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杜修力, 王进廷,张楚汉年 淤积泥砂对垂直地运动作用时刚性坝面动压力的影响年《水利学报》,1,2003年杜修力, 王进廷年 拱坝-可压缩库水-地基地震波动反应分析方法年 《水利学报》, 6, 2002,83-90年王进廷,杜修力,赵成刚年液固两相饱和介质波动分析的一种显式有限元法年《岩石力学与工程学报》,V21,N8,2002(a),1199-1204年王进廷,杜修力,赵成刚,张楚汉年分层介质中波动传播分析的显式有限元法年《岩石力学与工程学报》,V21,N10,2002(b)年王进廷,杜修力年有阻尼体系动力分析的一种显式差分法年《工程力学》,V19,N3,2002年王进廷,杜修力,张楚汉年淤积泥砂对水平地运动作用时刚性坝面动压力的影响年《地震工程与工程振动》,V22,N5,2002,8-13年王进廷,杜修力,张楚汉年瑞利阻尼介质有限元离散模型动力分析的数值稳定性年《地震工程与工程振动》,V22,N6,2002年杜修力,王进廷年动水压力及其对坝体地震反应的研究进展年 《水利学报》, 7,2001, 13-21年邓宗才,霍达,杜修力年 形状记忆合金本构模型的研究进展年 北京工业大学学报,V28, N4, 2002, 452-458年涂劲, 陈厚群,杜修力年 高拱坝非线性地震反应分析中横缝模拟方案研究年《水力发电学报》,2,2001,18-23年崔江余,杜修力年 河谷自由场地震动经验传递函数研究年 《水利学报》, 10, 2001, 58-61年张艳红,杜修力,张伯艳年考虑介质随机性的结构-地基系统地震反应分析年《水利学报》,1,2001,11-17年杜修力,涂劲,陈厚群年 有缝拱坝-地基系统非线性地震波动反应分析方法年 《地震工程与工程振动》,V20,N1,2000,11-20年杜修力,王进廷年阻尼弹性结构动力计算的显式差分法年《工程力学》,V17, N5, 2000, 37-43年杜修力,陈厚群年 核电厂堆芯燃料组件地震反应分析年《地震工程与工程振动》,V20,N2,2000, 57-60年涂劲,杜修力,陈厚群年非线性坝体地基系统静动组合分析方法年《工程力学》(增刊),2000年杜修力年 局部解耦的时域波动分析方法年《世界地震工程》,V16,N3,2000, 22-26年杜修力,王进廷,T年 K年 Hung年淤砂对库水地震动水压力作用分析年《科学通报》,V45,N18,2000, 2012-2016年崔江余,杜修力年重大工程设定地震确定年《世界地震工程》,V16,N4,2000, 25-28年张伯艳,陈厚群,杜修力,张艳红年高拱坝坝肩抗震稳定分析年《水利学报》,11,2000,55-59年杜修力,崔江余,陈厚群年 区域介质品质因子对地震动参数衰减的影响年《地震工程与工程振动》,V19,N1,1999,15-20年梁爱虎,杜修力,陈厚群年 基于非平稳随机地震动场的拱坝随机地震反应分析方法年《水利学报》,6,1999, 21-25年宋金峰,杜修力年 可控TMD系统在造粒塔结构地震反应控制中的应用年《世界地震工程》,V15,N3,1999, 40-46年张伯艳,杜修力年 沈阳高压开关厂550KV高压开关抗震性能计算分析年《工程抗震》,V9,N2,1999,34-37年

104 评论






















综上所述,随着智能材料的广泛应用,同时元件逐渐向小型化、多功能化及高功率化方向发展,在建筑结构中复合控制、传感、驱动系统及耦合/连接元件,建筑结构将发展成为主动式智能建筑结构,对于有效利用太阳能、抵御地震、风振等严重自然灾害影响具有重要作用, 为人们工作生活提供更为舒适安全的环境,对于提高土木工程结构建设质量具有十分重要的意义。







184 评论


编译 | 未玖

Nature, 10 February 2022, VOL 602, ISSUE 7896

《自然》 2022年2月10日,第602卷,7896期

天文学 Astronomy

A white dwarf accreting planetary material determined from X-ray observations


作者:Tim Cunningham, Peter J. Wheatley, Pier-Emmanuel Tremblay, Boris T. Gänsicke, George W. King, Odette Toloza, et al.





