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3 卧式钢筋切断机的设计4 气门摇臂轴支座毕业设计5 后钢板弹簧吊耳的加工工艺6 环面蜗轮蜗杆减速器7 S195柴油机机体三面精镗组合机床总体设计及夹具设计8 车床主轴箱箱体右侧10-M8螺纹底孔组合钻床设计9 机油盖注塑模具设计10 机油冷却器自动装备线压紧工位装备设计11 5基于AT89C2051单片机的温度控制系统的设计12 基于普通机床的后托架及夹具设计开发13 减速器的整体设计14 搅拌器的设计15 金属粉末成型液压机PLC设计16 精密播种机17 可调速钢筋弯曲机的设计18 空气压缩机V带校核和噪声处理19 冲压拉深模设计20 螺旋管状面筋机总体及坯片导出装置设计21 落料,拉深,冲孔复合模22 膜片式离合器的设计23 内螺纹管接头注塑模具设计24 内循环式烘干机总体及卸料装置设计25 全自动洗衣机控制系统的设计26 生产线上运输升降机的自动化设计27 实验用减速器的设计28 手机充电器的模具设计29 鼠标盖的模具设计30 双齿减速器设计31 双铰接剪叉式液压升降台的设计32 水泥瓦模具设计与制造工艺分析33 四层楼电梯自动控制系统的设计34 塑料电话接线盒注射模设计35 塑料模具设计36 同轴式二级圆柱齿轮减速器的设计37 托板冲模毕业设计38 推动架设计39 椭圆盖注射模设计40 万能外圆磨床液压传动系统设计41 五寸软盘盖注射模具设计42 锡林右轴承座组件工艺及夹具设计43 心型台灯塑料注塑模具毕业设计44 机械手设计45 机械手自动控制系统的PLC实现方法研究46 汽车制动系统实验台设计47 数控多工位钻床设计48 数控车床主轴和转塔刀架毕业设计49 送布凸轮的设计和制造50 CA6140车床后托架夹具设计51 带式输送机毕业设计论文52 电火花加工论文53 机床的数控改造及发展趋势54 机械加工工艺规程毕业论文55 机械手毕业论文 Q Q 1 0 7 0 2 6 5 1 0 1

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立式钻削中心主轴系统结构设计 论文编号:JX472 有设计图,论文字数:19933,页数:64 有开题报告,任务书 摘要 随着数控技术的发展,传统的立式钻床、铣床等设备并不能满足高加工精度,高加工效率,高速加工的加工要求。为此,在传统的立式钻床、铣床与新型数控机床技术的基础上,开发了以钻削为主,并兼有攻丝、铣削等功能,且备有刀库并能够自动更换刀具来对工件进行多工序加工的数控机床—钻削中心。 本文主要针对钻削中心的主轴系统进行设计。在本设计中,主轴调速取消了齿轮变速机构,而是由交流电动机来调速;主轴与电机轴之间采用多楔带传动;主轴内部刀具的自动夹紧,则采用了碟形弹簧与气压传动技术;主轴的垂直进给采用了半闭环伺服进给系统;主轴的支承采用了适应高刚度要求的轴承配置。 总之,通过对主轴系统的设计,使系统满足了钻削中心高效、高加工精度的要求。 关键词 数控技术 钻削中心 主轴系统 Abstract With the development of NC technology, the traditional vertical drilling, milling machine and other equipment and can not meet the high precision machining, Processing high-efficiency, high-speed machining requirements. Therefore, in the traditional vertical drilling machine, CNC milling machine and new technology on the basis of developing a drilling mainly, and both tapping, milling, and other functions, With cutting tool can automatically replace the multi-process workpiece machining CNC machine tools – Drilling Center. This paper is concerned with the drilling spindle system design. In this design, the spindle speed of the complete elimination of the variable speed gear, and a fully by the AC motor is to be achieved. Wedge Belt Drive is used between spindle and motor shaft. Internal spindle automatic tool clamping, the use of a disc spring with pressure transmission technology;The vertical axis feed using a semi-closed-loop servo control system; The supporting of spindle uses high stiffness requirements of the bearing arrangement. In short, through the spindle system design, allowing the system to meet the drilling center efficient, high-precision processing of the request. Keywords NC technology Drilling Center spindle system 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 数控技术发展状况及发展趋势 1 概述 1 数控技术国内外发展现状 2 数控系统的发展趋势 2 课题研究的目的与意义 5 设计方案的确定 6 第2章 钻削中心主轴部件结构设计 7 主轴的结构设计 7 主轴的基本尺寸参数的确定 7 主轴端部结构 8 主轴刀具自动夹紧机构 9 主轴的验算 11 主轴材料和热处理的选择 15 主轴传动的设计 16 传动方式的选择 16 多楔带带轮的设计计算 17 多楔带的选择及带轮尺寸参数的确定 19 传动件在主轴上的位置 20 主轴电动机的选择 21 主轴轴承 22 主轴轴承的选用 22 主轴轴承的配置 24 滚动轴承调整和预紧方法 24 主轴轴承的润滑 25 碟形弹簧的计算 27 钻削力分析 27 碟形弹簧设计计算 29 碟形弹簧的校核 31 气缸的设计计算 33 气缸的结构设计 33 气动回路的选择 37 第3章 主轴进给系统的设计 39 概述 39 伺服进给系统的组成 39 伺服进给系统的类型 39 进给系统设计计算 41 主要参数的设定 41 切削力的估算 41 滚珠丝杠副设计计算 42 丝杠的校核 45 选伺服系统和检测装置 47 伺服电机计算 47 结论49 致谢50 参考文献 51 附录1 52 附录2 57 以上回答来自:

