理的数据并产生输出结果存储程序的指导下的指令的快速、 准确的符号。此部分说明为什么一台计算机是一个系统和计算机系统的组织方式。计算机系统中的关键元素包括输入、 处理,和输出设备。让我们看一下每台计算机的更多详细信息。Central Processing Unit the heart of any computer system is the central processing unit (CPU). There is three main sections found in the CPU of a typical personal computer system: the primary storage section, the arithmetic-logic section, and the control section. Bit these three sections aren’t unique to personal computers. They are found in CPUs of all sizes.中央处理器是任何计算机系统的核心是中央处理单元 (CPU)。有三个主要部分,在典型的个人计算机系统的 CPU 中找到: 主存储部分、 算术逻辑部分和控制部分。位这三个部分不是唯一的个人计算机。他们有各种规模的CPU。Output Devices Like input units, output devices are instruments of interpretation and communication between humans and computer systems of all sizes. These devices take output results from the CPU in machine-coded form and convert them into a form that can be used (a) by people (., a printed and/or displayed report) or (b) as machine input in another processing cycle.输出设备 如同输入设备,输出设备是文书的解释和人与各种规模的计算机系统之间的 通信 。这些设备从CPU的输出结果以机编码的窗体,并将它们转换为一个窗体,可以在另一个处理周期中使用(a)的(例如,印刷和/或显示报告),或(b作为输入机。In personal computer systems, display screen and desktop printers are popular output devices. Larger and faster printers, many online workstations, and magnetic tape drives are commonly found in larger systems.在个人计算机显示屏幕和桌面打印机是受欢迎的输出设备。更大、 更快的打印机、 很多的在线工作站和磁带驱动器通常有较大的系统。The operating system must ensure correct operation of the computer system. To prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system, the hardware was modified to create two modes: user mode and monitor mode. Various instructions (such as I/O instructions and halt instructions) are privileged and can only be execute in monitor mode. The memory in which the monitor resides must also be protected from modification by the user. A timer prevents infinite loops. Once these changes (dual mode, privileged instructions, memory protection, timer interrupt) have been made to the basic computer architecture, it is possible to write a correct operating system.操作系统必须确保计算机系统的正确操作。防止在干扰系统的正确操作用户程序修改硬件创建两种模式: 用户模式和显示器模式。(例如,I/O 指令和停止指令) 的各项说明享有特权,并且只能在显示器模式下执行。显示器所驻留的内存也必须由用户修改保护。计时器可防止无限循环。一旦到基本的计算机体系结构做了这些更改 (双模式、 特权的指令、 内存保护、 计时器中断),就可以编写正确的操作系统。Completes with the digital signal to the digital quantity carries on the arithmetic operation and the logic operation circuit is called the digital circuit, or number system. Because it has the logic operation and the logical processing function, therefore calls the numeral logic circuit.完成与数字信号,数字的数量进行算术运算和逻辑操作电路被称为数字电路或数字系统。因为它有逻辑操作和逻辑处理功能,因此呼吁数字逻辑电路。Karnaugh Map consists of one square for each possible minterm in a function. The method to write the Karnaugh Map: When we plot a function, we put a 1 in each square corresponding to a minterm that is included in the function, and put a 0 in or leave blank those squares not included in the function.卡诺图包含每个可能的最小项函数中的一方。写入卡诺图的方法:当我们绘制一个函数时,我们放在一个最小项的函数中包含的每个平方米对应的 1 和放一个0或保留为空函数中不包括这些方块。Industrial robot 工业机器人Binary 二进制Semiconductor 半导体Instruction 指令Spot welding 点焊Anode 阳极Counter 计数器Bipolar transistor 双极晶体管Switch 交换机Amplifier 放大器Microprocessor 微处理器Microcontroller 微控制器Digital Logic Circuits 数字逻辑电路Off-line 离线Memory 内存Register 注册Mother board 母板On-line 在线Counter 计数器CPU 中央处理器Cathode 阴极Software 软件Low cost 低成本Programming 编程Electronic Octal 电子八Multimeter 万用表Integrated circuit 集成电路Hard ware 五金Resistor 电阻Diode 二极管

286 评论


前言Chapter 1 Fundamentals of Electric CircuitsSection 1 Current and Voltage专业英语概述ExercisesSection 2 Circuit Elements翻译标准ExercisesSection 3 Ohm’S Law翻译过程ExercisesSection 4 Kirchhoffs Laws专业英语的语法特点ExercisesSection 5 Basic Analysis Methods专业英语的词汇特点IExerosesSection 6 Sinusoidal AC Circuit Analysis and ThreePhase circuits专业英语的词汇特点ⅡExercisesChapter 2 ElectronicsSection 1 Introduction专业英语的词汇特点ⅢExercisesSection 2 Boolean Algebra for Digital Systems词义的确定——词义选择ExercisesSection 3 Analog——Digital Conversion词义的确定—词义的引申ExercisesSection 4 Operational Amplifiers长句的翻译ExercisesChapter 3 Power Eleccronic TecllnoIogySection 1 SernJicon,dLuctor Switclaes词类的转换(一)ExercisesSection 2 The DC—DC Converters词类的转换(二)E,xercisesSection 3 DC—AC Converters词类的转换(三)ExercisesChapler 4 Electric MachinerySection 1 Principle Of operaltion Of an InductiVe machine用词的增省(一)ExercisesSection 2 Perf0ITflance aaaracteristics Of Induction Motors用词的增省(二)ExercisesSection 3 SyncIlrollous machines用词的增省(三)ExercisesSection 4 Tfansfoer用词的增省(四)ExercisesChapter 5 ComputerSection 1 Computer Basics用词的增省(五)E,xercisesSection2 Microprocessor alld Memory用词的增省(六)ExercisesSection 3 Input and Output DeVices句型的转换ExercisesSectiOn 4 Sofware Basics被动语态的翻译(一)ExercisesSection 5 Computer。Network Basics被动语态的翻译(二)ExercisesChapter 6 Electric Power SystemsSection 1 Introduction否定句的翻译(一)ExercisesSection 2 Components of Power Systems否定句的翻译(二)ExercisesSection 3 Operation and Control of Power Systems数量词的翻译(一)ExercisesSection 4 Power System Stability数量词的翻译(二)ExercisesChapter 7 Power System ProtectionsSection 1 Introduction简历(Resume)ExercisesSection 2 Faults and Their Damages on Power Systems商务信函ExercisesSection 3 Circuit Breakers产品技术说明书ExercisesSection 4 Distance Protection英语科技论文结构ExercisesSection 5 Lightning Arresters学术论文写作(一)——论文标题ExercisesChapter 8 Electric Power GenerationSection 1 Coal—Fired Power Plants学术论文写作(二)——论文作者姓名、单位与联系地址ExercisesSection 2 Hydropower Plants学术论文写作(三)——摘要ExercisesSection 3 Nuclear Power Plants学术论文写作(四)——关键词和引言ExercisesChapter 9 Automation Control SystemSection 1 Introduction学术论文写作(五)——正文ExercisesSection 2 Determination of the Overall Transfer Function学术论文写作(六)——结论和参考文献ExercisesSection 3 Control—System Characteristics电气工程及其自动化专业英文主要期刊一览表ExercisesSection 4 Frequency ResponseExercises参考文献

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