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Zhou Y, Guan X, Wang H*, Zhu Z, Li C, Wu S, Yu H. Hypoxia stimulates osgteogenic/angiogenic responses of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells seeded on bone-derived scaffolds via ERK1/2 and p38 pathways. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2013 Jun;110(6):1794-804. (IF: ) Dong Wei, Jian-hua Liu, Wen-quan Zhao, Hui-yong Zhu, Zhi-yong Li, and Hui-ming Wang*, 'Use of the Versatile Sternocleidomastoid Flap in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery: Our Experience', British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2013). SCI Y Zhou, X Guan, W Zhu, Z Liu, X Wang, H Yu, and H Wang*, 'Capsaicin Inhibits Porphyromonas Gingivalis Growth, Biofilm Formation, Gingivomucosal Inflammatory Cytokine Secretion, and in Vitro Osteoclastogenesis', European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (2013), 1-9. SCI Ziqiang Kong, Mengfei Yu, Kui Chenga, Wenjian Weng, Huiming Wang*, Jun Lin, Piyi Du, Gaorong Han. Incorporation of chitosan nanospheres into thin mineralized collagen coatings for improving the antibacterial and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 111 (2013) 536–541 Yang Liu , Mengfei Yu, Kui Cheng, Wenjian Weng, Jun Lin, Huiming Wang*, Piyi Du, Gaorong Han. Influence of rod-surface structure on biological interactions between TiO2 nanorod films and proteins/cells. Thin Solid Films(2013). Xinhua Wang, Mengfei Yu, Wenyuan Zhu, Tingwei Bao, Liqin Zhu, Wenquan Zhao, Fuyan Zhao, Huiming Wang*. Adenovirus-Mediated Expression of Keratinocyte Growth Factor Promotes Secondary Flap Necrotic Wound Healing in an Extended Animal Model. Aesth Plast Surg (2013) 37:1023–1033 SCI Jun Lin, Lan Yu, Juan Li, Yan Lu, Junjun Tu, Wenjian Weng, Jinghong Xu, and Huiming Wang*, 'The Cellular Response of Titanium Coated with Calcium Phosphate/Collagen-I Complex in Vitro', Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, 5 (2013), 427-32. SCI 1 Ting Ling, Mengfei Yu, Wenjian Weng, Huiming Wang*, Kui Cheng, Jun Lin, and Piyi Du, 'Improvement of Drug Elution in Thin Mineralized Collagen Coatings with Plga‐Peg‐Plga Micelles', Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A (2013). Li SY, Hu JA, Wang HM*,Expression of Yes- associated protein 1 gene and protein in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Chin Med J (Engl). 2013 Feb;126(4):655-8. SCI Tingwei Bao, Huiming Wang*, Dong Wei, and Di Yu, 'Transposition of a Lingual Thyroid to the Submandibular Space Using a Modified Technique', Journal of Laryngology and Otology, 126 (2012), 1287. SCI Kai Ma, Zhifeng Huang, Jianfeng Ma, Longquan Shao, Huiming Wang*, and Yanliang Wang, 'Perlecan and Synaptophysin Changes in Denervated Skeletal Muscle', Neural Regeneration Research, 7 (2012), Fang L, Wang H*, Zhou L, Yu D. FOXO3a reactivation mediates the synergistic cytotoxic effects of rapamycin and cisplatin in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. 