出国留学的利与弊出国留学, 是国人向往的事情, 无论是学生还是家长, 在留学之前, 都有美好的憧憬。各人条件不同,选择亦不同,但是,无论什么样的选择,都会遇到一些基本的问题,这些问题,是对学生和家长人生态度的严峻考验,甚至是痛苦的抉择。一是金钱。 这个问题容易理解,但不易掌握。因为国家的外汇管制,学生的学费和生活费大都一次性给学生,有钱人会给一大笔钱,学生缺乏自制力,常会炫耀,露财招来灾害,有人甚至丢掉了性命。工薪阶层会以最低限度的费用,甚至加上学生打工的收入来计算每年的支出,名曰锻炼孩子,实则难以掌握分寸,初到国外的学生,面临环境的变化和生活学习的压力,又尽可能的打工挣钱,身体稍不注意,十分容易生病,不乏身体垮掉的例子。有些家长尽管精明,但毕竟没有国外生活的实际经验,只能根据道听途说大概估算出每年的费用,为防止预算外支出或保险起见,加一定的百分比,以应付不时之需。但学生没有理财的经验,甚至没有挨饿的经历,很难将半年甚至一年的花费计划周全,更不用说那些随意乱花钱的主了。有一个好家长就是基本准确的估算出每年的费用,另加了40%的保险系数,将钱交给学生,千叮万瞩要精打细算并留有余地,这个好学生十分听话,交上学费等后,将余钱妥善保管不乱花费,又出去打工,待放假时将挣到的工钱给家长和朋友买礼物,回家后家长问还有多少剩余?学生答,没有了。家长纳闷,一年平安,无甚意外,留作保险的钱至少剩余20%,钱哪儿去了,学生答,按月分摊花了,令家长哭笑不得。第二年,学生拍胸保证,只要基本费用,无须另加保险系数,打工完全可以起到保险的作用,放假之前,家长问是否买好返程机票,学生支支吾吾,急问之下,放声大哭,原因是将未来的打工收入,预列入机票支出,考试期间,身心疲惫,难解考试和打工两面之围,自然就没有了回家路费,连吃饭都成了问题,这时方知借钱难于上青天,家长心急火燎,四方求援,才解了一时之急。如何对未来几年时间的留学费用作出适当的规划,对家长也是考验。这些费用包括正常花费,或意外事件,或需延长留学时间,若家长留有充分的余地,遇事可依靠充分的储备立即解围。见过若干家长,对留学所需时间,或变化专业或学校等情况,考虑较少,没有留下余地。时间就是金钱,时间一延长,家庭财力捉襟见肘,难以应付,学生只能半途退学。也有的上了几年学,发现家庭财力不足或学习专业不对路,主动海归的。出国留学的钱,家长计算的是人民币,学生花的是当地货币,这涉及到汇率以及如何将钱拿到国外的问题,汇票、旅行支票、外币现金还是电汇,除了汇兑损失,还有安全考虑。钱,留学的命根,而如何掌握好命根,更重要。二是情感 慈母手中线,游子身上衣……现在已经没有必要了,但感情的交流是家长与学生难以割舍的。现代社会,子女远行,有许多通讯设备可以进行感情沟通,比起从前不知要强多少倍。但使用MSN Messager 常常断线,国际长途又太贵,希望G3手机的费用能降下来。当在机场大厅相见时,学生和家长往往都会感到有些意想不到的变化,岁月使人变化。若每逢寒暑假必回国休息,则不利于接触当地社会,亦不能打工挣钱,与当地教育模式脱节。若长期在外不得相见,相思之苦又会煎熬着人的心灵。每当国外有天灾人祸,都能拉紧国内人的神经,直到确认与自己人毫不相干,紧绷的心才会松弛下来。学生往往学会了隐藏自己,考试不及格或感情的事情你可能永远不知道,有一个坏学生,被学校开除,还每年按时向家长要学费。家长要了解学生和当地的情况,只能道听途说或到互联网去搜索,当地的外国文字阻挡了许多家长的眼睛。出国留学常常是家庭最重大的投资,不仅仅是财力的投入,更是家庭未来的希望。如此重大的投资,你不能像投资股票那样,时刻了解它的变化,你对它知之甚少,多数是从学生那里了解到,而学生对家长探根问底的询问,往往采取回避的方式。对重大投资的关注和对个人隐私或未来命运掌握之间,相互的矛盾是不可避免的。学生在国外举目无亲,遇到困难无人倾诉,遥远的亲人无法理解这些困难,更难以施以援手,若不能自行缓解,则可能产生心理疾病。坚强一些的性格和对寂寞的忍耐,是在财力之外必须考虑的因素。若顺利拿到毕业证书,又拿到了工作准证甚至永久居民身份,关于情感的问题则更加突出。人生在世,有几个关键的阶段要决策,例如婚姻、工作、住房等,这些选择都必须在一个适当的空间内进行,这个空间的选择是国内还是外国?又联系到了出国的目的,目的是否明确,学生若要移民国外,父母与子女则要长期分离,即使办理了探亲签证,时间受到限制不说,在语言不通和环境饮食迥然的地方,家长适应国外的能力又受到考验。在如此多的选择和考验面前,认识和能力不同,选择就不同,矛盾是少不了的。矛盾大了就会伤到感情,处理好是能力的检验,更是对人生态度的挑战。父母往往要作出更大的牺牲,可怜天下父母心。三是前途 出国留学的美好憧憬,仅仅拿到毕业证书是不够的,更加美好的生活才是成功的标志。前途在哪里?毕业后立刻面临的问题就是工作、住房、婚姻这些人生的抉择,如同国内大学生毕业面临同样的问题,但是在对这些作出抉择之前,多出了一个空间选择的问题,即国内还是国外?各国及城市发展程度的差异,导致公共服务供给水平差异显著,通常人们选择从公共服务水平低的地区向高的地区流动,例如农民工向城市流动,或发展中国家向发达国家的流动。各国职工平均年收入也是重要的参考指标,中国北京,属于国内高收入地区,约2万人民币,换成美元3000元,美国、英国4万美元,澳大利亚、日本3万美元,新加坡、香港2万美元,大学刚毕业的工资基本可以拿到平均工资的数额或略低,中国人善于储蓄,扣除当地生活支出,节约的可以剩余一半或三分之一,国内毕业生按同样的比例储蓄,几年下来,差距就会很大。选择留学所在国工作,优势是明显的。再有婚姻问题,古训讲要门当户对,意思是相近的生活背景更容易沟通、理解和融合,若找到一个外国配偶,进门不会同父母打招呼,做父母的应当有一些心理准备。国外就业,遇到的第一个问题便是歧视,种族歧视或出生地歧视,遇到亚裔人,首先问你是不是日本人或香港人等,若说是中国大陆人,就会有一种鄙视的目光过来,长期以往,直到你感到麻木,更直接的后果是,找工作的难度增加,薪水或低于当地人。即使你获得了永久居留身份,医疗养老保险、住房保障等与公民之间是有许多差距的,等于从法律制度上使你处于一个不平等的起跑线,增加了成功的难度。你再次面临空间选择的深层次问题,人生的重大选择,是保留中国国籍成为华侨还是加入住在国国籍成为外籍华人。前一时期,演艺界明星加入外国国籍搞的沸沸扬扬,甚至有人大骂背叛。按照中华人民共和国法律,加入外国国籍按照个人自愿的原则,是合法行为,不存在背叛的问题,就像我们不能指责农民工争取城市户口一样。世界上大多数发达国家承认或默认双重国籍,连发展中的人口大国如印度、印尼等也开始承认双重国籍。尽管有上千万的海外华人翘盼着保留中国国籍或拥有双重国籍,但是中国政府认为,不承认双重国籍更符合中国国情。中华人民共和国香港特区对世界约170个国家和地区实行免签证,但对持有中华人民共和国护照的,进入香港仍要获得准入签证。中国护照的免签国家很少,这是目前难于解决的问题。若成为外籍华人,你回家要获得中国签证,回家时间长短由国家驻外使领馆决定。回国发展也受到一定限制,一定程度上可以说,你受到国外和国内双重夹击,当然已经成功的人士很少受到这类问题的牵制和困扰。作为一个普通人,一个寻找自己前途的人,你必须对自己的前途有所认识,你必须发挥比国内大学生更大的潜能才能获得成功
