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我国老年旅游市场研究与分析摘要:老年旅游市场是我国旅游客源市场的一个重要组成部分。然而,“银发旅游”在我国却还是一项尚待开发的空白。如何开发老年旅游市场已成为我国旅游业发展中一个重要的研究课题。本文从分析老年旅游市场开发的可行性条件人手,探讨老年人的消费心理、行为特征以及心理精神需求,提出开发符合我国国情和老龄群体特点的旅游产品和营销策略。关键词:老年旅游;市场开发;可行性营销策略我国是世界上老年人最多的国家,世界上五分之一的老年人生活在中国。的确,从全国范围看,随着出门旅游的老年人日渐增多,已经营造出了一个红红火火的老年旅游市场。这种现象的出现,对于日益发展的中国旅游业而言,是一个难逢的发展良机。如何开发好老年旅游市场,抢占这个目前尚未大规模开发却又极具市场潜力的“银发产业”,既是旅游市场开发中存在的一个亟待解决的问题,同时也是更好地体现旅游业服务于社会。又是旅游业自身获得良好经济效益的一个十分有效的途径。一、我国老年旅游市场开发的可能条件社会人口的逐渐老龄化将形成一个相当庞大 的老年旅游消费群体。据人口统计学家预测,21 世纪将会成为老年人的世纪,中国同样也不例外。 据有关统计数据表明,我国60岁以上的老年人口 已达到1.34亿,占全国总人口的10.48%。而国际 上老龄化国家或地区的标准却是60岁或以上的 人口占总人口的10%,65岁以上的老人占总人口 的7%。按照国际通行的评判标准来看,我国已经 开始进入老龄社会。在今后的40年里,老年人口 的数字还将以每年3.2%的速度递增,可见我国老 年人的基数相当大。再加上随着我国人民衣食住 行等生活条件的较大改善,医疗水平的不断提高, 老年人的健康状况比以前有了很大的变化:一是 死亡率降低,二是寿命不断延长。由此可见,在这 些日益增加的老年人中,其中的一部分将形成一 个相当庞大的旅游消费群体,他们在旅游客源市 场上所占的比例会越来越大,其潜在作用是绝对 不可忽视的。 生活、消费观念的转变,使越来越多的老年人 走出家门,参加旅游活动。自改革开放以来,中国 的经济呈现出前所未有的良好发展态势。因此,随 着经济的发展、社会的进步以及社会保障制度的 建立和完善,勤俭持家传统意识浓厚的老年人其 思想观念也悄然变化。在经受改革开放的洗礼后。 老年人再也不满足于基本的生活需求,而有了丰 富生活、享受生活的强烈愿望,他们希望有更加丰 富多彩的高质量的生活内容,传统的休闲活动方 式比如下棋、养花、打麻将等已不能完全满足老年 人的精神需要,他们更渴望能有一些融知识、娱 乐、健康为一体的更高层次的休闲活动。而旅游不 仅能够领略异地的自然风光,体味风俗民情,还能 够开阔胸襟,陶冶性情,强身健体,增添对生活的 情趣。因此在众多的休闲方式中,老年人越来越多 地选择了旅游。过去心仪已久却没有时间或没有 钱舍不得破费而未能前往的旅游景点如今则放开 了手脚把旅游的愿望变成了实实在在的行动 特 别是在亲身体验到旅游带来的种种好处后,他们 兴趣更浓、愿望更高、决心更大,出行的次数也就越多。 老年人有外出旅游的经济基础和充足的闲暇 时间。进行旅游活动两个最基本的条件就是要有 足够的闲暇时间和可随意支配的收入,即要“有闲 有钱”。老年人在这方面尤其是在时间上有着得天 独厚的优势。因为老年人离退休后在家颐养天年, 时间上完全是充裕的。特别是随着社会的进步,过 去“四世同堂”的大家庭逐步向“两口之家”或“三 口之家”的小家庭过渡,这样,在城市中就出现了 一大批“空巢家庭”,老人们独居寓所,单独成家的 儿女们在同一城市或其它城市另居它所,只能根 据工作的繁忙程度定期或不定期回家省亲。在大 部分时间里老人们都是比较空闲比较孤独的。因 此老年人既有比较充裕的时间又希望能安排合适 的活动让自己的生活更加丰富多彩。另外,从老年人进行旅游消费的经济基础来 看,老人离退休在家,有固定的收入,有社会保障, 也有一定的积蓄。再加上这时儿女们大多参加工 作,家庭负担较轻,老人们的工资收入真正成为他 们的可支配收入。况且儿女们还会定期或不定期 地给老人们一些零花钱以表孝心,这些也在客观 上为老人旅游提供了条件。因此可以说老年人进 行旅游具备一定的经济基础。 