我怎么听着楼主的话,这么感觉像我弟弟经常说的江湖救急,哈哈Statue of LibertyThe Statue of Liberty is more than a monument(纪念碑). She is a beloved friend, a living symbol of freedom to millions around the world. These exhibits are a tribute(颂歌) to the people who created her, to those who built and paid for her, to the ideals she represents, and to the hopes she inspires(激发).Statue of Liberty InformationOfficial name of the statue of liberty is "Liberty Enlightening the World"(“自由照耀世界之神”) Construction of the Statue of Liberty: began in France: 1875Sculptor: Auguste Bartholdi – Quartermaster(军需官) to a force of five thousand soldiersStatue completed in Paris: June 1884Statue presented to America by the people of France: July 4, 1884Location of Statue: Liberty Island, formerly Bedloe's Island and Fort Wood (fortress for protection of New York Harbor 1811)Height from base to torch (1984 Survey): 152' 2" ()Length of hand: 16' 5" ()Index finger(食指): 8' 0" ()补充:塑像拔地而起,高达152英尺,基座89英尺,腰围420英寸,未露笑容的嘴有3英尺宽。女神脚下残留着许多打碎的脚镣,左手持一标有1776年7月4日的铭板,宣布自由的到来。 女神像由艾菲尔铁塔的设计者、法国土木工程师古斯塔夫�6�1艾菲尔设计,法国出资建造,花了10年时间建成。1886年10月28日,美国克里夫兰总统主持揭幕。从那以后,凡进纽约港的船只都从神像42英尺高的右臂下进入美国。开往利伯蒂岛的渡船总有排着长队的人群,进入塑像区的瓶颈一带也总是人群拥挤。可坐电梯到垫座顶上的了望台,这儿是理想的观察地。还可登高12层(共有168级台阶),到达塑像顶端。但是,海拔305英尺高的火炬并不对观众开放。开放时间:每天9:00-16:00、圣诞休息费用:大人$10(包括往返渡船费用),儿童、老人$5MUSEUM HIGHLIGHTS(集锦)Statue of Liberty ExhibitThe Statue of Liberty exhibit, which opened in July 1986 and is located on the second floor in the pedestal(基架) of the Statue, traces(追溯) the history and symbolism(象征主义) of the Statue of Liberty through museum objects, photographs, prints(印刷物), videos and oral histories. In addition to historical artifacts(史前古器物) and descriptive text, full scale replicas(全尺寸复制品) of the Statue's face and foot are also on display. The main historical sections include: From Idea to Image, Fabricating(制作) the Statue, Stretching Technology, Fundraising(筹款) in France, The Pedestal, Fundraising in America, and Complete at Last. The next area focuses on the symbolism of Liberty with sections titled Mother of Exiles(放逐), Becoming the Statue of America, Century of Souvenirs(纪念品), The Image Exploited(开拓) and The Statue in Popular Torch ExhibitThe Torch Exhibit includes the original 1886 torch and much altered(改变的) flame in the lobby(大厅). On the second floor balcony overlooking this torch is a display on the history of the torch and flame, explaining the various alterations through diagrams(图表), photographs, drawings and "New Colossus(巨像)" The famous sonnet(十四行诗) written by Emma Lazarus in 1883. A bronze plaque(装饰用的青铜片), dedicated in memory of Emma Lazarus' contribution to the completion of the Statue's pedestal, has been affixed(贴上) to the inner walls of the pedestal since the early 1900's. This plaque, currently(现在) located in the Statue of Liberty exhibit, has come to symbolize the statue's universal message of hope and freedom for immigrants(移民) coming to America and people seeking freedom around the world.
议论文:《让孩子自由成长》 在很久以前,狼和狗是同宗同族的兄弟。但是,后来由于性格不同,狗受不了大自然恶劣的生存环境,愿意接受人类的训导;狼却非常有傲骨
摔跤 ,是人类历史上最为古老的 体育运动 形式之一。摔跤作为一项竞技性强,技术要求高的体育项目,摔跤是两人直接接触、互相搂抱或抓握着,把对方摔倒的一种对抗