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“脚下有地,头顶有天,眼中有人”作文指导 去年,在北京的一次文学座谈会上,一位卓有成就的老作家,在谈到自己的创作体会时说:“要想成为一个好作家,一定要做到脚下有地,头顶有天,眼中有人。”







【学生习作例文】 仰望星空与脚踏实地抬头仰望,繁星点点,熠熠生辉;低头俯瞰,地基夯实,道路平坦。有星光作伴,不怕梦想遥远;有黑土为邻,何惧万里征程?某著名老作家在某次座谈会上谈及经验时说道“脚下有地,头顶有天,眼中有人”,一时语惊四座。












因此,从立意上看,我们认为以下几种立意属于准确地理解材料,应判切合题意,内容项在一档打分。 (一) 人要从不利走向有利,就要依靠自己永不放弃的精神。

(二) 人要从失误的阴影中走出来,就需要聪明过人的智慧、灵活变通地思维、高超绝妙的技艺。 (三) 成功往往有其偶然性,但更有其必然性。


写作提示: 按照游戏规则,八位同学连续把钥匙传了三遍,一遍比一遍效率高。



明确了材料的含义后,可以根据自己的特长确定作文的内容,选择合适的形式。 例文:突破思维定势(仅供参考,要学习自己写呦) 三次传钥匙,第一次耗时15秒,第三次却只用了秒。

同学们的成功来源于在一个“传”字上打破了思维定势——只要碰到每个人的手就算是“传”。 由此我想到了另一个小故事:有一天一个美国人的儿子从幼儿园回来,郑重其事地拿出水果刀和一只苹果,说:“您知道苹果里藏着什么吗?”做父亲的不以为意:“除了果核还能有什么?”儿子就把苹果横切成两半,兴奋地说:“看哪,里面有一颗星星。”


传钥匙和横切苹果的故事,让我领悟到一个道理:只有敢于突破思维定势,不怕标新立异,才会有质的飞跃和创造性的发现。 突破思维定势,勇于出奇制胜,将有助于开创事业,取得巨大的经济效益。




这对于今天我们企业务创新、求发展是很好的借鉴。 突破思维定势,善于独辟蹊径,会在学习中提高效率,取得事半功倍的效果。

比如,从1加到100,怎么算?老老实实“1+2+3+……”的演算,当然也能得出结果,但有没有简便方法了呢?只要动一下脑筋就不难发现其中有50个101,这样很快就准确地算出答案。 是5050了。

所以,我们解题时可以试用一些新的方法,它可能更简便,更合理。 在观察问题时,不妨问一下自己:为什么是这样的?原来就是这样的吗?将来又会怎样?读书时也不一定完全顺着作者的思路走,可以想一下:有没有相反情况?有没有作者未说明白的道理?这样不断独立思考,逐步培养创造欲、探索欲,就能体会到创造的欢乐,提高学习的实效。




一,题目:和谐之花处处开 我独自漫步在幽深的林荫道上,呼吸着清新的空气,享受着拥有愉悦心境的那份恬美。

于是,我开始思索什么是和谐。 我想,和谐是一朵淡黄素雅的康乃馨,沁人心脾。







我深切地领悟到友情就是一朵和谐之花,它盛开在每一个挚友的心田。 我想,和谐是一朵朴素纯洁的白玉兰,冶人心智。


我深切地感悟到师生之情就是一朵和谐之花,它盛开在每一个学子的心田。 明天,我即将踏上新的征程,我手执朵朵和谐之花,徜徉在人生的旅程中,盈怀的亲情、友情、师生之情随风飘逸。


真正亲身体验过家的感觉?享受过家的欢乐? 我的家由四个人组成。当教师的双亲,读小学的弟弟和读初中的我。



你说我的老妈是不是太------她跟我们孩子们呀,很谈得来,只要不开心的事,NO PROBLEM!找她,保证让你开心起来。哈哈------而老爸就是家里的当权者,他包揽家中的大事。




我跟弟弟总是在吵吵闹闹的气氛中度过,总是在吵到脸红耳赤的时候传来老妈那大嗓子,“你们幼不幼稚呀?”这时总会马上停止所有声音。其实有时吵吵闹闹何不曾是增进亲情的根源呢?打是情骂是爱,难道是真的?呵呵------ 每逢到了周末的晚上,厨房的灯永远亮着,闪着那持久的灯光,充满着无限的温馨与暇意。


