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English Abstract: In this paper, the purpose of the study is based on surveys, summing up our country's basic transport services trade status, and pointed out that related issues, the corresponding feasible measures to ensure that in a certain period of time, this situation can be effectively improved. In recent years, rapid economic development, China's service trade has some problems, the study found that the paper, the problem is manifested specifically in the low competitiveness of its domestic transportation management services lag and inadequate laws and regulations, etc., address these issues, According to China's national conditions, such as the development of a marine raised to nine specific measures for reference

240 评论


Finally we gave a outlook to * * research.

189 评论


The economy is increasingly global integration, and network economy, highlighted the role of knowledge-based economy era, the enterprise's external environment, an increasingly open, international market competition more intense. Article on these three factors, the opportunities for enterprise management, challenges and responses was analyzed in order to explore how to grasp the development trend of corporate management to the foreign new management thinking and methods and combining the actual situation of Chinese enterprises, and actively explore the establishment of conditions of corporate governance in line with our model, to narrow the gap with foreign countries, enhance their international competitiveness.

172 评论


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