我认为,大学生出国留学弊大于利这要从整体和个人两个角度来打大学生是国家和社会花心血花精力培养出来的高素质人才,目的就是希望他们在离开学校后,投入社会,学以至用,为社会的发展而奉献力量。第二,虽经受过 高等教育培养的大学生,并不一定对祖国有非常深刻的认识与了解,一个对自己民族文化都不了解的人,何谈在外的生存??国家可能会为了培养跨世纪的符合型人才,增强人才竞争力而更重视选派大学生出国留学,但是送出并不代表可以收回,付出并不代表等量的回报,结果往往不会想初衷那样美丽动人,许多人才都是一去不复返,苦恨这么多年的精心培育,只为他人做嫁衣裳。更增加了其他国家的国际竞争力。更何况,大学生身处全球化的浪潮中,如果放弃了自己的文化主体意识,就很容易被别国的文化所同化。从个人层面来讲,第一,刚刚大学毕业的这群年轻人,对新事物的好奇心都很中,因此,很容易片面偏激地去接受新的学术观点,而全盘否定以前所学的知识。第二,许多大学生是为了逃避毕业后的就业压力而选择出国镀金,以增加自己的就业竞争力,可是等他回国后,难道就不会面临压力了吗??等他回来之后,将是另外一批竞争力更强的“海归”,研究生,博士生……逃避只是暂时的,勇敢地面对才是永恒的主题。第三,对于许多大学生而言,出国留学只是一个单纯而美好的理想,向往的往往只是这个名词的光鲜,却忽略了其中的艰辛与挣扎。当一个人只身在外流落他乡的时候,美丽的梦想便成了被迫的无奈。个中辛酸谁人能知?
Firstly, studying abroad is the best way to learn a is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language.
Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt difference are more than just language food and personal who experience culture difference personally can e to truely understand the real difference.
Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.
Some people believe that attending a college or university in a foreign country has many advantages. They think that attending a college or university abroad can help them learn more than they can from universities in their own country, especially when they go to a developed country where they can catch up with the pace of scientific and technical advance of the world from that country' s modern lab facilities. In addition, they can pick up the latest developments of the living language there more quickly, develop their ability of coping with the routine matters such as finding a part-time job, renting a house and helping with the house work, and learn many new things to widen their views and broaden their minds. But some people don't agree to it. They think that attending a college or university in foreign country also has many disadvantages and the disadvantages oueigh the advantages. They hold that students studying in a foreign country will have more difficulties in both life and study. The most serious problem is the language barriers. They have to spend much time learning a foreign language and even if they have learned the language, they still can' t understand thoroughly what the foreigners and teachers say just because of the unfamiliar culture background and social customs. So ff they are not persons full of courage, flexibility, and determination, they are most likely to fail and learn nothing eventually. Besides, since costs and expenditure are much higher than those in their native country, most overseas students have to work for a living, and will find it impossible for them to pay all attention to studying. So it is of benefit to them if they study in their own country. The above o viewpoints, I should say, are