有时还会筹划下星期的大事;有时谁获得了荣誉,当权者就会颁发各种奖励进行鼓励;有时因爸爸他这个大孩子的一句话都笑上大半天。开完会之后,我们都有会RELAX,看一会电视娱乐娱乐----- 这就是我的家,家对于我来说是温馨的搭谆。



三、主题:用心构建和谐社会和谐,人类共同追求的东西,充满着协调与完美。 “老吾老,以及人之老;幼吾幼,以及人之幼。”


天地万物都懂得关爱,更何况我们呢? 在新的时代背景下,构建和谐美好的社会,是人们的期盼和追求。和谐社会需要爱心,美好生活需要互助,良好人际需要理解。















会思想,就是提醒我们不做盲从的应声虫;会思想,就是要求我们做能守正固本的山谷兰;会思想,就是告诉我们,每个人都有做自己正版的资本和力量,更要有做自己正版的自信和追求。 试题分析:这是一道新材料作文题,构思立意时应先读懂材料所蕴涵的意义。








金银首饰,胭脂口红,越来越走俏的化妆品充斥着每一个爱美的灵魂。那句曾熠熠生辉的名zi人不因为美丽而可爱,而因为可爱才美丽",也只被当作古董陈列在一个极不显眼的角落。我不敢说自己有一个多么高尚的灵魂,我也不会拿自己的尺子去丈量别人的生活方式,但是我不愿在极少数认识我的人中留下贾宝玉的剪影--"纵然生得好皮囊,腹腔内原来草莽。" 诱惑是一抹诱人的晚霞,我曾经也是它的俘虏。我追求 *** ,追求外形,追求浪漫,追求时髦。可是这都只带给了我昙花一现的 *** 、渺无边际的空虚。我就像一只没有脑袋的蚊子,四处乱撞,却又永远碰不到一块可供我休憩的泥土。我很累,很孤独,很茫然……日益下滑的成绩将警钟敲响,拿起闲置已久的书本,顺手翻到一页,上面赫然写着,一个真正美丽的人是不会孤独的,因为他可以和巴金、老舍、托尔斯泰、高尔基……畅谈人生、理臣和许多有意义的东西…… 我真有不美,无论外表还是灵魂。生锈的发条显出生存的麻木,心灵的冬天取代了四季。也许我该给自己加点油,给自己以春夏秋。我抛弃了自以为潇洒的放荡不羁,抛弃了洗面奶,抛弃了闲逛,抛弃了新装,迷上了《简爱》、《傲慢与偏见》、《妇女乐园》……在一个不为人知的角落,我为自己修建了一座"心灵美容所",它不豪华但很实用。自信一点地说,相对于以前那个落满败叶、布满污垢的心灵来说,我已经脱胎换骨了。 我很快活。面对中伤,萧伯纳告诉我:"他们骂了,骂些什么,让他们骂去!"面对失败,海明威说:"人生下来,不是为被打败的。"面对侮辱,黛妮丝要我用头发宣泄悲哀而把眼泪的闸门紧关。我的每一天都很充实,很晴朗。 对于无望的追求是否就是希望?明明难以企及偏又锲而不舍,这种追求尽管弃满悲剧意味,却是人类是最可宝贵的财富。追求自身的完美也是一样。指粉可以掩盖面庞的苍老,却阻止不了内心的老化。因此,我认为"将芳龄写在心上"才是捷径,才不会后悔。 "美的外表令人欣赏,美的内心令人赞赏。"

