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】: 目前,我国学者对营运资本管理的研究主要集中在营运资本各项目上,对其进行系统研究的比较少,本文的创新之处在于采用了规范研究和实证研究相结合的方法,对我国企业的营运资本管理进行了系统研究。在对营运资本管理的相关理论研究的基础上,本文首先对我国上市公司的营运资本规模进行了描述性统计,并运用单因素方差法进行了行业差异分析,发现上市公司营运资本规模存在着显著的行业差异。其次,选取了制造业上市公司进行多元线性回归分析,得出销售规模、资产规模、资产周转率、应付账款周转率是影响企业营运资本的主要因素。再次,对所选样本的营运资本效应进行了相关性分析,结果表明营运资本对企业经营绩效、现金流量会产生一定的影响。最后,根据本文的研究结论,提出了提高企业营运资本管理水平的方法。

278 评论


Autodesk Selects Emagia Enterprise Cash Flow Management Solution to Optimize Global Working...SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Leading Design Software Company to Leverage Emagia Solution to Streamline and Bring Best Practices to Worldwide Cash Flow Processes Emagia Corporation, the leading provider of Enterprise Cash Flow Management(TM) solutions, today announced that Autodesk, the world's leading design software and digital content company, has selected Emagia Cash Inflow Manager(TM) to streamline and automate receivables management across its global operations. Autodesk expects to leverage the Emagia solution to drive significant operational efficiencies and cash flow improvements. "Autodesk's corporate objective is to deliver superior business performance across our worldwide business segments," said Andrew Miller, Autodesk Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller. "Emagia offered us a next-generation cash flow platform to serve as one of the underpinnings for our consolidated receivables management operations." Autodesk will utilize the Emagia solution to gain end-to-end visibility into cash inflow and bring consistency to quote-to-cash processes such as dispute resolution and collections management. Emagia provides Global 2000 companies with tremendous benefits including rapid deployment and integration to back end systems, cash flow functionality based on best practices, and world-class customer support.更多Autodesk Selects Emagia Enterprise Cash Flow Management Solution to Optimize Global Working...SANTA CLARA, Calif. -- Leading Design Software Company to Leverage Emagia Solution to Streamline and Bring Best Practices to Worldwide Cash Flow Processes Emagia Corporation, the leading provider of Enterprise Cash Flow Management(TM) solutions, today announced that Autodesk, the world's leading design software and digital content company, has selected Emagia Cash Inflow Manager(TM) to streamline and automate receivables management across its global operations. Autodesk expects to leverage the Emagia solution to drive significant operational efficiencies and cash flow improvements. "Autodesk's corporate objective is to deliver superior business performance across our worldwide business segments," said Andrew Miller, Autodesk Vice President of Finance and Corporate Controller. "Emagia offered us a next-generation cash flow platform to serve as one of the underpinnings for our consolidated receivables management operations." Autodesk will utilize the Emagia solution to gain end-to-end visibility into cash inflow and bring consistency to quote-to-cash processes such as dispute resolution and collections management. Emagia provides Global 2000 companies with tremendous benefits including rapid deployment and integration to back end systems, cash flow functionality based on best practices, and world-class customer support.更多:中文用金山翻译就好。

215 评论


李国文,有关浙北高速及其申苏浙皖项目营运管理的做法 ,[期刊论文] -综合管理,2010, (9)

278 评论



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