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基于遥感图像对西南重旱区罗平县旱情研究分析 Based on remote sensing image LuoPing county of southwest heavy study analyzed mainly drought 摘 要:基于09年和10年中巴地球资源卫星遥感图像,利用遥感图像处理手段,对罗平县水资源、农作物等地物信息进行分类提取,监测水体面积动态变化,作出罗平县水资源、农作物等分布专题图,并通过干旱期与非干旱期图像中农作物与水体面积的对比,对罗平县旱情作出初步评估。 Pick to: based on the 2009 and 10 years china-pakistan earth resources satellite remote sensing image, using remote sensing image processing method, in LuoPing county water resources, crops such as classified information extracted ryzhkov, monitoring water area of dynamic change, make LuoPing county water resources, crops, etc, and through distribution special charts with the dry period of drought and water area in image contrast of crops LuoPing county of drought, makes initial evaluation. 关键字:遥感影像; Key word: remote sensing image; 罗平县; LuoPing county; 西南旱情; Southwest drought; 农作物; Crops; 水体 water 中图分类号:TP75 文献标识码:A Chinese TP75 literature classification number: identification code: A

286 评论


A framework of information technology-based agriculture information dissemination system to improve crop productivity 一种基于用于提高作物产量的农业信息传播系统的信息技术框架 CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 12, 25 JUNE 2005 当代科学,第88卷,第12号,2005年6月25日 P. Krishna Reddy* and R. Ankaiah 作者(印度)介绍 P. Krishna Reddy is in the International Institute of Information Technology,Gachibowli, Hyderabad 500 019, India; R. Ankaiah is in the National Seed Project, Acharya . Ranga Agricultural University, Hyderabad 500 030, India. AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION AND DECISION SUPPORT BY SMS 基于SMS的农业信息和决策支持 Allan Leck Jensen, Iver Thysen, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Foulum, Denmark 丹麦国家农业研究院 Abstract. A warning system where up-to-date and local agricultural information is communicated by SMS is described. The system has two types of warnings: Push-type warnings are sent regularly or when certain criteria are met, as specified by the user, while pull-type warnings are sent on the user’s request by SMS. A web-based DSS, which require data updated frequently by the user, has been enabled for operation by SMS. Applying widely distributed and well-known technology, the SMS systems make information and decision support available to the farmer whenever he needs it and wherever he is. The paper describes the SMS systems and analyses the uptake by users. Nordic Journal of African Studies 15(2): 199–205 (2006) 非洲研究 Multilinguality of Farm Broadcast and Agricultural Information Access in Nigeria 尼日利亚的多种语言沟通的农场广播和农业信息获取 OLADIMEJI IDOWU OLADELE University of Ibadan, Nigeria ABSTRACT: This paper examines the effect of the multilingual farm broadcast on the access to agricultural information in Nigeria. Farm broadcast programmes on radio and television were compiled and the language of presentation examined for each of the programme. The diversity of the languages in Nigeria presupposes that for farmers to have access to agricultural information through the radio and television, the language of presentation has to be based on that of the listeners. The study recommends that information sources to farmers should explore multilingual sources to ensure farmers’ access to agricultural information. Keywords: Multilinguality, agricultural information access, Nigeria, farm broadcast 还有荷兰农业和乡村合作技术中心(CTA)关于非洲农业信息报告,237页。未附

130 评论


《论作物栽培技术规程》作 者: 陈秀军 CHEN Xiu-jun 作者单位: 蚌埠市郊区农技站,安徽蚌埠,233000 刊 名: 河北农业科学 英文刊名: JOURNAL OF HEBEI AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES 年,卷(期): 2008 12(12) 分类号: S318 关键词: 农作物 栽培 技术规程 机标分类号: 机标关键词: 作物栽培技术规范化栽培农作物推广实践理论基础概念

197 评论


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