Acute cerebral hemorrhage is one of the diseases affecting the blood vessels of human cerebrum. After its attack, major clinical symptoms include recurrent headaches, vomiting, higher blood pressure, and cognitive handicaps accompanied by partial paralysis. In treating such a case, I adopted acupuncture as the main therapy and herbal medicine as the secondary therapy to cure one of my patients. From the attack of acute cerebral hemorrhage till the time that the patient recovered fully and intracranial hematoma was completely resolved, the above-mentioned remedy was strictly followed, finally achieving a satisfactory result.
Acute cerebral hemorrhage is a kind of cerebrovascular disease morbidity after repeated to a headache, vomiting, increased blood pressure, accompanied by hemiplegia as the main obstacle to awareness of clinical manifestations, I've mainly Chinese medicine while, since acute cerebral hemorrhage attack patients to live on their own rehabilitation, brain edema and dispersed far
s why more and more people are being active in various kinds of sports and exerc
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