正因如此,老年人外出旅游拥有更大的自由度和灵活性,选择的空间和形式也更多,完全可以根据自己的身体条件、气候条件等自由地安排出行时间和选择地点,而不必在节假日凑热闹,这一点恰恰是其它客源群体所无法企及的。我国丰富的自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源为 老年人的出游提供了良好的客观条件。我国地域 辽阔,旅游资源十分丰富,适宜老年人旅游的地方 相当多。首都北京充满浓郁的文化气息和深厚的 文化底蕴,特别适合老年人观光旅游。古城西安、 南京、洛阳等,值得观赏的人文景观也遍地都是。 此外,四季如春的云南、充满南国风情的海南岛、 沿海的大连、青岛、厦门、以及誉为“人间天堂”的 苏州、杭州等都是适宜老年人游玩、徜徉的好去处。 从老年人进行旅游的现实意义来看,它不仅 可以扩大增加旅游客源市场的份额,同时,由于老 年人拥有较多的闲暇时间,可以较为自由地选择 时间出行,因此这一群体在一定程度上还可以填 补旅游市场淡季客源的严重不足,为旅游业的发 展带来实实在在的好处。更为重要的是,老年人参 与旅游活动具有十分现实的社会意义,它不仅标 志着社会的发展和文明的进步,同时,这也体现着 整个社会对老龄群体的关注,旅游活动将成为我 国老年人提高生活质量的一条佳径。 通过以上对我国老年人旅游市场开发中存在的可行性因素的分析,不难发现,无论在观念上、经济上、身体上、时间上,老年人出门旅游的条件都在日臻成熟,老年人客源市场确实大有文章可作,如果这一市场能够成功开发,必将会给我国旅游业的发展注入新的活力,带来莫大的发展商机。二、我国老年人旅游消费的心理特征与行为特征消费心理是支配消费者购买行为的思想意识。显然,老年人丰富的人生阅历和长期的消费行为使他们的消费心理与其他年龄段的消费群体的心理特征是大不一样的。而这种消费心理又直接影响着他们的消费行为,包括旅游消费。由于受年龄的影响,老年人的行动节奏往往缓慢,出游时间较长,他们接受不了急风暴雨行军式的旅游。而喜欢根据自己的身体客观条件和喜好自由安排活动。丰富的生活阅历,使大多数老年人的消费行 为趋于理智和成熟。他们在购买商品前往往会进 行理智地分析和思考,充分考虑各种因素,货比三 家,最终才购买自己认为比较满意的商品或服务。 还有一些老年人属于习惯型的消费者,他们由于 多次反复购买和使用某一种商品或服务,就会对 该种商品或服务形成较为深刻的印象,逐步形成 固定不变的消费习惯,并且不会轻易改变这种消 费习惯。而对于不熟悉不了解的商品或服务则不 会轻易购买,很少发生冲动性的消费行为。 我国的老年消费者由于他们都有过一段较长 时间艰苦生活的经历,因此他们的生活大都比较 节俭。但随着时代的进步、人们生活水平的提高, 收入的增加,老年消费者在购买商品或服务时不 再一味地追求价格的便宜,他们也表现出适应新 事物、新环境的能力和愿望,质量可靠和使用方便 成为他们购买商品或服务时考虑的主要因素,由 此可见,现在的老年消费者已经不是我们想象中 的那种只求价格便宜的消费者了。另外,在消费动 机上,我们还必须注意到,在子女长大独立后,老 年人的经济负担减轻,一些老年消费者往往存在 补偿性消费动机,试图随时寻找机会补偿过去因 条件限制未能实现的消费愿望,进行补偿性消费。 从老年人参加旅游活动的陪伴方式上看,由 于其子女大都成家立业,闲暇时问较少,很少能够 亲自陪同老人们出游。因此,老年人参加旅游活动 多选择和老伴或同龄人一起出游。当然,老年人之 间本身也有共同话题,在旅途中可以相互照顾,购 物时可以相互参考,出谋划策。 从营销广告对老年人的影响程度看,由于老年人消费心理成熟,经验丰富,他们大都相信通过多家选择和自己的仔细判断就能够选出自己满意的商品。因此广告对老年人的影响程度一般。当然,老年消费者还是希望能够通过真实的广告了解商品或服务的特点来作为自己消费购买的依据。不过,据调查,对老年人影响较大的广告媒体形式是视听和报刊广告,而象名人广告等形式对老年人的影响力却并不大。从老年人的旅游兴趣来看,他们有着典型的 文化怀旧特征或文化“还愿”情结,由此,历史文化 旅游线路、民俗文化旅游线路以及各种专题文化 旅游线路,往往最能激发老年旅游者的旅游动机。 以上所述这些属于老年人特有的消费特征和 行为特征,都是我们在进行老年旅游市场开发时 必须面对和注意的问题,我们在旅游线路的策划、 设计以及吃、住、行、游、娱、购等旅游环节的组织 安排上都得考虑老年旅游群体的这些特征因素。

