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Teenagers around the world drug crimes phenomenon has become one of the important problems of juvenile delinquency, China is increasingly grim adolescent drug make clear plasticity of teenagers characteristics such as drug crimes phenomenon is controllable curable, but need various efforts and long time of persistence. Through exploring teenagers than drug crimes various data, many teenagers drug crimes cases, this article analyzes the phenomena and drug crimes teenage drug reason, exploring some appropriate and effective method, counter-measures and governance teenagers drug crimes phenomena and drug problem, urging teens harmonious, physical and mental healthy growth. Why teenagers drug crimes are mainly concentrated in teenagers itself is not mature psychology, imperfect education mode and complicated life environmental impact, etc. This paper is divided into four parts, including teenagers drug crimes, reason of an overview of the inquiry, the prevention and control countermeasures and epilogue. Psychological prevention primarily, external control subsidiary is this paper explores teenagers about drug crimes, and the core of countermeasures put forward by the reason for drug and prevent teenagers, explore the countermeasures in drug crimes, proposed including correcting psychology, to improve the legal system, improve the management mechanism, standardize propaganda, build good living environment etc measures. Due to the existing objective restrictions, many measures implemented needs strict scientific reasoning, and youth drug crimes prevention still need long-term persistence.

278 评论


Our country in the foreign contract's law is suitable the aspect to make the law with the world to be the same general, mainly has established two principles, namely meaning autonomous principle and closest relation principle, but compares with the related international convention and other country's legislation, in our country existing legislation the related foreign contract law suitable stipulation existence sense of principle is too strong, and lacks the feasibility insufficiency, thus needs to further consummate to it.

195 评论



105 评论


The modern state apparatus and the functioning of various enterprises and institutions, we can not do without a regime based on the powers and functions of the various functions of the exercise, making job-related crimes to become the world today a widespread social phenomenon. Moreover, job-related crimes with powers, duties followed by the attributes also make the danger of heavier, which become a serious threat to social and economic development, erode the outcome of the chronic problems of human civilization. Therefore, we should focus on the characteristics of job-related crimes, and the reasons against, from various angles, multi-level measures and effective measures and actively preventing job-related crimes, increase the intensity of the work of crime prevention duties and establish and build a harmonious society to adapt prevention concepts, fully to safeguard social fairness and justice, this is undoubtedly the building of a harmonious society also is of great practical words: job-related crimes Reasons Countermeasures Prevention Harmonic society

142 评论


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    斜体的 没有用双引号的

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  • 法学英汉双语毕业论文

    Teenagers around the world drug crimes phenomenon has become one of the importan

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