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1. 写关于翻译技巧心得等。2.关于日本文化的研究,以及这些研究给翻译工作带来的便利和准确度上升等等。我觉得这个比较好写,资料有很多,然后用一些例文去证明你的观点就可以。3.写一些翻译误区的研究。最好去问问你的学长他们是怎么过的毕社,找一些做参考。或者直接和你导师讨论。

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谈英语习语的翻译[摘要]习语是民族语言文化的结晶,在英语语言中占重要地位。习语的翻译是英语翻译的一个重点。本文在分析英语习语特性的基础上,总结归纳了英语习语翻译的方法。[关键词]英语习语;文化差异;翻译方法习语结构稳定、言简意赅、生动形象,是人们在劳动和认识世界的过程中的思想结晶,它们主要来源于生活。另外,它还来源于神话故事和历史典故。它们同文学作品、诗歌一样是语言的精华,承载着不同民族的文化特色和文化信息,与文化、传统紧密相连,不可分割。翻译作为语际交流的手段,不仅仅是语言符号的转换过程,而且也是一种文化移植的过程,因为语言是文化的载体,文化是语言赖以生存的土壤,二者密不可分。本文现从文化信息传递的角度,就英语习语的翻译进行了探讨。一、英语习语的特性李福宁说:“一个英语习语是一种语言的一个要素,这种语言在其时代的基础上拥有一种独一无二的表达方式。”所有历史悠久的语言都包含着许多丰富的习语。一方面,英语习语是一种艺术,它主要反映英语国家的文化特征,所以思想和内容必须是可译性习语的先决条件;另一方面,在语法上习语的结构是固定的,且作为一种规则,任何一种习惯用法中的任何元素都是不能改变的。例如:在句子“A stitch in time saves nine”中,“A”不能被“one”所代替。“To be at liberty”不能改变成“To be at freedom”。随着中西方交流的日益频繁,中西方文化背景间的差异大量减少,这为英语习语的翻译提供了新的机遇。二、英语习语的翻译方法(一)直译法所谓直译法是指在不违背译文的语言规范和不引起错误的联想的条件下,在译文中保留英语习语的比喻、形象和民族、地方特色的方法。随着国际间的交往日益频繁,一些具有民族特色的东西越来越多地被其他民族所理解和接受,英汉语的文化差异正在缩小,民族特色正在逐步融合,这使得习语的直译成为可能。用这种方法翻译习语把西方习语移植到汉语中来,可以很容易地翻译原文。例1: Hewentwith the stream, forhe lacked confidence inmaking his own decisions·(A·他随波逐流,因为他对自己做的决定缺乏信心。B·他跟着别人做,因为他对自己做出的决定缺乏信心。)显然, A比B更忠实原句,因为英语习语“gowith thestream”,翻译成汉语“学别人的样做事”意思一样。如果我们选择B,“学别人的样做事”无法准确表达原来意思。相反B会使中国读者产生歧义。例2: She refused several offers ofmarriage, and then, atthe age of forty, found herself left on the self·(她拒绝了多次求婚,到了40岁,发现自己被“束之高阁”。)这里“on the self”被翻译成“束之高阁”。这种译法不仅忠实表达原句的意思,而且还展现出说话人有点自卑的心理。例3: He who follows two hares is sure to catch nei-ther———Benjamin Franklin·(追逐两只兔,两头都落空。)这种译法成功再现了原始谚语的形式和所描绘的情景,同时还给读者一种原汁原味的感觉。如果翻译成“同时干两事,全都干不好”,虽然通顺,但由于失去话语原来的特征而显得不够忠实原文,不够生动。(二)意译法语言毕竟是交流的工具,因此译者的首要任务是让读者理解原文隐含的意义。在翻译时如果不可能或没有必要保留英语习语的表达形式,且汉语中也找不到合适的同义习语来套用,就得使用意译法结合上下文把习语的含义表达出来,也就是在翻译时使用另外一个中国读者能接受的类似的习语来翻译。意译法的特点是简洁易懂,不足之处是失去了原文的风格特色,也可以说意译法是一种不得已而采取的方法。由于英汉两种语言差别很大,在实际翻译中此方法使用得很广泛,尤其是翻译民族色彩浓厚的习语时。例4: She can tdo itwell because she is a green hand·(A·她做不好这件事,因为她是新手。B·她做不好这件事,因为她是绿色的手。)这里A显然更加合适。在这个英语习语中“greenhand”代表“无经验的人”,所以这个习语应该被翻译成“新手、生手”。许多读者第一眼看这译文的时候会觉得很茫然,可仔细想想就会觉得这样翻译很有道理。译文B看起来翻译比较呆板,虽然做到了忠实原文,但事实上它不仅没有把这个习语的灵魂翻译出来,而且产生了不切实际的汉语表达方式,让读者觉得乏味。(下接60页)(上接158页)(三)直译意译兼用法直译法有时候会减少译文的可读性,同时也会导致阅读的厌倦和文化传递的失效。意译法经常会改变英语习语的原汁原味。为了使习语的翻译通俗易懂却又不失其原有风格,在翻译过程中可以采取直译意译二者兼用的方法。例5: Make hay while the sun shines·(趁着晴天晒干草,莫失良机。)“趁着晴天晒干草”,属于直译法,它在成功地表达出内容的同时,也保持了谚语原来的风格。然而读者可能无法理解其含义,因而“莫失良机”这种意译法被附加上。这两种译法的联合增加了可读性也保留了谚语的原始韵味。例6: Every family is said to have at least one skeleton inthe cupboard·(俗话说:衣柜里藏骷髅,家丑家家有。)To lifta rock only to have his own toes squashed·(搬起石头砸自己的脚。)(四)借用法英汉两种语言有一部分同义习语不但有相同的意义或隐义,且有相同的或极相似的形象或比喻。遇到这种情形时不妨直截了当地借用英汉语中的同义习语。例如: Milkthe Bull (缘木求鱼); Birds of a feather flock together (物以类聚,人以群分)。(五)直译加注译法严格来说,加注不是翻译法,在写作、翻译中加注是最后的选择。因为有些习语具有浓厚的地方色彩、民族色彩,或具有典故性,为便于读者充分领会和完全吸收其特殊的文化意蕴,翻译时以直译加注为宜,即直接翻译出来,然后加注,予以解释。例如:“To carry coals to Newcas-tle.”,译成“运煤到纽卡索,多此一举。”还是不能让读者了解为什么运煤到纽卡索是多此一举,必须采用加注法说明纽卡索是英国的一个产煤中心,运煤到纽卡索是多余的。参考文献:[1]骆世平·英语习语研究[M]·上海:上海外语教育出版社,2005·[2]蔡福华·英语习语的翻译[J].雁北师范学院学报, 2004(1)·[3]刘湘屏·英语习语的文化内涵及翻译[J].安徽警官职业学院学报, 2004(1)·

