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哥做回好人吧。。。总机构性质的大小,形状:高大或平坦,形状:集中或分散的,而分层次组织性质的组织,路线和工作人员的层次结构,控制幅度。和大小亚基。印度语(1968年)包括在他的组织结构的描述下列变量:(一)的大小,(二)控制的范围,(三)分级级别数,(四)权力结构,(五)通信结构,(六)任务规范程度,(七)任务相互依存的程度,(八)工作专业化,(我)的地位和威望的结构,和(j)之间的决策者和组织的业务水平的心理距离。 上述研究表明,一般就有关的结构变量的各种意见。但是,因为它似乎是一个合理的措施是相互关联的,有必要进行调查,企图获取结构尺寸更简洁的措施之间建立的相互关系。几个这样的企图而制定的。霍尔等人。 (1967年),用于判断归类结构性措施。判断是最重要的结构性措施是:(一)复杂性,包括一批重大活动,多层次级别的数量,细分和数量;(二)形式化,包括权力集中,并在书面沟通和去强调通过渠道;及(三)活动,包括功能和支持的部门。普里恩和罗南(1971)因素分析,包括38个输入变量衡量组织结构以及组织环境(历史,目标),组织过程(奖励进程),组织标准输出的组织变量。一贯的因素在出现三个或更多的研究是:(一)组织的规模,(二)定型,(三)集中的权力,(四)技术的程度,以及(e)参照标准化技术和产品的复杂性。 Dunteman(1966)因子分析对问卷的答复,其中包括相关的组织特性,管理属性,激励条件,员工特征的问题。以及个人和组织的有效性。出现的因素,更主要的结构是:(一)组织的规模,(b)支付技能水平,(三)劳动人口减少和机械化作业,(四)劳动分配,以及(e)技术人员和控制与保护对人类负债。

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每当企业成立后,明示或暗示采用了一种特殊的商业模式,描述了设计或创造价值,提供架构,并捕获它职业机制的一种商业模式的实质,是在德 - 罚款的方式,其中企业客户提供了价值,诱使客户支付的价值,并且将这些款项以得益.它因此反映了管理层对客户所需要的假设,他们希望如何,以及企业如何能够最好地满足组织这些需要,得到报酬这样做,使这一条获益.这个的目的是了解商业模式的意义,探索与企业战略,创新管理的联系,以及经济理论。

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一般在论文里,都要求有一至二个英文文献。我给你几个参考。都是有关信息系统的参考文献。[1] Management Information System , Mcleod , Printice Hall , 1998[2] Thomas R. Security Risk Associates Inc,2001[3] H. M. Hassan & Charles Hutchinson. Natural Resource and Environmental Information for Decision Making. A World Bank Publication, Washington D. C., USA, 1995[4] Willian K, Michener, James W. Brunt & Susan G. Stafford. Environmental Information Management and Analysis: Ecosystem to Global Scales, Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1994[5] [美] Michael N. DeMers著,武法东、付宗堂、王小牛等译. 地理信息系统基本原理(第二版). 北京:电子工业出版社,2001[6] Michael F. Worboys. GIS: A Computing Perspective. Taylor & Franics Ltd, London, Britain,1995[7] Robert Laurini, Derek Thompson. Fundamentals of Spatial Information Systems. Academic Press, London, 1993_______________________________________________________参考文献:(1)、《管理信息系统》(第三版) 薛华成主编 清华大学出版社 1999年;(2)、《管理信息系统》 陈禹主编 中国人民大学出版社 1998年;(3)、《信息系统开发方法――方法、策略、技术、工具与发展》 姜旭平编著;清华大学出版社 1997年;(4)、《计算机数据处理系统分析与设计》 王勇领编著 清华大学出版社1986年;(5)、《管理信息系统导论》 黄梯云主编 机械工业出版社 1985年;(6)、《系统分析与设计》 季延平、郭鸿志合著 华秦书局 1995年;

221 评论


除此,还有很多这类的附上网址 measurement is the process of assessing progress toward achieving predetermined goals. Performance management is building on that process, adding the relevant communication and action on the progress achieved against these predetermined goals.[1] In network performance management, (a) a set of functions that evaluate and report the behavior of telecommunications equipment and the effectiveness of the network or network element and (b) a set of various subfunctions, such as gathering statistical information, maintaining and examining historical logs, determining system performance under natural and artificial conditions, and altering system modes of operation.[2] In organizational development (OD), performance can be thought of as Actual Results vs Desired Results. Any discrepancy, where Actual is less than Desired, could constitute the performance improvement zone. Performance management and improvement can be thought of as a cycle: Performance planning where goals and objectives are established Performance coaching where a manager intervenes to give feedback and adjust performance Performance appraisal where individual performance is formally documented and feedback delivered A performance problem is any gap between Desired Results and Actual Results. Performance improvement is any effort targeted at closing the gap between Actual Results and Desired Results. Application Performance Management (APM) refers to the discipline within systems management that focuses on monitoring and managing the performance and availability of software applications. APM can be defined as workflow and related IT tools deployed to detect, diagnose, remedy and report on application performance issues to ensure that application performance meets or exceeds end-users’ and businesses’ expectations. Business performance management (BPM) is a set of processes that help businesses discover efficient use of their business units, financial, human and material resources. Operational performance management (OPM) focus is on creating methodical and predictable ways to improve business results, or performance, across organizations. Simply put, performance management helps organizations achieve their strategic goals. Rather than discarding the data accessibility previous systems fostered, performance management harnesses it to help ensure that an organization’s data works in service to organizational goals to provide information that is actually useful in achieving them. and focus on the Operational Networking Processes between that performance level. The main purpose of performance management is to link individual objectives and organisational objectives and bring about that individuals obey important worth for enterprise. Additionally, performance management tries to develop skills of people to achieve their capability to satisfy their ambitiousness and also increase profit of a firm. 英文文献:

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