all reasonable in some respects. But I support the first kind of people. I think people should attend a college or university in a foreign country ff they can. In this way they can learn not only the useful knowledge of science but also the culture and Customs of other nations. Besides, they can learn some new ideas and, when they e back, bring in some fresh air in our way of thinking and promote the development of our country. If nobody went to study abroad because of the disadvantages, the development of our country would be slower.翻译!一些人认为上大学或大学在国外有很多优势。
此外,他们可以选择的最新发展迅速,活的语言有更多发展他们的能力应对日常问题如找到一份 *** 工作,租房和帮助与众议院工作,学习许多新事物来扩大他们的观点和扩大他们的想法。
麻烦选为最佳 帮你搞这篇作文不容易啊~你可以从中找自己要用的~With the rapid development of society, we have entered an era of information explosion. In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more scholars and students in our country decide to further their study abroad. But is it reasonable for everyone to go overseas for study?Definitely, studying abroad brings about many advantages. It widens students' knowledge and horizons, meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities, and also it benefits their foreign , students can learn advanced knowledge and experience abroad. Since the policy of reform and open to the outside world, China has strengthened cooperations with many countries. As a result, the scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, pared with the developed countries in the world, we still have a very long way to go. Studying abroad provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced knowledge and management experience, then they e back to enhance the scientific level of our , studying abroad can cultivate students' abilities to live independently and form their own characters. Students have to deal with many problems when they study abroad. They have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and clas *** ates. During their studies, they can acquire some interpersonal ' more, studying abroad can provide a good language environment for students and make it easy to pick up a language. Foreign language is a tool employed to municate with each other. It can remove language barrier and make international cooperations much easierHowever, “Every coin has its o sides”. Studying abroad also brings about many disadvantages. For example, students will be confronted with so many psychological problems. They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment. Furthermore, the tuition is very high, which is a very heavy financial burden to the average peopleTo sum up, the advantages of studying abroad seem oueigh the counterparts. But, in my opinion, studying abroad is not just as easy as sending someone to an unacquainted environment and dreaming of being a future scientist or expert. The economic and psychological problems are definitely needed to be taken into account before you make the choice.
