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首页 > 职称论文 > 学位论文怎么用哈佛引用格式引用

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Harvard引用格式已经被广泛应用于多种出版物。所以熟悉这种引用方式便非常必要。第一种情况文本内引用(In-text citations)1.释义的文本内引用-Paraphrasing and in-text citationsExample:The point made by an analytic philosopher (O’Connor 1969, p. 32) is that values cannot be justified in this way. However Kneller (1963b, p. 102) insists that the theorist will inevitably be involved in value claims.通过上述example可以如果作者引用了大段的信息,同学们便可发现,页码,章节可能会包含在文本内引用中。(Page, chapter or section numbers may be included in the in-text citation if the cited work is long and information locate by the writer.)。当文本中提到作者的姓名时(. Kneller in the example above),只有文献的出版年限和页码会出现在文本的页码中( add year and page numbers only to the in-text reference)。此外当作者相同时,文献出版的年限会加上a,b,c等做区分。(Entries that have the same author and year are noted by adding a, b, c etc. to the year, both in-text . Kneller (1963b, p. 102) )。2.直接引用Direct quotes当只有一个直接引用时,文章的直接引用会包含页码(Always include page numbers when citing a quotation and enclose the quote in single quotation marks.) quotes and in-text citationsExample:Inductive analysis is discussed:Inductive thinking proceeds from the specific to the general. Understandings are generated by starting with specific elements and finding connections among them. To argue inductively is to begin with particular pieces of evidence, then pull them together into a meaningful whole. Inductive data analysis is a search for patterns of meaningful data so the general statements about phenomena under investigation can be made (Hatch 2002, p. 161).当文章中的引用部分是作为独立的部分存在,并且字数超过30以上时,这些引用会用不同的格式以凸显引用的部分,比如indented . 5 spaces and are in a smaller font . 1 point size smaller than the surrounding text. 这里同学们注意一定不能enclose the quote in quotation marks.

119 评论



与其他常见引用格式相比,哈佛格式是采用作者–日期法(auther-date method),与APA格式类似。

首先,Harvard Style引用分为两部分:

文本中的引文(Citation in the text:):这是在使用引文,措辞或摘要后即刻使用您的著作中的原文。


如果在正文中引用来源,方法是提供作者的名字,后跟出版日期。详细的参考文献、书目、出版物信息等将会放在最后的Reference List。

1)如果引用是指完整的信息源,或者贯穿整个作品的思想或主题,或者信息源的重要部分,那么您只需输入作者和日期,例如:(Smith 2017)或Smith(2017)。

2)与直接引号一起使用或引用来源的特定部分的引用应在您的引用中包括页码,例如:(Smith 2017,)或Smith(2017,)。

3)如果作者姓名作为essay正文的一部分出现在文本中,则年份将用圆括号括起来,例如:According to Smith(2017)。

4)如果作者姓名未出现在正文中,则姓名和日期应放在方括号中,例如:The terminology has been called into question when it was discovered…(Smith 2017).

275 评论


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