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SCI Translate是一款专业优秀的医学文件翻译工具。软件支持在电脑上打开文件进行翻译,点到那个单词即可翻译那个单词,软件可以为你翻译专业的英语词汇,为你的工作和学习提供便利。【功能特点】词典查询1200万词汇量,涵盖了临床各科、基础医学、分子生物学、药物、器械和中医中药等领域的最新词汇权威SCI论文例句其中SCI双语论文例句40万,医学单语例句60万,让论文写作英语表达不再愁即指即译最强悍的用于PDF文献阅读的翻译软件,各大主流浏览器与阅读器一网打尽,哪里不会指哪里绿色免费无需安装,即点即用,简单方便实用。 【使用方法】1.首次安装,请先点击安装上面红框文件,然后点击SCI ,即可运行软件。2.首次使用,用网页浏览器打开该网址,免费申请百度翻译API;。3.点击【上传API信息】按钮,在对话框中粘贴API信息,提交。4.打开SCI文献并翻译5.点击软件界面的打开相应的文献,依次点击箭头所指即可翻译文献。6.单词翻译:详细词义精解及生词表记忆功能7.阅读时,用鼠标双击任意单词,马上在右边栏出现详细释义,有译文、语法变形、常用词组、音标、英式美式读音,还有同义词反义词——这个功能在我们模仿写作时非常有用,最大限度降低论文相似度,你懂的!【注意事项】1.一定要先解压缩,不要在rar压缩包里运行;2.申请Baidu API: 应用名称随便填;3.申请Baidu API: 千万不要填IP地址,否则就只能从这个IP地址使用了;:请右键 ,以管理员身份运行;5.找不到未命名文件错误:可能是因为你在压缩包里运行,或者和不在同一目录;6.请根据自己的屏幕分辨率下载相应的包,否则会显示不全;的是上下对照,而不是左右对照,因为屏幕太小了;8.为什么API输入总是错误:复制粘贴仔细点,不要混进空格、标点啥的;9.翻译结果总是空白:API错误,重新输入或重新申请一个