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有关英国文化The culture of the United Kingdom is rich and varied, and has been influential on culture on a worldwide scale. It is a European state, and has many cultural links with its former colonies, particularly those that use the English language (the Anglosphere). Considerable contributions to British culture have been made over the last half-century by immigrants from the Indian Subcontinent and the West Indies. The origins of the UK as a political union of formerly independent states has resulted in the preservation of distinctive cultures in each of the home nations. Language Main article: Languages in the United Kingdom The United Kingdom has no official language. English is the main language and the de facto official language, spoken monolingually by an estimated 95% of the UK population. However, some nations and regions of the UK have frameworks for the promotion of their autochthonous languages. In Wales, English and Welsh are both widely used by officialdom, and Irish and Ulster Scots enjoy limited use alongside English in Northern Ireland, mainly in publicly commissioned translations. Additionally, the Western Isles council area of Scotland has a policy to promote Scottish Gaelic. Under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which is not legally enforceable, the UK Government has committed itself to the promotion of certain linguistic traditions. Welsh, Scottish Gaelic and Cornish are to be developed in Wales, Scotland and Cornwall respectively. Other native languages afforded such protection include Irish in Northern Ireland, Scots in Scotland and Northern Ireland, where it is known in official parlance as "Ulster Scots" or "Ullans" but in the speech of users simply as "Scotch", and British Sign Language. The Arts Literature Sherlock Holmes, played here by Jeremy Brett, was created by British author Arthur Conan article: British literature The earliest native literature of the territory of the modern United Kingdom was written in the Celtic languages of the isles. The Welsh literary tradition stretches from the 6th century. Irish poetry also represents a more or less unbroken tradition from the 6th century to the present day, with the Ulster Cycle being of particular relevance to Northern Ireland. Anglo-Saxon literature includes Beowulf, a national epic, but literature in Latin predominated among educated elites. After the Norman Conquest Anglo-Norman literature brought continental influences to the isles. English literature emerged as a recognisable entity in the late 14th century, with the rise and spread of the London dialect of Middle English. Geoffrey Chaucer is the first great identifiable individual in English literature: his Canterbury Tales remains a popular 14th-century work which readers still enjoy today. Following the introduction of the printing press into England by William Caxton in 1476, the Elizabethan era saw a great flourishing of literature, especially in the fields of poetry and drama. From this period, poet and playwright William Shakespeare stands out as arguably the most famous writer in the world. The English novel became a popular form in the 18th century, with Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe (1719), Samuel Richardson's Pamela (1740) and Henry Fielding's Tom Jones (1745). After a period of decline, the poetry of Robert Burns revived interest in vernacular literature, the rhyming weavers of Ulster being especially influenced by literature in Scots from Scotland. The following two centuries continued a huge outpouring of literary production. In the early 19th century, the Romantic period showed a flowering of poetry comparable with the Renaissance two hundred years earlier, with such poets as William Blake, William Wordsworth, John Keats, and Lord Byron. The Victorian period was the golden age of the realistic English novel, represented by Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters (Charlotte, Emily and Anne), Charles Dickens, William Thackeray, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy. World War One gave rise to British war poets and writers such as Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, Robert Graves and Rupert Brooke who wrote (often paradoxically), of their expectations of war, and/or their experiences in the trench. The Celtic Revival stimulated new appreciation of traditional Irish literature, however, with the independence of the Irish Free State, Irish literature came to be seen as more clearly separate from the strains of British literature. The Scottish Renaissance of the early 20th century brought modernism to Scottish literature as well as an interest in new forms in the literatures of Scottish Gaelic and Scots. The English novel developed in the 20th century into much greater variety and was greatly enriched by immigrant writers. It remains today the dominant English literary form. Other well-known novelists include Arthur Conan Doyle, D. H. Lawrence, George Orwell, Salman Rushdie, Mary Shelley, Zadie Smith, J. R. R. Tolkien, Virginia Woolf and . Rowling. Important poets include Elizabeth Barrett Browning, T. S. Eliot, Ted Hughes, John Milton, Alfred Tennyson, Rudyard Kipling, Alexander Pope, and Dylan Thomas. Religion Main article: Religion in the United Kingdom Although today one of the most 'secularised' states in the world, the United Kingdom is traditionally a Christian country, with two of the Home nations having official faiths: Anglicanism, in the form of the Church of England, is the Established Church in England. The Queen is Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Presbyterianism (Church of Scotland) is the official faith in Scotland. The Anglican Church in Wales was disestablished in 1920. The Anglican Church of Ireland was disestablished in 1871. Other religions followed in the UK include Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, and Buddhism. While 2001 census information [2] suggests that over 75 percent of UK citizens consider themselves to belong to a