研究组报道了被污染白矮星G29–38的X射线σ探测。根据测得的X射线光度,他们推导出瞬时吸积率MX= 109 g s 1,且独立于恒星大气模型。该比率高于过去对G29–38光球丰度研究所作的估计,表明可能需要对流过冲来模拟白矮星碎片聚集的光谱。

研究组测量出kBT=     keV的低等离子体温度,证实了此前预测的白矮星以低吸积率吸积的爆炸方式。


The atmospheres of a large proportion of white dwarf stars are polluted by heavy elements that are expected to sink out of visible layers on short timescales. This has been interpreted as a signature of ongoing accretion of debris from asteroids, comets and giant planets. This scenario is supported by the detection of debris discs and transits of planetary fragments around some white dwarfs. However, photospheric metals are only indirect evidence for ongoing accretion, and the inferred accretion rates and parent body compositions heavily depend on models of diffusion and mixing processes within the white dwarf atmosphere. Here we report a σ detection of X-rays from a polluted white dwarf, G29–38. From the measured X-ray luminosity, we derive an instantaneous accretion rate of MX= 109 g s 1, which is independent of stellar atmosphere models. This rate is higher than estimates from past studies of the photospheric abundances of G29–38, suggesting that convective overshoot may be needed to model the spectra of debris-accreting white dwarfs. We measure a low plasma temperature of kBT =     keV, corroborating the predicted bombardment solution for white dwarfs accreting at low accretion rates.

物理学 Physics

Real-space visualization of intrinsic magnetic fields of an antiferromagnet


作者:Yuji Kohno, Takehito Seki, Scott D. Findlay, Yuichi Ikuhara & Naoya Shibata



原子尺度的磁性结构表征,是材料和器件中纳米磁性设计与调控的核心。然而,在该维度上,磁场的实空间可视化一直颇具挑战性。近年来,原子分辨率差分相衬扫描透射电子显微镜(DPC STEM)已能够直接成像单个原子内部的电场分布。

研究组展示了在无磁场环境中使用原子分辨率DPC STEM实现反铁磁赤铁矿(α-Fe2O3)内部磁场分布的实空间可视化。



Characterizing magnetic structures down to atomic dimensions is central to the design and control of nanoscale magnetism in materials and devices. However, real-space visualization of magnetic fields at such dimensions has been extremely challenging. In recent years, atomic-resolution differential phase contrast scanning transmission electron microscopy (DPC STEM) has enabled direct imaging of electric field distribution even inside single atoms. Here we show real-space visualization of magnetic field distribution inside antiferromagnetic haematite (α-Fe2O3) using atomic-resolution DPC STEM in a magnetic-field-free environment. After removing the phase-shift component due to atomic electric fields and improving the signal-to-noise ratio by unit-cell averaging, real-space visualization of the intrinsic magnetic fields in α-Fe2O3 is realized. These results open a new possibility for real-space characterization of many magnetic structures.

Ferroelectric incommensurate spin crystals


作者:Dorin Rusu, Jonathan J. P. Peters, Thomas P. A. Hase, James A. Gott, Gareth A. A. Nisbet, Jörg Strempfer, et al.








Ferroics, especially ferromagnets, can form complex topological spin structures such as vortices and skyrmions when subjected to particular electrical and mechanical boundary conditions. Simple vortex-like, electric-dipole-based topological structures have been observed in dedicated ferroelectric systems, especially ferroelectric–insulator superlattices such as PbTiO3/SrTiO3, which was later shown to be a model system owing to its high depolarizing field. To date, the electric dipole equivalent of ordered magnetic spin lattices driven by the Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (DMi) has not been experimentally observed. Here we examine a domain structure in a single PbTiO3 epitaxial layer sandwiched between SrRuO3 electrodes. We observe periodic clockwise and anticlockwise ferroelectric vortices that are modulated by a second ordering along their toroidal core. The resulting topology, supported by calculations, is a labyrinth-like pattern with two orthogonal periodic modulations that form an incommensurate polar crystal that provides a ferroelectric analogue to the recently discovered incommensurate spin crystals in ferromagnetic materials. These findings further blur the border between emergent ferromagnetic and ferroelectric topologies, clearing the way for experimental realization of further electric counterparts of magnetic DMi-driven phases.

材料科学 Materials Science

A highly distorted ultraelastic chemically complex Elinvar alloy


作者:Q. F. He, J. G. Wang, H. A. Chen, Z. Y. Ding, Z. Q. Zhou, L. H. Xiong, et al.