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1. 主语和谓语的单数和复数要一致英语中名词有它的单数和复数形式,动词也有它的单数和复数形式,二者要一致。单数主语(subject)名词要用动词(verb)的单数(singular)形式,复数主语名词要用动词的复数 (plural)形式。我们写中文的不太习惯英语的这种写法,很难做到不假思索地配对,需要特别留心才能不出错误,特别是当主语名词和动词被分开时。试看下面的例句:A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids are present in the high percentage才是真正的主语,而不是邻近的amino acids, 所以应该用单数形式。宜改为:A high percentage of peptides that are made of amino acids is present in the sample.让事情更复杂的是英语名词被分为不同的种类,其中的一类叫集合名词。它既可以当单数用词也可以当复数用。集合名词当整体来讲时是单数,每个成员作为个体时用复数。2、修饰语同主语名词关系上要一致当用动名词、分词短句和不定式短句作修饰语时,修饰语中的动词要同主句中的主语名词关系上要一致。科技杂志论文中有这种语法错误的情况较多。严格来讲这只是种语法错误,一般不影响对句子的内容的理解,所以很多作者不太注意。编辑和阅稿人有时也没有严格要求改正。比如下面就是Nature杂志2006年第439卷中的一个例子。Using the enhancer GAL4/UAS expression system, short-term memory traces of aversive and appetitive olfactory conditioning have been assigned to output synapses of subsets of intrinsic neurons of the mushroom ) 动名词After finishing the purification, the activity of the isolated compound was then or I是动名词finishing 形式上的主语,同主句的主语activity不一致。宜改为:After purification was finished, the activity of the isolated compound was then studied.或:After finishing the purification, we studied the activity of the isolated with the new drug, the blood cholesterol levels of participants were lowered by an average of 30%.宜改为:Treated with the new drug, participants showed an average of 30% decrease in their blood cholesterol ) 分词短句The iron concentration was determined using the Fenton reaction iron concentration同using the Fenton reaction method关系上不一致。宜改为:The iron concentration was determined by the Fenton reaction method.或:We determined the iron concentration using the Fenton reaction measuring the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is preferred.宜改为:When the atmospheric level of carbon dioxide is measured, air samples from a remote place, such as an island, is ) 不定式短句To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, an expanded population of biking athletes was surveyed.不定式短语的形式主语是we or I,同主句主语population不一致。宜改为:To further investigate the potential role of biking in causing infertility, we surveyed an expanded population of biking confirm the diagnosis, blood test was ordered.宜改为:To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor ordered blood .主语和主语的行动(谓语)在逻辑上要一致由于一些中文和英文的表达方式不同,把中文直接翻译成相应的英文会不讲 . 一个经常被引用的语句是“price is cheap ”。中文可以说价格便宜,但英文只能说价格高或低。物品可以说cheap or expensive. 用中文的表达方式来写英文,会出现主语和主语的行动在逻辑上不一致。在写一个句子时要注意行动的真正主语名词是什么。下面是一些例子:The highest antibiotic production was obtained at 48 h.不是production而是production yield.宜改为:The highest antibiotic production yield was obtained at 48 scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals was based on Fenton reaction.不是activity而是assay of activity宜改为:The assay of scavenging activity for hydroxyl radicals was based on Fenton pharmacological compounds of ginseng were identified.药物活性化合物应该是:pharmacologically active compounds.宜改为:The pharmacologically active compounds of ginseng were 、代名词和其代理的先行词要一致代名词和其代理的先行词要在人称,单数或复数,和性别上一致。一些常见的代词是:he, his; she, her; it, its (单数); they, their, these, those (复数); that, this (单数). 比如下面的例句中,compounds和their一致,protein和it一致。Many related compounds were synthesized and their antivirus activities were studied. Growth hormone is a protein. It promotes human body growth.下面的例句中,the 应该用 their 取代 .The potential antioxidant capacity of compound A and compound B could be deduced from the protective effects against oxidative stresses.宜改为:The potential antioxidant capacity of compound A and compound B could be deduced from their protective effects against oxidative stresses.用代名词时,除了要保持一致外,还要避免代理不清的情况出现,以免不清楚它们到底指什么而引起误解。The crude sample was dissolved in water and extracted with organic solvent. It was then evaporated to yield the 指organic layer还是指water layer?不明确,最好不用it.宜改为:The crude sample was dissolved in water and extracted with organic solvent. The organic layer was then evaporated to yield the meal hormones are released after which blood flow increases in the 既可以代表meal也可以代表hormones, 容易产生误解 .宜改为:During meal hormones are released. After their release stomach blood flow 、位置的强调作用在英语写作中,若要强调某件事情,就把它放在句子的前面。中文写作中,有关句子的条件,时间等的修饰句都是放在前面,而主句总是放在后面。而英文中即可以把条件或修饰句放在前面,也可以放在后面。放在前面就表示你要强调修饰句的条件。比如:Before the hurricane arrived, most of the people have moved of the people have moved out before the hurricane arrived.在英语中两种位置关系都可以。前者强调在hurricane来之前,后者强调moved out. 而在中文中,只有一种说法,反过来说“大多数人都离开在hurricane来之前”就不对了。按中文的位置关系直译成英文,往往会不确切。同样按英文的位置关系直译成中文也是怪怪的。我上小学的孩子回家来喊“我要吃冰激凌今天,我没吃好长时间了”,就是英文“I want ice cream today. I have not eaten it for a long time.”的直接翻译。科技写作中,一般还是把主句先写出来,除非你想强调修饰的是条件。Through scavenging free radicals, antioxidants play an important role in protecting against complex diseases.宜改为:Antioxidants play an important role in protecting against complex diseases through scavenging free microbial fermentation, phosphorus is commonly the major growth-limiting nutrient.宜改为:Phosphorus is commonly the major growth-limiting nutrient in microbial fermentation.主动句中事情的执行者(作者)放在前面,有强调事情的执行者(作者)的意思,而不是要研究的事物。被动句强调要研究的事物,这也是为什么科技论文中被动句用得比较多的原因之一。We studied their effects on cell growth. 强调 effects on cell growth were studied. 强调Their 、修饰词和被修饰词要邻近科技写作要求严谨,明确。为了严格定义一个事物,往往要加上限制性的修饰词或短句.比如描写实验用的mice时,一般不会只说mice,而是用类似“NCI-H23 tumor bearing female athymic nude mice”的描述。前面有5个修饰词来定义研究用的mice这时一般把最窄的定义写在最前面,最广的定义写在后面.修饰语要靠近同被修饰的对象。因修饰语和被修饰的词被隔开,而造成意思混乱的情况很多。下面是一些例子。Inhibition of Acid B on xanthine oxidase was also of 后面应紧跟xanthine oxidase,而不是Acid B, 隔开后句子就很难读 .宜改为:Inhibition of xanthine oxidase by Acid B was also chelating activities for ferrous ion of the Acid B were chelating activities后面应紧跟Acid B, 而不是ferrous ion.宜改为:The chelating activities of the Acid B for ferrous ion were power represents the electron donating capacity, which may serve as a significant indicator of potential antioxidant activity.