223 评论


With the fact that the whole world aging of population aggravating , old people are a consumption group, self own gets more and more attention. Old age tours with whose exuberant market demand , speedy increase speed and gigantic development potential , self own develops the higher consumption marketplace becoming go on a tour rate relatively comparatively highly , touring, and will become future key market. Old age of our country large population base, tourist market space for development is enormous. The main body of a book have been the enterprise keeping a foothold here on the basis touring , have sold the systems analysis coming to have been in progress to old age tourist market the angle from camp , having carried out analysis and suggestion combining with and an example. Data in the main body of a book also gets the verification counting a bureau's according to the relevance. The main body of a book the exploitation to our country old age tourist market has done overall analysis , the mentality being that the enterprise touring must judge by old people has needed, develop the product designing the tour suitable , depend on enterprise make great efforts touring to be over insufficient but only, the tourist market developing old age requires that aspect effort , general and specific policies and society that the old age tour beneficial to being that the government works out a series develops make great efforts to be that the old people builds a fine tour overall situation other. The old age tour has already become one kind of fad , the old people has already changed with Qian Cun bank, consume concept for a son or daughter or , turn to having become the concept goes and consuming autonomously. The old people has worked hard for a lifetime , has depended on the old age times, society's welfare has brought along many savings for them , can go to choose one kind of relaxed tour way after the burden having had no children anymore. The main body of a book has been introduced mainly under the overall situation of economic growth, old age tourist trade exploitation. Characteristic that the old people who has introduced that old age tourist market characteristic , feasibility analysis combine consumes, with regard to at present old age tourist market current situation analysis draws to having problem at present being in progress expounding and suggesting that

88 评论


With the global escalation of the aging of the population, the elderly, as a consumer group has been receiving increasing attention. Old-age strong tourism market demand for its rapid growth and tremendous development potential, has developed into a relatively high rate of travel, tourism, higher consumer market, and will be the focus of the future market. China's elderly population, and a huge tourism market development. This article is based on the basis of tourism enterprises, from the marketing point of view of the elderly carried out systematic analysis of the tourism market, combined with an analysis of the examples and suggestions. The data in this article have been confirmed in accordance with the relevant Bureau of Statistics. This article on China's tourism market development of old age so the overall analysis, that is, tourism enterprises must be based on the psychological needs of the elderly, develop the design of suitable tourism products, but only rely on the efforts of tourism enterprises is not enough to develop the tourism market needs of older efforts in other areas, that is in favor of the Government to formulate a series of old-age tourism development guidelines and policies for the elderly and the community in its efforts to create a good environment for tourism. The elderly has become a tourist fashion, the elderly have changed the records of bank money, or to give their children the concept of consumption, to turn into a self-concept of consumption. Life is tough for the elderly in the elderly age of the welfare of the community to bring them a lot of savings, there is no burden on the children can be easy to choose a way to travel. This paper mainly introduces the development in the economic environment, the development of tourism in the elderly. Introduced the characteristics of old-age tourism market, combined with the feasibility analysis of the characteristics of the elderly consumer, on the current status of the elderly tourist market analysis and on the current problems and recommendations on.