religion, Gallup International reports that only 10 percent of UK citizens regularly attend religious services, compared to 15 percent of French citizens and 57 percent of American citizens. A 2004 YouGov poll found that 44 percent of UK citizens believe in God, while 35 percent do not [3]. The disparity between the census data and the YouGov data has been put down to a phenomenon described as "cultural Christianity", whereby many who do not believe in God still identify with the religion they were bought up as, or the religion of their parents. [edit] Food Main article: British cuisine Although there is ample evidence of a rich and varied approach to cuisine during earlier historical periods (particularly so amongst wealthy citizens), during much of the 19th and 20th century Britain had a reputation for somewhat conservative cuisine. The stereotype of the native cuisine was of a diet progressing little beyond stodgy meals consisting of "meat and two veg". Even today, in more conservative areas of the country, "meat and two veg" cuisine is still the favoured choice at the dinner table. Traditional British fare usually includes dishes such as fish and chips, roast dishes of beef, lamb, chicken and pork, as well as regional dishes such as the Cornish pasty and Lancashire Hotpot. On 8 January 1940, four months after the outbreak of World War II, a system of food Rationing was introduced to conserve stocks and feed the nation during the critical war years. Rationing persisted until July 4, 1954 [4] when a fourteen year period of relative privation (which profoundly affected a generation of people attitude to 'a culture of food') finally came to an end. With the end of rationing, Britain's diet began to change, slowly at first during the 1950s and 1960s, but immeasurably by the closing decades of the 20th century. During the transitional period of the 1970s, a number of influential figures such as Delia Smith (perhaps Britain's most famous homegrown exponent of good food), began the drive to encourage greater experimentation with the new ingredients (. pasta) increasingly being offered by the supermarkets. The evolution of the British diet was further accelerated with the increasing tendency of the British to travel to continental Europe (and sometimes beyond) for their annual holidays, experiencing new and unfamiliar dishes as they travelled to countries such as France, Italy, and Spain. Towards the mid to late 1990s and onwards an explosion of talented new 'TV chefs' began to come to prominence, (with figures as diverse as Jamie Oliver, Ainsley Harriott, Ken Hom, Nigella Lawson, Madhur Jaffrey, Nigel Slater, and Keith Floyd) this brought about a noticeable acceleration in the diversity of cuisine the general public were prepared to try and their general confidence in preparing food that had would once have been considered pure staples of foreign cultures, particularly the Mediterranean European, South and East Asian diets. As a result, a new style of cooking called Modern British emerged. This process of increased variety and experimentation in food inevitably dovetailed with the very profound impact that the post-war influx of immigrants to the UK (many from Britain's former colonies in the Caribbean and Indian sub-continent) had on the national cuisine. The new communities propelled new and exciting dishes and ingredients onto restaurant tables and into the national consciousness. In many instances, British tastes fused with the new dishes to produce entirely new dishes such as the Balti, an English invention based on Indian cuisine that has since gained popularity across the world. Many of these new dishes have since become deeply embedded in the native culture, culminating in a speech in 2001 by Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook, in which he described Chicken Tikka Masala as 'a true British national dish' [5]. With the rich diversity of its peoples and its (arguably) relatively successful attempts at creating a true multicultural society, married to a reputation as an experimental and forward thinking nation, the future of British cuisine looks positive. [edit] Education University College, Oxford was founded in the 13th centuryMain article: Education in the United Kingdom The education system in the United Kingdom varies in important respects between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Education is devolved to the Scottish Parliament and the assemblies in Wales and Northern Ireland. Education is compulsory for all children between the ages of five and sixteen. Most children in the UK are educated in state funded schools financed through the tax system and so parents do not pay directly for the cost of education. Less than ten percent of the UK school age population attend independent fee-paying schools. Many prominent independent schools, often founded hundreds of years ago, are known as public schools of which Eton, Harrow and Rugby are three of the better known. Most primary and secondary schools in both the private and state sectors have compulsory school uniforms. This is a contentious point with generations of school children who would like to see them abolished, only to support their retention once they become parents, this is due to people wanting to have a 'uniform' appearance in schools and it reduces the brand logo culture from coming out in educational establishments. Due to the multicultural nature of England, some allowances have had to be made in the uniform regulations to accommodate the needs of some children's religious beliefs. [edit] England Main article Education in England Most schools came under state control in the Victorian era, a formal state school system was instituted after the Second World War. Initially schools were separated into infant schools (normally up to age 4 or 5), primary schools and secondary schools (split into more academic grammar schools and more vocational secondary modern schools). Under the Labour governments of the 1960s and 1970s most secondary modern and grammar schools were combined