在这项工作中,研究组报道了一种化学复杂的合金,其原子尺寸错配较大,常规合金通常无法承受。该合金在室温下具有较高的弹性应变极限(约2%)和极低的内耗(小于2    10 4 )。

更有趣的是,这种合金表现出非凡的艾林瓦效应,在室温和627 (900K)之间的弹性模量近乎恒定,迄今为止报道的现有合金均无法与之比拟。


The development of high-performance ultraelastic metals with superb strength, a large elastic strain limit and temperature-insensitive elastic modulus (Elinvar effect) are important for various industrial applications, from actuators and medical devices to high-precision instruments. The elastic strain limit of bulk crystalline metals is usually less than 1 per cent, owing to dislocation easy gliding. Shape memory alloys—including gum metals and strain glass alloys—may attain an elastic strain limit up to several per cent, although this is the result of pseudo-elasticity and is accompanied by large energy dissipation. Recently, chemically complex alloys, such as ‘high-entropy’ alloys, have attracted tremendous research interest owing to their promising properties. In this work we report on a chemically complex alloy with a large atomic size misfit usually unaffordable in conventional alloys. The alloy exhibits a high elastic strain limit (approximately 2 per cent) and a very low internal friction (less than 2    10 4 ) at room temperature. More interestingly, this alloy exhibits an extraordinary Elinvar effect, maintaining near-constant elastic modulus between room temperature and 627 degrees Celsius (900 kelvin), which is, to our knowledge, unmatched by the existing alloys hitherto reported.

人工智能 Artificial Intelligence

Outracing champion Gran Turismo drivers with deep reinforcement learning

通过深度强化学习超越Gran Turismo冠军级赛车手

作者:Peter R. Wurman, Samuel Barrett, Kenta Kawamoto, James MacGlashan, Kaushik Subramanian, Thomas J. Walsh, et al.




赛车模拟,比如PlayStation 游戏 Gran Turismo,忠实地再现了真实赛车的非线性控制挑战,同时也封装了复杂的多代理交互。

研究组介绍了他们如何训练Gran Turismo的AI代理,使其能够与世界上最优秀的电子竞技赛车手相匹敌。他们将最先进的、无模型的深度强化学习算法与混合场景训练相结合,来学习一种综合控制策略,将卓越的速度与令人印象深刻的战术相结合。

此外,研究组还构建了一个奖励函数,使AI代理能够在遵守重要但灵活的赛车规则的同时保持竞争力。最终研究组的AI代理Gran Turismo Sophy崭露头角,在正面竞争中战胜了四名世界顶级Gran Turismo赛车手。



Many potential applications of artificial intelligence involve making real-time decisions in physical systems while interacting with humans. Automobile racing represents an extreme example of these conditions; drivers must execute complex tactical manoeuvres to pass or block opponents while operating their vehicles at their traction limits. Racing simulations, such as the PlayStation game Gran Turismo, faithfully reproduce the non-linear control challenges of real race cars while also encapsulating the complex multi-agent interactions. Here we describe how we trained agents for Gran Turismo that can compete with the world’s best e-sports drivers. We combine state-of-the-art, model-free, deep reinforcement learning algorithms with mixed-scenario training to learn an integrated control policy that combines exceptional speed with impressive tactics. In addition, we construct a reward function that enables the agent to be competitive while adhering to racing’s important, but under-specified, sportsmanship rules. We demonstrate the capabilities of our agent, Gran Turismo Sophy, by winning a head-to-head competition against four of the world’s best Gran Turismo drivers. By describing how we trained championship-level racers, we demonstrate the possibilities and challenges of using these techniques to control complex dynamical systems in domains where agents must respect imprecisely defined human norms.

地球科学 Earth Science

Superionic iron alloys and their seismic velocities in Earth’s inner core


作者:Yu He, Shichuan Sun, Duck Young Kim, Bo Gyu Jang, Heping Li & Ho-kwang Mao







Earth’s inner core (IC) is less dense than pure iron, indicating the existence of light elements within it. Silicon, sulfur, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen have been suggested to be the candidates, and the properties of iron–light-element alloys have been studied to constrain the IC composition. Light elements have a substantial influence on the seismic velocities, the melting temperatures and the thermal conductivities of iron alloys. However, the state of the light elements in the IC is rarely considered. Here, using ab initio molecular dynamics simulations, we find that hydrogen, oxygen and carbon in hexagonal close-packed iron transform to a superionic state under the IC conditions, showing high diffusion coefficients like a liquid. This suggests that the IC can be in a superionic state rather than a normal solid state. The liquid-like light elements lead to a substantial reduction in the seismic velocities, which approach the seismological observations of the IC. The substantial decrease in shear-wave velocity provides an explanation for the soft IC. In addition, the light-element convection has a potential influence on the IC seismological structure and magnetic field.

207 评论


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