饮水机 [名] water dispenser; [例句]为建造该系统,陈龙彪在饮水机上装了一个摄像头。Chen has set up the system by attaching a camera to the water fountain.
求饮水机的英文! drinkingfountaindoctor/products/Halsey+Taylor+Non-Refridgerated+Drinking+Fountains/?page_name=Halsey%20Taylor%20Non-Refridgerated%20Drinking%20Fountains ( pictures) drinking fountain(S) `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` hbwaterdispensers/ ( pictures) water dispenser(S) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please check out the websites above and choose the right words. 参考: 8686868686868686868686 饮水机的英文 Drinking fountain 以上全错,应是 water dispenser. Water drinking machine. (That's just my own opinion!) 图片参考:.yimg/iugc/rte/ *** iley_20 饮水机的英文....... Drinking fountains 参考: 字典 fountain Drinking fountain
Normally we call it a "water dispenser" in Hong Kong. You may wish to take a look at the following Watsons' website to see how they describe their products: watsons-water/eng/co/index_wp drinking fountain water fountain noun. 饮水器 Potable water machine 参考: Drinking fountains 唔知你讲紧边种呢 一般黎讲,我会叫water coolers 但系如果你要指明系果d矿泉水机/蒸馏水机,你可以叫Bottled water coolers 如果你系指果d按掣就有水喷上黎果d,你就可以叫 Drinking water fountains 或者就咁 drinking fountains 饮水机的英文系 drinking fountain~ Distilled water machine.
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