网上很多,发给例子In recent years, studying abroad has bee more and more popular among teenagers. In my opinion, it is good to send them to study in foreign the first place, pared with the education at home, education in foreign countries pays more attention to cultivate the students' ability and offer better studying conditions. Second, living and studying in a society totally different from their own country, the students will learn more after class by experiencing a different culture and living independently. Meanwhile, they help spread their own culture to a foreign country. Above all things, the students can learn advanced technology from foreign countries and make contribution to our motherland.
In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of schloars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators beeen peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these,the advantages greatly oueigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as , they think by attending a college in a foreign country they can learn not only useful knowledge, but also the culture and customs of other nations. Secondly, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a good mand of the foreign language they are learning very quickly. Moreover, they can meet different people and experience different cultures, which may help to broaden their coin has o sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. The costs are much higher than those in their native country. Most overseas students have to work for a living, which can't allow them to pay all their attention to study. What's more, they may feel very above *** ysis, we can see that the positive aspects oueigh the negative ones. Therefore, I am in favor of going abroad to study.
第一篇In recent years, studying abroad has flourished. Thousands of schloars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad. Attending schools abroad has many advantages. In the first place, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators beeen peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly. However, studying abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. In spite of these, the advantages greatly oueigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad.第二篇 Nowadays more and more young people are going to study abroad. Like everything else, studying abroad has both favorable and unfavorable aspects. Generally, the favorable aspects can be listed as follows. Firstly, they think by attending a college in a foreign country they can learn not only useful knowledge, but also the culture and customs of other nations. Secondly, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a good mand of the foreign language they are learning very quickly. Moreover, they can meet different people and experience different cultures, which may help to broaden their views. Every coin has o sides. The negative aspects are also apparent. The costs are much higher than those in their native country. Most overseas students have to work for a living, which can't allow them to pay all their attention to study. What's more, they may feel very lonely. Through above *** ysis, we can see that the positive aspects oueigh the negative ones. Therefore, I am in favor of going abroad to study.
麻烦选为最佳 帮你搞这篇作文不容易啊~你可以从中找自己要用的~With the rapid development of society, we have entered an era of information explosion. In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more scholars and students in our country decide to further their study abroad. But is it reasonable for everyone to go overseas for study?Definitely, studying abroad brings about many advantages. It widens students' knowledge and horizons, meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities, and also it benefits their foreign , students can learn advanced knowledge and experience abroad. Since the policy of reform and open to the outside world, China has strengthened cooperations with many countries. As a result, the scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, pared with the developed countries in the world, we still have a very long way to go. Studying abroad provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced knowledge and management experience, then they e back to enhance the scientific level of our , studying abroad can cultivate students' abilities to live independently and form their own characters. Students have to deal with many problems when they study abroad. They have to learn how to be accustomed to a new environment and how to get along with the teachers and clas *** ates. During their studies, they can acquire some interpersonal ' more, studying abroad can provide a good language environment for students and make it easy to pick up a language. Foreign language is a tool employed to municate with each other. It can remove language barrier and make international cooperations much easierHowever, “Every coin has its o sides”. Studying abroad also brings about many disadvantages. For example, students will be confronted with so many psychological problems. They often feel lonely and helpless in a new environment. Furthermore, the tuition is very high, which is a very heavy financial burden to the average peopleTo sum up, the advantages of studying abroad seem oueigh the counterparts. But, in my opinion, studying abroad is not just as easy as sending someone to an unacquainted environment and dreaming of being a future scientist or expert. The economic and psychological problems are definitely needed to be taken into account before you make the choice.