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句子结构——短句是准则用清楚的英语书写的文章更容易被发表,这一点需要牢记。据统计,1600年,平均每个英文句子有 40到60个单词;1900年,平均每个英文句子有 21个单词;1970年,平均每个句子有 17个单词;而现在,平均每个英语句子只有 12到 17个单词。由此可见,现代英语的发展趋势是由繁至简的。中文写作惯用长句,而英语,特别是科技英语,通常使用非常精炼的句子。短句是准则,使用简短而表意清楚的句子并不显得幼稚。专业的英语作者使用短句。No. 2可数名词和不可数(物质)名词Posted十二月 10th, 2007 by admin单数可数名词(可以计数的事物)通常用冠词修饰;复数可数名词有时用冠词修饰。不可数名词(难以计数的事物;也称物质名词)没有复数形式;不可数名词有时也用冠词修饰。首先要确定该名词是可数名词还是不可数名词,然后考虑如何对这个名词计数。No. 3逗号的正确使用方法逗号是最难掌握的标点符号类型,逗号使用不当会改变句子的意思。在表示重要的和非重要的信息时,请多留意逗号的用法。推荐用法:The equipment that we used was madeby the XX Company.可行用法:The equipment which we used was made by the XX Company.错误用法:The equipment, which we used, wasmade by the XX Company.正确用法:The equipment, which was made in Shanghai, was very expensive.当你校对标点符号的使用时,要特别注意以下单词:that、which和 who;此时应再次确认,此信息是重要信息还是是可以省略的多余信息。如果此信息是重要的,切勿使用逗号。如果此信息是附加的、不重要的,必须使用逗号。No. 4动词时态一般过去时用于表示你所做过的事:In this study, a number of functional and structuralproperties of sodium were compared to determine the underlying reason for theobserved functional changes.过去时通常用于描述研究的结果:Assessment of size using standarddenaturing gel conditions showed multiple bands whose size was consistent withdiscrete oligomeric forms of A.一般现在时用于陈述事实:Alzheimer's disease is a fatalprogressive dementia.一般现在时用于指代图表内容:The amino acid sequence of the synthetic Vpu (1-40) peptidesused in this study is shown in Figure 1A.现在完成时用于指代持续有效的已经进行过的研究或过去开始的现正正在进行的动作:The current state of GPCR researchhas evolved in large measure from observations made in two et al have shown that …检查文章是否使用了正确的动词时态:介绍性的语言的时态应该主要使用现在时和现在完成时。描述材料和方法的语言的时态应该主要使用一般过去时。对于结果和讨论的描述,结果应该主要使用过去时;而对于其他研究的观察一般使用现在时或现在完成时。No. 5冠词使用规则定冠词“the”指代当前情况:We began the experiment;the ”指代常识:The situation in Iraq isdeteriorating;the”指代之前提到的名词:We tested a new measuring device anda new mixer. The new mixer worked well.不定冠词“A/an”指代在前面没有提到的名词:We planned anew fluidwas separated with a centrifuge.冠词的使用取决于冠词出现的上下文以及冠词之后名词的类型。什么时候使用“a/an”或者“the”(所有例句选自最近的 ACS Chemical Biology):The emergence of antibioticresistance poses a major threat to human health, prompting interest in theexploration of new antibiotic is the second most abundant “trace”element in the body. This metal ion is vitalfor normal cellular function as acofactor in numerous enzymes, in transcription factors, in the immune system,and in the reproductive data provided solid evidence that theobserved IgG antibody response is T-cell dependenNo. 6词首字母大小写问题关于地名和地理学术语如何正确大写的问题。因为中文不牵涉大写问题,所以中文母语的作者可能会有点迷惑。其实大写问题对于英语母语的作者而言也不太容易理顺。大写问题虽然棘手,但是下面的小贴士会对您有所帮助。一般而言定义明确的地区的首写字母要大写,以下是 The Economist Style Guide的建议:“Use upper case for definitegeographical places, regions, areas and countries, and for vague but recognisedpolitical or geographical areas…lower case for east, west, north, south exceptwhen part of a name.”(大写用于明确的地理学位置、地区、区域、国家以及模糊但是被认可的行政或地理区域 east, west, north, south等用小写,但当他们是名称一部分的时候除外。)这条通用法则也适用于地球表面的地带,如 North Temperate Zone, the Equator等。No. 7常见易混单词英语中有许多对单词很容易混淆。此贴士主要讨论拼写相近而意义不同单词,或者充当不同词性的单词。优..助服务

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中文翻译为:look read and write看读写例句:1、Review the words: Look at the pictures, read and spell, write with your fingers.在快节奏的问答中,熟练地操练复习句型。复习单词,读一读并书空,将拼与写结合。2、The results showed that of nursing staff look up the involved literature, don't read medical journals, know the nursing paper-writing method, think the selection of a subject to be difficult, and don't know how to write a paper.结果显示:在写作前有的护理人员查阅有关文献,有的护理人员不阅读相关医学期刊,的护理人员熟悉护理论文写作方法,有的护理人员回答写作难点为选题难,有的护理人员选好题不知如何总结。

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  • 医学论文写作例句

    SCI Translate是一款专业优秀的医学文件翻译工具。软件支持在电脑上打开文件进行翻译,点到那个单词即可翻译那个单词,软件可以为你翻译专业的英语词汇,为你

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  • 医学论文写作英文句式


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