211 评论


XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置 论文编号:JX391 论文字数:19362.页数:37 摘要 本论文介绍的是XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床自动换刀装置(刀库式)的设计.刀库式的自动换刀装置是由刀库和刀具交换装置(换刀机械手)组成。它是多工序数控机床上应用最广泛的换刀装置,其整过换刀过程比较复杂。首先把加工过程中需要使用的全部刀具安装在标准的刀柄上,在机床外进行尺寸预调后,按一定的方式装入刀库。换刀时,先在刀库中进行选刀,由机械手从刀库和主轴上取出刀具,然后交换位置,把新刀插入主轴,旧刀放回刀库。存放刀具的刀库具有较大的容量,其容量为六把刀具,采用盘形结构,安装在机床的左侧立柱上。因为XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床外形及其他性能参数等均与THK6363型自动换刀数控镗铣床相似,所以本机床的自动换刀装置的设计将仿效THK6363型自动换刀数控镗铣床换刀装置,设计成采用轴向放置的鼓盘式刀库形式和回转式双臂机械手组成。 刀具按预定工序的先后顺序插入刀库的刀座中,使用时按顺序转到取刀位置。用过的刀具放回原来的刀座内,也可以按加工顺序放入下一个刀座内。该法不需要刀具识别装置,驱动控制也比较简单,工作可靠。但刀库中每一把刀具在不同工序中不能重复使用,为了满足加工需要只有增加刀具的数量和刀库的容量,这就降低了刀具和刀库的利用率。此外,装刀时必须十分谨慎,如果刀具不按顺序装在刀库中,将会产生严重的后果。顺序选刀是在加工之前,将加工零件所需刀具按照工艺要求依次插入刀库的刀套中,顺序不能有差错。加工时按顺序调刀。适合加工批量较大、工件品种数量较少的中、小型自动换刀装置。可知数控铣床用4把刀就可完成大多数的铣削加工。所以这个容量为6把刀的刀库,几乎不存在加工过程中需要重复利用刀具的情况,所以刀具的选择方式确定为顺序选择刀具。 两手互相垂直的回转式单臂双手机械手的优点是换刀动作可靠,换好时间短,缺点是刀柄精度要求高,结构复杂,联机调整的相关精度要求高,机械手离加工区较近。一般来说,这种机械手用于刀库刀座轴线与机床主轴轴线垂直,刀库为径向存取刀具形式的自动换刀装置,因此,在XKA5032A/C数控立式升降铣床的自动换刀装置中可采用这种机械手形式。 关键词:数控铣床;自动换刀装置;刀库;换刀机械手 Abstract This thesis introduction is the design that the XKA5032 A/C number controls the sign type working panel lifter miller to change the knife device(the knife database type) knife database type automatically change the knife device is have by the knife database and the knife to exchange device(change the knife the machine hand) to is many work ordinal numbers to control the top of the tool machine to apply to change the knife device most extensively, it is whole to lead to change the knife process more process process in need to be use of all knifes have to install on the haft of the standard, pressing certain way to pack into the knife database after the tool machine carry on size to prepare to adjust in the knife database carry on choosing knife first while change the knife, is taken out knife to have from the knife database and the principal axis by the machine hand, then exchange position, insert the new knife into the principal axis, the old knife puts back a knife knife database that deposits knife to have has bigger capacity, its capacity has for six knifes, adopting the dish form structure, the left side that installs in the tool machine signs pillar XKA5032 A/C number controls the sign type working panel lifter miller shape and other function parameter to all change the knife with THK6363 typeses automatically number to control the boring miller likeness, so this tool machine changes the knife the design of the device to change the knife in the wake of THK6363 typeses automatically automatically the number control the boring miller to change the knife device, the design becomeses the adoption stalk toward the drum dish type knife database form and the turn-over type double the arm machine hand for place to constitute. The knife has to press to schedule to the work preface insert the knife of the knife database order of sequence, usage turn to