2011 Feb 15;251(1):8-15. SCI Liang Fang, HuiMng Wang*, Lin Zhou, and Da Yu, 'Akt-Foxo3a Signaling Axis Dysregulation in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Potent Efficacy of Foxo3a-Targeted Gene Therapy', Oral oncology, 47 (2011), 16-21. SCI Jun Lin, Yi-jing Fan, Christian Mehl, Jia-jun Zhu, Hong Chen, Ling-yan Jin, Jing-hong Xu, and Hui-ming Wang*, 'Eucommia Ulmoides Oliv. Antagonizes H2o2-Induced Rat Osteoblastic Mc3t3-E1 Apoptosis by Inhibiting Expressions of Caspases 3, 6, 7, and 9', Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, 12 (2011), Lin J, Zhu J, Gu X, Wen W, Li Q, Fischer-Brandies H, Wang H*, Mehl C. Effects of bonding with complex adhesives containing fluorapatite or fluorohydroxyapatite to enamel. Acta biomaterialia,2011 Mar;7(3):1346-53. SCI Xin‐Hua Gu, Cai‐Yun Mao, Cong Liang, Hui‐Ming Wang*, and Matthias Kern, 'Does Endodontic Post Space Irrigation Affect Smear Layer Removal and Bonding Effectiveness?', European journal of oral sciences, 117 (2009), 597-603. SCI Xin-Hua Gu, Cai-Yun Mao, Cong Liang, Hui-Ming Wang, Matthias Kern. Dose endodontic post space irrigation affect smear layer removal and bongding effectiveness. European Journal Oral Sciences, 2009; 117 : 597-603. IF Lin Jun, Xu Jinghong, Chen Hong, Dong Chen, Wang Huiming. Study on CPC Carried by rhBMP-2. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering. 2008;5 (37) 626-670 IF Huiming Wang, Liqin Zhu, et al. Effects of Titanium Implant Surface Coated with Natural Nacre on MC3T3E1 Cell Line in Vitro. Progress in Biochemistry Biophysics, 2008, 35 (6) : 671-675. IF Hua Yao, Huiming Wang, Zhuo Zhang, Bing-Hua Jiang, Jia Luo and Xianglin Shi. Sulforaphane inhibited expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1a in human tongue squamaous cancer cells and prostate cancer cells. Int. J. Cancer. 2008; 123, 1255-1261. IF 王慧明,徐俊华等. 骨移植同期种植体植入和二期种植体植入的比较研究. 中国口腔种植学杂志, 2008, 13(3): 151-153. 贺俊,王慧明等. 骨形态发生蛋白-7真核表达载体的构建及其在MC3T3-E1细胞中的表达. 华西口腔医学杂志, 2008, 26(5): 479-481 王慧明,徐俊华等. 纳米羟基磷灰石/I型胶原复合人工骨组成结构及成骨活性的实验研究. 生物医学工程学杂志, 2008, 25 (03) : 567-570. Huiming Wang, Cheng Luo, etal. Simulated Growth of CaCO3 Crystals on Nacreous Surface. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007 23 (6) : 1107-1110. SCI IF 贺俊,王慧明等. VEGF165和VEGF121在MC3T3-E1细胞中的表达及生物学功能. 浙江大学学报(医学版), 2006, 35 (3) : 281-286 魏栋,王慧明等. 99^mTc-MDP动态骨显像在定量监测组织工程骨修复兔颅骨缺损中的应用. 中华放射医学与防护杂志, 2006, 26 (5) : 498-500一级杂志 刘治慧,王慧明等. 自体髂骨游离移植同期种植体植入修复骨量不足区牙缺失的动物实验研究. 中国口腔种植学杂志,2006,11(3):104-109 . Kui Cheng, Wenjian Weng, Huiming Wang, Sam Zhang. In vitro behavior of osteoblast-like cells on fluoridated hydroxyapatite coatings. Biomaterials, 2005 :26 (3) 6288-6295. SCI IF 2/4 王慧明,徐俊华等. 牛肌腱胶原蛋白的提取及多孔支架的制作. 中国口腔种植学杂志, 2005, 10(3): 108-110,142 姚华,王慧明等. 茶多酚对舌鳞状细胞癌细胞增殖和端粒酶催化亚基的抑制作用. 中华口腔医学杂志 2005, 40(6); 451-454 一级杂志 刘治慧,王慧明等. 无引导膜状况下自体髂骨游离移植同期种植的骨结合强度测试分析及临床应用. 中国口腔种植学杂志,2005,10(4)172-174