132 评论


第一段翻译如下With the fact that the whole world aging of population aggravating , old people are a consumption group, self own gets more and more attention. Old age tours with whose exuberant market demand , speedy increase speed and gigantic development potential , self own develops the higher consumption marketplace becoming go on a tour rate relatively comparatively highly , touring, and will become future key market. Old age of our country large population base, tourist market space for development is enormous.第二段翻译如下The main body of a book be the enterprise keeping a foothold here on the basis touring, come the example having carried out systems analysis, and having been tied in wedlock to have carried out analysis and suggestion on old age tourist market selling an angle from camp. Data in the main body of a book also gets the verification counting a bureau's according to the relevance. The main body of a book the exploitation to our country old age tourist market has done overall analysis , the mentality being that the enterprise touring must judge by old people has needed, develop the product designing the tour suitable , depend on enterprise make great efforts touring to be over insufficient but only, the tourist market developing old age requires that aspect effort , general and specific policies and society that the old age tour beneficial to being that the government works out a series develops make great efforts to be that the old people builds a fine tour overall situation other. The old age tour has already become one kind of fad , the old people has already changed with Qian Cun bank, consume concept for a son or daughter or , turn to having become the concept goes and consuming autonomously. The old people has worked hard for a lifetime , has depended on the old age times, society's welfare has brought along many savings for them , can go to choose one kind of relaxed tour way after the burden having had no children anymore. The main body of a book has been introduced mainly under the overall situation of economic growth, old age tourist trade exploitation. Characteristic that the old people who has introduced that old age tourist market characteristic , feasibility analysis combine consumes, with regard to at present old age tourist market current situation analysis draws to having problem at present being in progress expounding and suggesting that.文章有些长、、望认真看完、、标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、

279 评论


Since China has stepped into aging society, tourist organizations as well as enterprises have not yet tapped the tremendous potential of the tourism markets for the old due to various of causes and they have lost sight of the logical exploitation of the tourism markets for the old so that a status quo of supply and demand unbalance has formed in the tourism markets for the old. In our country, there is great room developing and improving the tourism markets for the old, so travel agencies should especially attract the elderly to participate in tours. Besides particular products and logical price, strategies and channels for sales promotion are absolutely necessarily, particularly in the case of the tourism consciousness of Chinese modern aged persons which is progressively fortified, it is necessary to make use of visual and concrete sales promotion to stimulate demand and lead consumption. This paper explores the marketing strategy for the tourism markets for the old through its characteristics and its statue quo, mainly including market research, market development, products design, channel popularization and marketing strategy to explore the development and new approaches of the tourism markets for the old in our country.

225 评论


你好,你要的在这里,你看看,不合适的地方你再适当修改下,应该没什么问题了...country is big and travel market development the space is text has a foothold to travel on this foundation business enterprise, carried on system to the old age tour market from the marketing angle analysis, and combined a solid example to carry on analysis and data in this text also gets according to the confirmation of related statistics text to our country old age tour market of the development did whole analysis, then travel the business enterprise have to develop the tour product that the design suits according to the old people's mental need, but effort that depends on traveling a business enterprise is far far not enough, development old age tour the market still need other effort, namely the government draw up a series to be advantageous to old age tour development of the policy policy and society construct one for the old people hard good tour great the tour have already become a kind of vogue, the old people have already changed and saved the bank to money, or turn but become independent and go to consumer idea as for idea that consume for sons and people pain lifetime, in the old-age ages, the social welfare after bringing them not a few burdens that savingses there is again no children can choose a kind of easy tour text mainly introduced under the great environment of economic development, the development of old-age an old age tour market of the characteristics, viability assessment combine the characteristics that old people consume, for the analysis of the current old-age tour market present condition and carry on elaborating currently to the existent problem with suggestion.

277 评论



228 评论


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