忧郁的眼睛,尖尖的鼻子,小小的嘴巴,齐腰的秀发,苗条的身材,饱满的 *** ,上翘的玉臀,美丽的歌喉,温柔忍让的心,而且还琴棋书画样样精通。
您好,Firstly studying abroad is the best way to learn a is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to imersed in a culture that speaks the language. Secondly,studying abroad allows you to get to another culture firstt difference are more than just language food and personal who experience culture difference personally can e to truely understand the real difference. Thirdly,studying abroad can give you the opportunity to travel and make friend around the world,and broaden your horizon.欢迎向158教育在线知道提问
With the rapid development of society, we have entered an era of information explosion. In order to acquire more knowledge, more and more scholars and students in our country decide to further their study abroad. But is it reasonable for everyone to go overseas for study?Definitely, studying abroad brings about many advantages. It widens students' knowledge and horizons, meanwhile cultivates their independence and personalities, and also it benefits their foreign , students can learn advanced knowledge and experience abroad. Since the policy of reform and open to the outside world, China has strengthened cooperations with many countries. As a result, the scientific and technological level has been improved very rapidly. However, pared with the developed countries in the world, we still have a very long way to go. Studying abroad provides opportunities to students, who can learn advanced knowledge and management experience, then they e back to enhance the scientific level of our country.
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留学生毕业 论文 致谢是一篇留学生 论文 中的最后结尾部分,也是对自己这篇论文的指导老师和在毕业设计中关心自己的,爱护自己的家人朋友的一种感谢的表达。羞涩于言语的人们往往会利用书面的文字形式来表现自己的另一种内心世界。不论是留学生论文还是我们国内大学的论文,一篇标准的论文总少不了 论文致谢 的身影。 而一到毕业季,则会有很多留学生们来电询问,留学生 毕业论文 致谢要怎么写?写得太过,会有献殷勤之嫌;得太平淡,又让导师觉得自己的辛苦并没有得到学生的珍惜,而颇感心寒。对于周围朋友的感谢要用怎样的言语表达才合理?这一系列的问题在网络上搜索得频率虽多,但是却没有一个很好的整合与解答。 作为一家专业的论文网站,无忧论文网请出专业的留学生论文导师组专家为大家排疑解难。从专业角度来告诉大家留学生毕业论文致谢怎么写?在此附上留学生毕业论文致谢的范文作为参考指导。 留学生毕业论文致谢参考指导(二则) 例子1 Acknowledgements uk essay AcknowledgementsI would like to express my gratitude to all those who helped me during the writing of this thesis. My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to Professor Zhou Yanxia, my supervisor, for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. Second, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor xx, who led me into the world of translation. I am also greatly indebted to the professors and teachers at the Department of English: Ms. Wu Qing, Feng Shaozhong and Han Xiaoya, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years. Last my thanks would go to my beloved family for their loving considerations and great confidence in me all through these years. I also owe my sincere gratitude to my friends and my fellow classmates who gave me their help and time in listening to me and helping me work out my problems during the difficult course of the thesis.
刑法是规定犯罪与刑罚以及刑事责任的一系列法律规范的总和,是代表国家力量的公权力对私人的一种制裁。下文是我为大家搜集整理的关于刑法 毕业 论文的内容,欢迎大家
APA写作格式(重点) Directory to APA in-text citation models(文中的资源引用格式)。即在文中至少要在引用资源的同时写
thesis结构: 摘要应该提供完整的论文概述, 包括您的主要结果和发现。 介绍和文献综述包括打算为某个研究主题做出什么贡献、研究该主题的哪些具体方面动机或研究