289 评论


获得的主要教学表彰/奖励研究主要以番茄、辣椒、黄瓜、大蒜等为对象,以蔬菜优质高产、高效节本的安全生产为目标,在蔬菜育苗技术、栽培生理、环境生理生态调控等方面开展广泛研究,并取得良好效果。多次荣获江苏省科技进步二等奖、三等奖,江苏省高等教育教学成果二等奖,南京农业大学教学成果特等奖,及江苏省优秀科技特派员、师德先进个人、教学质量标兵等荣誉称号。近期发表主要论文主要论著(近3年来已发表的与本项目有关的主要论著目录和获得学术奖励情况,按以下格式填写)1. 期刊论文:Jiang Fangling, Jin Huiqing, Tian Jie, Cao Xue, Liu Min, Li Jieying,Wu Zhen*.The Effects of Exogenous H2O2 and AsA on Occurrence of Hyperhydricity and Production and Localization of Endogenous ROS in Garlic Plantlet in Vitro. 中国科技论文在线, 2012, Z*,JIN Hui-Qing, JIANG Fang-Ling, TIAN Jie. The Occurrence of Hyperhydricity and Production and Location of Endogenous Reactive Oxygen Species in the Garlic Plantlet in Vitro under Exogenous H2O2 Stress. 28th International Horticultural Congress (International Society for Horticultural Science,ISHC), 2010, Portugal Z*,Chen L J, Long Y J. Analysis of ultrastructure and reactive oxygen species of hyperhydric garlic(Allium sativum L.)shoots. In Vitro , 2009, 45:*,. Effects of Ethephon Treatment on the Soluble Protein, Isoenzymes, and Their Activities in Muskmelon(Cucumis melo . reticulatus Naud.). Acta Horticulturae, ISHS 2008, (774): *,. Long, Q. Zhang and . of Cold Treatment Time on Stem-Disc Culture of Garlic(Allium sativum L.). Acta Hort. 764, ISHS 2007, 213-218胡宏敏,蒋芳玲,曹雪,吴震*,王广龙. 黄瓜贝壳杉烯氧化酶基因CKO的克隆及其表达分析. 园艺学报.2012,39(6):1131-1140田洁, 蒋芳玲, 刘敏, 吴震*. 外源H2O2处理对大蒜试管苗玻璃化发生及玻璃苗特性的影响. 中国科技论文在线, 2012, 201201-224.张琳, 蒋芳玲, 熊超超, 孙萍萍, 靳慧卿, 田洁, 吴震*. 外源H2O2作用下大蒜试管苗活性氧代谢的变化及对AsA的响应. 园艺学报, 2011, 38(9): 1707–1716.薄丽萍, 吴震*, 蒋芳玲, 徐金金, 吴汉花. 不结球白菜种子活力及抗氧化特性在人工老化过程中的变化. 西北植物学报, 2011, 31( 4) : 0724– 0730.范伯圣, 蒋芳玲, 胡根金, 王东, 吴震*. 留蔓数和留果数对厚皮甜瓜植株根系活力及抗氧化特性的影响. 江苏农业学报, 2011, 27( 2) : 382–389.靳慧卿, 蒋芳玲, 张琳, 孙萍萍, 熊超超, 田洁, 吴震*. 外源H2O2对大蒜试管苗玻璃化及活性氧代谢动态变化的影响. 江西农业学报, 2010, 22(6):53–57.郭菊叶, 蒋芳玲, 吴震*, 曾旋睿, 靳慧卿. 不同品种薹用大蒜花薹发育进程及其形态和解剖学观察. 上海农业学报, 2009, 3:42–46.曾旋睿, 蒋芳玲, 吴震*, 郭菊叶, 靳慧卿. 60Co–y射线辐照对大蒜试管苗增殖、生长及抗氧化特性的影响.西北农业学报, 2009, 18(6): 212–216.黄俊, 郭世荣, 蒋芳玲, 陈岚, 吴震*. 遮荫处理及恢复光照对白菜生长及活性氧代谢的影响. 园艺学报, 2008, 35(5):753–.会议论文:Jiang F L,Guo J Y,Wu Z*. 2010. The dynamic changes of inner hormones during floral differentiation in bolting garlic cultivar. 28th International Horticultural Congress (International Society for Horticultural Science,ISHC), Portugal Lisbon. Oral presentationWu Z*,JIN H Q,Jiang F L, Tian J. Occurrence of Hyperhydricity and Production and Location of Endogenous Reactive Oxygen Species in the Garlic Plantlet in Vitro under Exogenous H2O2 Stress. 28th International Horticultural Congress (International Society for Horticultural Science,ISHC), Portugal Lisbon. 28th International Horticultural Congress (International Society for Horticultural Science,ISHC), Portugal .专著:吴震,蒋芳玲.植物组培苗玻璃化.北京:科学出版社,2011,392-396.(见《10000个科学难题——农业科学卷》,吴震.蒋芳玲为参编人)吴震,翁忙玲、蒋芳玲.蔬菜育苗实用新技术百问百答.北京: 中国农业出版社,2010学生评价:为人正派,襟怀坦荡,谦虚谨慎;十分关心学生,平易近人;一丝不苟,严于律已,工作忘我,勤勤恳恳;为人师表,教书育人,受到学生的尊敬和爱戴。

127 评论


2020年发表的细胞生物学杂志包括:1. Cell:《细胞》(Cell)是一本由美国细胞生物学会出版的期刊,主要发表细胞生物学领域的研究论文。2. Molecular Cell:《分子细胞》(Molecular Cell)是一本由美国细胞生物学会出版的期刊,主要发表分子细胞生物学领域的研究论文。3. Developmental Cell:《发育细胞》(Developmental Cell)是一本由美国细胞生物学会出版的期刊,

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