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In this paper the development trend of optical fiber communication, Metro WDM systems, optical transmission network, a new generation of fiber-optic materials, IP over SDH / WDM, OAN, introduced a fiber-optic communication technology and development. Optical Fiber Communication is the birth and development of an important history of the telecommunications revolution. In recent years, with technological advances, the reform of the telecommunications regulatory framework and a comprehensive telecommunications market gradually opening up, especially the explosive IP development, brought about by the tremendous bandwidth demand, the development of fiber-optic communications show-booming again development of the new situation, the paper seeks to turn of the century, the latest developments in optical fiber communications for a brief introduction and prospects.

309 评论


Optical fiber transmission loss characteristics are decided to optical network transmission distance, stability and reliability of one of the most important factors. In optical fiber communication network construction and maintenance, the most notable is caused by use of optical fiber transmission loss of reason and how to reduce the loss. One of the fiber optical signals bending loss caused great influence, therefore, the study of optical fiber bending loss has important practical significance for the preparation of excellent performance, optical fiber is of guiding role. The so-called bending loss, it includes two parts: one is because light energy from the waveguide bend around space radiation caused by radiation loss, Another kind is because light from the straight waveguide into bent waveguides coupling for other when higher-order guided mode and mode coupling wastage. This paper will analyze, bending loss of music, and then discuss research and to summarize.

267 评论


找189期刊网 陈老师 一切搞定

132 评论


Optical fiber's transmission loss characteristic is decides the light network transmitting range, the transmission stability and one of reliable most important attributes. In fiber optic communications network construction and maintenance, what most is worth paying attention is how in the optical fiber use causes the transmission loss reason as well as to reduce these losses. And the optical fiber has the very tremendous influence curving to light signal's transmission loss, therefore, studies the optical fiber curving loss to have the vital practical significance, to prepares the performance fine optical fiber to have the instruction function. So-called curving loss, it including two partial contents: Because one kind is the light wave energy radiates the radiation loss which from the wave guide crook causes to the periphery space in; When another kind is the light wave enters from the straight wave guide the curving wave guide the coupling the mode coupling loss which malleable causes for other higher orders. This article mainly on crooked loses carries on the analysis, the research, the discussion, then makes the summary.

168 评论


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281 评论


Fibre-optical transmission spoilage characteristic property is the distance deciding to glorify the network transmission , transfers one of stability and the most important reliability factor. In fibre-optical communication network construction and upkeep, be that fibre-optical uses middle to arouse transmission spoilage cause and how to cuts down these spoilages be worth paying close attention to most. Curved fibre-optical camera setting among them signal transmission spoilage brings about very big effect , therefore, the spoilage studying fibre-optical is curved has important actual significance , fibre-optical has a directive function to preparation high performance. So-called bending wastes , it includes two parts content: One kind of the radiation spoilage being to arouse because light wave energy is hit by from curved duct place radiation to vicinity space; Another a kind of is a spoilage because of the pattern coupling that the coupling arouses when light wave enters the curved duct from straight duct for high order leads a model other. Wan Qu Qu spoilage go along analyses , study , discuss the main body of a book mainly, be used for out a summary then.

355 评论


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