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you impressed us as responsible,kind,active,and sweet teacher,my kid likes your lesson a lot,hope you enjoy your work and life in China,thanks for your help.作文评语的写法一般要从学生习作的中心、选材、结构、表达、语言以及书写上作出中肯的评价。1.中心:有没有离题,按照题目要求来写。2.选材:①是否围绕中心。②是否真实,符合生活实际。③是否新鲜有趣。3.结构:①层次段落是否清楚。②过渡是否自然。③开头和结尾是否照应。4.表达:①记叙文有没有把事情讲清楚,写完整。写景文有没有把参观游览顺序写清楚。②详略得当,重要的人和事情详细写,不重要的地方简单写5.语言:①句子是否通顺、准确,病句少。②有没有运用比喻、排比、拟人、夸张等手法。③有没有运用成语、俗语、谚语、名人名言、诗歌等优美词句.④标点符号运用是否恰当。6.书写:①字体是否工整,错别字少。②卷面是否整洁干净,涂抹少

234 评论


The Legend of 1900 From the first frame to the last, The Legend of 1900 is a film about music, and an extraordinary tale of a irtuoso musician born at sea. With an original score by legendary film composer Ennio Morricone and featuring an original song with lyrics written and performed by Pink Floyd's Roger Waters and guitar solos by Edward Van Halen, The Legend of 1900 is one of those classic soundtracks that will leave movie-goers obsessed with the music long after the credits have rolled. The Legend of 1900 is directed by Academy Award? winner Giuseppe Tornatore, reunited here with Ennio Morricone for the first time since their critically and commercially acclaimed international success, Cinema Paradiso. An extraordinary tale of a virtuoso musician born at sea, The Legend of 1900 tells the story of a boy's journey to manhood -- aboard a luxury ocean liner sailing between Europe and America. Abandoned on the ship as a baby and named for the year in which he was born, "1900" (Tim Roth) grows up within the confines of this transatlantic steamer, a prodigious talent at the piano who spends his days entertaining the world with his music. The film tells the story of his life, with a major focus on the music and musicians that come through his world. IT SEEMS CERTAIN that an American filmmaker who learned Italian and made a film about Italy inspired mostly by Italian films would create a weird pastiche. It would be neither Italian nor American, simply peculiar. The Legend of 1900, Giuseppe Tornatore's first English-language film, is such a case in reverse: an elephantine fable about American jazz, movies and the solitude of an artist. It's the story of a foundling, discovered in 1900 aboard the Virginian, an ocean liner. Danny (Bill Nunn), an African-American coal stoker, decides to bring the baby down to the furnaces and raises him there. The waif's benefactor is brained during an accident, and the child grows into a piano player who dazzles the shipboard crowd. It's the choice of "1900" (Tim Roth), as the musician is named, never to leave the ship. His life exhibits a forced pathos. He's a great piano player who records only once, falls in love with a girl he sees only a few times and loses forever, and never performs for the rest of the landlocked world. His buddy Max (Pruitt Taylor Vince, from Heavy) is more practical and coarse, the fat Sancho Panza to this thin piano-playing aesthete. Max narrates the end of the story to a sympathetic music-store owner as he tries to pawn his trumpet for the price of a meal. The only record of the pianist's music is a master recording, and he breaks it in a fit of pique: "My music isn't going anywhere without me." The lost song (by Ennio Morricone, not at his best) sounds like the piano accompaniment for the end credits from Search for Tomorrow, but it's supposed to be the only surviving legacy of a genius.

265 评论



232 评论





Well done!做得好/Neat and tidy!干的漂亮


That's OK! 很好。

What a good job you have done! 做得很棒。

Now you can do better than before. 你还能做得更好。

Your handwriting is excellent! 书写很漂亮。

Keep it up. 继续加油。

Your English will become better if you work harder. 加油,努力之后还能更好。


Although you have not been successful,you have done better than belongs to the diligent am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken English.



Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者事竟成。

Failure is the only highroad to success.失败是成功之母。



1、针对特点, 实事求是;

2、鼓励为主, 不忘建议;

3、发挥个性, 引发兴趣;

4、用对代词, 拉近距离。


114 评论


老师评语写得好,学生学习好。那么,英语老师写评语,有什么套路和方法呢?你的作业评语,学生看得懂吗?评语是给学生看的,一方面要切合学生学习能力,所用单词不能过于复杂,句子也不能太长。另一方面要做到循序渐进,由易到难,能够起到"跳一跳,摘到桃子"的作用,也就是说学生通过上下文的猜测或借助于词典就能理解。例句It's very clever of you to do 's nice of you to write this 'm sure you can do your work better next 've done a good are doing wonderfully!You can do better now than you did before.涉及了所学的知识点吗?语言学习在于利用,如果在评语中插入所学知识,学生在评语中又能很好的体会和巩固知识点,学会运用。例句You have improved a am proud of good work!You are the pride of our harder,and you will make more harder you work,the sooner you will on!I am sure you will catch up soon.学生也想被尊重、被表扬、被认可每一个学生都希望得到认可,成绩不好的学生也不例外,一句好的评语可以激起学生的学习热情。一句鼓励,让好学生更上一层楼;中等学生改正缺点,继续努力;成绩落后的学生树立信心。例句It's good to be 's also important to be haven't made any mistakes,but do try to make your handwriting neater.对中等生的作业要慎重评价,在评语中要多督促。例句You had better be more careful!Pay more attention to the work is quite goodexcept for a few spelling it that little by little one goes far.对于差生的作业要多点激励,温和地指出错误的同时,也要指出他的优点以资鼓励。例句Lily,I like your handwriting very much although there are some mistakes am sure you can correct think you can do better if you work work has am sure there is nothing too difficult for us to learn.可以是你跟学生之间沟通的桥梁评语言辞恳切,切中要害;或热情鼓励、或委婉告诫……通过评语,教师尽可把祝福、问候、关切、激励、真诚、信任之情化作甘甜的泉水,去滋润学生的心田,引起师生教与学的共鸣,达到教与学两者的和谐与统一。例如在节假日或某学生生日前,教师可以给予学生一些祝愿语:例句Merry Christmas!Happy New Year!Enjoy yourself in the coming holidays!Happy birthday!Many happy returns!又如某个学生因为生病缺课作业完成得很糟糕,教师就要说一些安慰的话:例句Lingling,you have made a few mistakes in your know that is because you were absent...I think it is only 't lose am ready to help you.再如某个学生因为考试不及格失去信心,教师就要说一些激励的话:例句I am sorry to hear that you didn't pass the hope you are not too want to cheer you up with the saying"Failure is the mother of success".I nope to see much improvement in your future studies.作业评语形式可以多种多样评语不仅是对学生作业完成程度的评价,还可以包括生活等各个方面,这样学生会感到老师对每个学生都用心,而不是敷衍了事。除了内用多样性,形式也可以多样性。一个单词、一个短语、句子或者是一句名言!例句A.一个词:Great!/Perfect!/Good!/Wonderful!/Correct!/Excellent!B.短语:Well done!/Neat and tidy!C.句型:That's OK!What a good job you have done!Now you can do better than handwriting is excellent!Keep it English will become better if you work .段落:Although you have not been successful,you have done better than belongs to the diligent am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practising your spoken .格言:Practice makes there is a will,there is a is the only highroad to success.

215 评论


you impressed us as responsible, kind, active, and sweet teacher, my kid likes your lesson a lot, hope you enjoy your work and life in China, thanks for your help.

224 评论


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