to become comprehensive schools. Although the Minister of Education is responsible to Parliament for education, the day to day administration and funding of state schools is the responsibility of Local Education Authorities. Northern Ireland Main article Education in Northern Ireland Scotland Main article Education in Scotland Wales Main article Education in Wales Higher education The United Kingdom includes many historic universities. These include the so-called Oxbridge universities (Oxford University and Cambridge University) which are amongst the world's oldest universities and are generally ranked at or near the top of all British universities. Other universities include the University of St Andrews, the oldest university in Scotland. Academic degrees are usually split into classes: first class (I), upper second class (II:1), lower second class (II:2) and third (III), and unclassified (below third class). [Sport Main article: Sport in the United Kingdom The national sport of the UK is football, and the UK has the oldest football clubs in the world. The home nations all have separate national teams and domestic competitions, most notably the Scottish Premier League, the FA Cup and the FA Premier League. The first ever international football match was between Scotland and England in 1872. The match ended goalless. Other famous British sporting events include the Wimbledon tennis championships, the Grand National, the London Marathon, the ashes series of cricket matches and the boat race between Oxford and Cambridge universities. A great number of major sports originated in the United Kingdom, including: Football (soccer), squash, golf, boxing, rugby (rugby union and rugby league), cricket, snooker, billiards, badminton and curling. National costume The kilt is a traditional Scottish garmentThere is no specifically British national costume. Even individually, England, Wales and Northern Ireland have only vestiges of a national costume; Scotland has the kilt and Tam o'shanter. In England certain military uniforms such as the Beefeater or the Queen's Guard are considered by tourists to be symbolic of Englishness, however they are not official national costumes. Morris dancers or the costumes for the traditional English may dance are cited by some as examples of traditional English costume. Naming convention The naming convention in most of the United Kingdom is for everyone to have a given name, usually (but not always) indicating the child's sex, followed by a parent's family name. This naming convention has remained much the same since the 15th century in England although patronymic naming remained in some of the further reaches of the other home nations until much later. Since the 19th century middle names have become very common and are often taken from the family name of an ancestor. Traditionally given names were largely taken from the Bible however in the Gothic Revival of the Victorian era Anglo Saxon and mythical names became commonplace. Since the middle of the 20th century however given names have been influenced by a much wider cultural base. 英国式足球(Wall game)的英文介绍Wall gameWally (pronounced Wall - ey ) is a groupe of games played predominantly in secondary schools in England. The games are generally played during breaks and require a wall and tennis ball or football. Numbers involved in games range from four to 30-ish; however, numbers become unmanageable beyond to playUsing a tennis ball The game is played against a stretch of wall with a smooth flat surface underneath. The wall should preferably be above two meters (although skilled players never use more than meter). The ball is 'served' by throwing the ball hard at the ground and making it bounce on to the wall; this is normally done from two to three meters away from the wall. Players then have to hit the ball in the cupped palm of their hand towards the wall ensuring that it bounces on the ground before it hits the wall. A player is out if they fail to hit the ball, fail to make the ball bounce before hitting the wall, or miss the wall. The winner is the last person left tennis raquet can be used instead of handsUsing a football The rules are the same although the ball is kicked rather than hit with the handDetailed RulesThe length of wall is changeable depending on the number of players but generally stays under eight meters. Players can call for a re-serve if they feel there was a bad serve; this can only be done before the ball is hit. The person who is nearest to the ball is the one that has to hit it. Failure to do so results in them being out. Players can step out of the way of the ball if there is someone behind them, thus making the person behind them responsible for hitting the ball. If two players begin to claim the other person was nearer to the ball then both players are out. The ball is sometimes aimed at other players because they are out if the ball hits them. If the ball hits the joining of the wall and floor (a '50/50') players can call for the round to start again. Playing StyleThe game is played differently to the way the rules would suggest. The playing style is fast and furious and when well-played the ball is hit very hard and low to the ground three or four meters away from the wall. Playing occasionally changes to the ball being hit very softy close to the wall requiring players to be very close to the wall; this is generally used tactically as players can then hit the ball hard so that it shoots off almost parallel to the wall catching out people who had not been playing close to the wall. This tactic generally only last a round or part of one as it is considered are a few variations of the game although they are played with less frequency than the main game. 'Stings' is played exactly the same as the normal game except at the end of a game the first person has to stand against the wall while the winner gets one shoot against them with the ball. '3D' wally is generally played in corridors or classrooms, in this variant of the game 2 or 3 walls are used as well as the roof.