319 评论


The purpose of the research and significance of Through the interchange bridge at home and abroad access to research, Huaihai Road and the Canal Bridge, according to the present layout, topography and road cross-situation, carry out a serious investigation, analysis, comparison, selection of appropriate interchange interchange bridge; carrying out of project feasibility demonstration, and to consider the vision of two decades the volume of traffic, after comparison, to determine the optimum type of bridge. Designed to be able to interchange bridge-type solution to the intersection of traffic jams, traffic delays and eliminating conflicts Department intersection points, thereby significantly improve the traffic speed and increase the traffic capacity, and ensure traffic safety, improve traffic environment, improve society economic benefits. Therefore, the bridge design and construction of Huaian city transport development is of great significance. generate the development of interchange Interchange of produce (1) the characteristics of cross-plane Planar cross-road are two or more roads intersect in the same plane or connections, and its characteristics are mainly embodied in the following areas: There is a danger point, the traffic complexity of public existence Noodles (2) ways to improve the cross-plane 1) From time to consider: the intersection of the various traffic flow line, from the time of separation, that is, through the police or control signal. 2) Implementation of Traffic Organization: Department set up at intersections all kinds of transport facilities or through the line, the installation of traffic signs and other traffic Drainage and Traffic Organization, so that traffic flow in the plane lines各行其道, the implementation of the separation. 3) construction of the interchange: By the construction of cross-line structure, so that intersection of the main line of traffic flow in space separated from the fundamental line of separation between the traffic flow at the same time interfere with each other through the construction of the ramp to the main line of traffic flow between the line connecting , realize the conversion between the flow of traffic. Interchange of produce The emergence and development of interchange has always been associated with motor vehicle traffic and the development of cities. With urbanization, development, delivery Just sub 20:22:13 Flux of the rapid development of car ownership is the rapid growth of the original traffic capacity of roads should not have been required to meet the growing traffic. At the same time, pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles and motor vehicle for Road between the phenomenon is becoming increasingly serious, the use of signal control and the plane deal with organizational measures such as traffic has been far from a fundamental solution to urban traffic problems exist. In this context interchange first came into being in the city, and quickly become the problems of urban traffic congestion problem of a medicine which is widely used. the development of interchange I With the emergence of high-grade highways, trunk roads of development, and improve the speed of vehicles, there is an urgent need to improve road capacity; At the same time, to ensure road safety is also of particular significance, all of which for the rapid development of the provision of interchange the premise. Highway Interchange in 1925, appeared in Germany. After this, interchange the fastest growing, most widely is the United States. Before and after World War II, Germany also built a substantial, high grade grade separation. In addition, as the economy and the rapid development of highway transport of substantial construction, the post-war Japan has also built a lot of functionality is better, economical and practical interchange interchange, and the diversification of forms of interchange design has provided a lot of experience, Interchange at design standards and design specifications can be made from results. Up to now, countries have built a lot of interchange, and gradually formed a style different characteristics. As China's urban road and highway construction and development, the construction of interchange ascendant. In urban and high-grade highways have been built a lot of interchange. According to incomplete statistics, China's Beijing alone, the Board go zones have been completed more than 100 Interchange, some interchange regardless of size, shape or design and construction standards, greening and beautifying the areas can be termedembodied in our country interchange of the ad hoc design and innovation.

274 评论


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