take knife position in knife for using puts back the original knife inside, can also press to process sequence to put into the next method doesn't need the knife to identify device, driving a control also more simple, work the knife database in each knife have in the different work preface and can't repeat an usage, for satisfying to process to need to only increase the capacity of the quantity and the knife database that the knife have, this utilization that lowers knife to have with the knife to be very careful while packing knife in addition, if the knife doesn't in order have to pack in the knife database, will produce serious 's choosing knife is before process, will process the knife that spare parts need to have to request to be one by one in order in the knife set of insert the knife database according to the craft, the sequence can't have adjust knife in to process a batch quantity to compare greatly,the work piece the species quantity less of medium,small scaled the auto change the knife know the number controls miller to use 4 make the knife complete most milling and can pare to this capacity is 6 knife databases of knifes, almost the nonentity process to need to make use of the circumstance that the knife have again in the process, so the knife have of the choice method assurance for in proper order choice the knife have. Two hands are mutual perpendicular of the advantage of the turn-over type single arm hands machine hand change the knife action credibility, changing good time short, the weakness is the haft accuracy to have high request, structure complications, the linking machine adjust of the related accuracy have high request, the machine hand leaves to process area speaking, this kind of machine hand useds for the knife database knife the stalk line and the tool machine principal axis stalk line perpendicular, the knife database has a form to change the knife device automatically toward the access knife for the path, therefore can adopt this kind of machine hand form in the XKA5032 A/C number control the sign type rise and fall miller the auto change the knife the device. Keywords: numerical control milling machines ;Automatic tool changer ;Tool storage ;tool changing-manipulator 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1 绪论 1 数控机床知识 1 数控铣床的分类 1 数控立式铣床 1 卧式数控铣床 2 立、卧式两用数控铣床 2 数控铣床的结构特征 2 数控铣床的主轴特征 2 控制机床运动的坐标特征 3 数控铣床的主要功能及加工对象 3 数控铣床的功能 3 自动换刀装置(ATC)及其形式 3 自动换刀装置应当满足的基本要求 5 2 总体方案的确定 5 XKA5032A/C数控立式升降台铣床及其主要参数 5 其主要结构特点 6 其主要规格及技术参数 6 初定其自动换刀装置的设计参数 7 确定其自动换刀装置的形式 7 3 刀库的设计 8 确定刀库容量 8 确定刀库形式 9 刀库结构设计 9 初估刀库驱动转矩及选定电机 11 初选电动机与降速传动装置 11 初估刀库驱动转矩 11 刀库转位机构的普通圆柱蜗杆传动的设计 11 刀库驱动转矩的校核 15 花键联接的强度计算 15 夹紧机构插销剪切强度的校核 16 确定刀具的选择方式 16 刀库的定位与刀具的松夹 17 4 刀具交换装置的设计 18 确定换刀机械手形式 18 换刀机械手的工作原理 19 机械手的自动换刀过程的动作顺序 20 机械手回转轴4上的齿轮齿条设计 21 自动换刀装置的相关技术要求 21 主轴准停装置 21 换刀机械手的安装与调试 22 自动换刀程序的编制 22 5 自动换刀装置的控制原理 23 自动换刀装置的液压系统原理图 23 自动换刀装置换刀动作的顺序控制过程 24 6 典型零件的设计 24 联轴器 24 联轴器的选用 25 联轴器的校核 25 选择离合器的类型 25 蜗杆蜗轮传动设计的一些相关技术要求 25 托架的设计 25 鸣谢26 参考文献 28 以上回答来自:

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