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字号:大中小 题目:青少年足球运动员选材 一:选题的目的及意义: 随着国际竞争的日益加剧,综合国力的强与弱就左右着国家在世界范围内的话语权和国际地位。综合国力除了经济,基础产业,资源,文化之外,也包括文娱以及体育的建设。作为体育的主要竞技项目之一的足球,自当成为了衡量国家体育发展水平的重要依据。这其中,足球运动员的青少年培养更是重中之重。 在邓小平发表关于“足球从娃娃抓起”的讲话之后,中国的青少年足球运动员选材才正式的起步,但长期以来,世界上先进的足球强国,在上世纪初就十分重视青少年的科学选材和系统的训练了,尽早发现有潜质的好运动员,经过数年的专业训练,为成为高水平的运动员打下坚实的基础。而具有优越天赋条件的运动员只有靠优秀的教练员在早期的选材中去发现和挖掘的,因此我认为“选好有天赋的好苗子,就意味着一名球星的诞生” 本论文就是希望通过对国内,外青少年足球运动员的培养及选拔状况进行简单的分析和对比,力争从中找到更适合中国足球环境,更适合中国青少年的一套选材方案。同时本论文还可以在研究中进一步发现中,外足球在青少年运动员的选拔以及培养方面的差距,从而对现今的国内选材机制做比较客观的分析。 二:国内外青少年足球运动员的现状 1 我国青少年运动员的现状 。 我国在世界强队发展已过百年的历史现状的情况下,中国足球才在1994年实行职业化,这样,在起步就已经比国外晚了近百年,当然从各个环节都比较落后,然而这就更需要我们对青少年的选材进行更为深入细致的研究,并且找出一套符合国情的青少年选材,训练,管理的一整套系统的方法我国从八十年代就开始进行科学选材的研究,并集合国内数名体育科学的专家制定了一整套的足球运动员身体形态,心理素质,身体机能,心理等方面的选材评定标准。之后,随着职业化的产生,足球在人们心中的地位逐渐增高,国家对足球项目的重视,国内的一些好的青少年运动员也被派往国外进行训练,可以看出青少年足球的早期科学选材和训练已倍受重视,其研究工作也更加深入更加实际,更加专业化。 2 国外青少年足球运动员的现状 。 国际上的足球发达国家往往都有着一百多年的成熟职业化系统不仅指联赛,也包括足球的培养工作。首先是政府的投入,在西方甚至日,韩等国,国家对青少年足球的投入毫不逊与本国的职业球员,这就充分保证了青少年足球训练,比赛,生活等方面有良好的硬件和软件设施,其次是系统的比赛竞争体制。在足球发达国家,职业比赛的成熟及完善不仅体现在国家成人的顶级联赛上,预备队,青年队的联赛系统也相当科学和完善,任何有天赋,有能力的青少年足球运动员都可能得到展示自己才能的机会,足球运动员培养的大体制和竞争密切相关。国家队的建设上考虑常备军的设置U---13. U---15 U---17等常备军根据不同的年龄可以接受不同的系统训练,从而达到了源源不断的为国家输送人才。 3 中外足球运动员的选材差距。 青少年足球运动员选材的问题,在足球发达国家往往注重球员的技术,意识培养,但更为重要的是一名球员的潜力和上升的空间,而身体则不是重要的标准。在中国教练狠抓训练同时,国外则把眼光放在了青少年运动员思想及头脑的培养上面,他们认为,不压抑球员的个性,最大限制的释放球员的激情,激活他们的头脑才是最重要的。 三:研究的主要内容: 青少年足球运动员中选材,我们的目的非常明确,就是选出有培养前途,经过专业,系统训练后能达到预期结果的好运动员。 1:是选择他们对足球的兴趣,对足球运动的认识程度,有强烈的集体荣誉感,责任心,训练中的吃苦耐劳,自觉的遵守纪律,服从团对的需要,听从教练的安排,比赛中长时间的高度注意力,进取心等等。 2:是竞技能力,主要是指运动员的技术能力,战术,身体素质,智力心理等综合体现,也是青少年足球运动员不可缺少的重要因素,单从身体素质可以从,速度,力量,爆发力,耐力,敏感程度,柔韧等方面开始研究。 3:意识的培养:在少儿足球训练中为什么要加强意识培养这个问题,首先我们应当知道什么意识。根据心理学的基本观点,人的意识是“客观现实在人脑中的反映,是心理活动的高级形式,是自觉的心理活动。”那么我们足球训练中的意识即可理解为:“根据足球比赛的需要而采取的各种技术、战术手段在运动员头脑中的反映,是运动员在进行技术、战术活动时自觉的心理活动。”因此,可以说意识是一个运动员的灵魂。意识的强弱是衡量一个运动员、一个运动队水平高低的重要标志。则队员在赛场上的意识表现有:(1)、接球的意识; (2)、传球的意识; (3)、带球的意识; (4)、整体进攻配合的意识; (5)、防守的意识。 4:则是遗传因素,选每一个好的运动员,首先是他遗传了其父母的或多或少的运动基因,特别是在身高,身形,体质,性格,气质上都有直接或间接的影响。则专家认为“在运动能力的遗传中,具有卓越运动才能的亲代,其子代有50%的人具有优秀的运动才能,并且很有可能超越亲代个体。运动能力的遗传在亲代之间是连续的”因此遗传因素对青少年运动员成材的影响是很大的。 主要参考文献 [1] 邓达之 《足球训练》 [ M ] 武汉体育学院 [2] 曲锦域 《实用运动医学》 [ M ] 人们教育出版社 [3] 徐本力 《科学在训练》 [ J ] 上海体育科学学会 [4] 王永胜 《现代运动训练》 [ M ] 北京体育大学 [5] 茅鹏 《运动训练新思路》 [ M ] 人们教育出版社

210 评论


“体育教育专业足球普修课教学内容体系的研究”开题报告 由于开题报告是用文字体现的论文总构想,因而篇幅不必过大,但要把计划研究的课题、如何研究、理论适用等主要问题说清楚,应包含两个部分:总述、提纲。 1 总述 开题报告的总述部分应首先提出选题,并简明扼要地说明该选题的目的、目前相关课题研究情况、理论适用、研究方法、必要的数据等等。 2 提纲 开题报告包含的论文提纲可以是粗线条的,是一个研究构想的基本框架。可采用整句式或整段式提纲形式。在开题阶段,提纲的目的是让人清楚论文的基本框架,没有必要像论文目录那样详细。 3 参考文献 开题报告中应包括相关参考文献的目录 4 要求 开题报告应有封面页,总页数应不少于4页。版面格式应符合以下规定。 开题报告 学生: 一、 选题意义 1、 理论意义 2、 现实意义 二、 论文综述 1、 理论的渊源及演进过程 2、 国外有关研究的综述 3、 国内研究的综述 4、 本人对以上综述的评价 三、 论文提纲 前言、 一、 1、 2、 3、 �6�1�6�1�6�1 �6�1�6�1�6�1 二、 1、 2、 3、 �6�1�6�1�6�1 �6�1�6�1�6�1 三、 1、 2、 3、 结论 四、论文写作进度安排 毕业论文开题报告提纲 一、开题报告封面:论文题目、系别、专业、年级、姓名、导师 二、目的意义和国内外研究概况 三、论文的理论依据、研究方法、研究内容 四、研究条件和可能存在的问题 五、预期的结果 六、进度安排

288 评论


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