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Communication tool as a community language is the carrier of culture, but also an integral part of culture. The language reflects the prism of different nationalities, different cultural environment, lifestyle, ideas, religious rituals, values and thinking habits. .So cultural differences the same gestures in different countries sometimes have different meaning. We communicate with more than the words we speak. Words are only one part of communication. Beyond voice communication, there are the messages our bodies send out constant. Research shows language only play the role of the expression of seven percent everyday. Sometimes the body message reinforces the words. Sometimes it contradicts them. Sometimes the messages are sent with no accompanying words and we speak in body language alone. Body language, like our verbal language, is also a part of our culture. People in the exchange, there will be unconscious of the use of body language. Body language is an expression of one's inner world of silence and an authentic language, non-verbal means of the most eye-catching. Body Language includes space dominance, eyes, physical contact, posture movements, facial expressions, etc. But not all body language has the same meaning for different people. Different people have different ways of making nonverbal communication. Are our voices loud, angry, overbearing, confident, soft, and shy? The quality of a voice can communicate as much as the words. The same words can be tender, mocking, sarcastic or angry, depending on how they are said. We can signal our own authority by talking in a loud, overbearing way. We can use the same words to signal our humility by talking softly and hesitantly. To learn the correct hand signals to communicate with others will make you happier.作为一个社会,语言是文化的载体的交流工具,也是文化的一个组成部分。语言反映了不同民族的棱镜,不同的文化环境,生活方式,思想,宗教仪式,价值观和思维习惯。文化的差异。所以在不同的国家同样的手势,有时会有不同的含义。我们超过我们所说的话进行交流。语言只是沟通的一部分。在语音通信,有我们的身体发出恒定的消息。研究表明,语言只能打百分之七日常表达的作用。有时身体信息增强的话。有时它违背了他们。有时候消息没有附带的话给我们讲的身体语言,独自一人。身体语言,同语言一样,都是文化的一部分。在交流的人,会有无意识的身体语言的使用。肢体语言是一个人的内心世界的沉默和地道的语言表达,非语言的最引人注目的手段。身体语言,包括空间优势,眼睛,身体接触的运动,姿势,面部表情,等。但并非所有的身体语言,对不同的人有着相同的意义。不同的人有不同的非语言交际方式。我们的声音响亮,愤怒的,专横的,自信的,柔软的,和害羞的人?一个声音的质量可以尽可能多的语言交流。同样的话可以投标,嘲笑,讽刺或愤怒,这取决于它们是如何说。我们可以通过在大声说话,自己的权威,信号,霸道的方式。我们可以用同样的话来轻声说话,我们谦卑地信号。学习正确的手势与人交流会让你更快乐。

270 评论


Qiao system of teaching aids, teaching aids Rural secondary schools, the use of the existing conditions, the production of creative teaching aids, teaching English in the clever use of teaching aids, teaching would get a multiplier effect, so that students more conscious, more interested in participation in social activities in the . Self-made word cards, teaching aids. In the secondary school English teaching materials are there appears a certain number of words, the classroom, teachers use good words card system in advance, not only the consolidation of new words and can save time, so that teaching to achieve real convenient, fast and efficient. Sometimes through the change in the form of training, students can also regulate mood, active classroom atmosphere. If the card can cover the first part of the new words or parts to enable students to guess what it is; can also be a "quick look fast", "soon to hear soon", "possession of possession, look, talk," or "the United Kingdom Han said that the reverse "games(Card system, a positive write in English, Chinese writing negative meaning that if the teachers to show students in English, let the students said that the Chinese meaning the other hand, the opposite is true). b. Self-made wall charts, to stimulate interest. Sometimes based on the needs of the teaching, teaching materials based on content, making wall charts, to stimulate interest in students so that the visual content of teaching materials. In practice, such as big, strong, tall, slim, short description and so on, we can find a number of students interested in understanding and star of some of the posters or in film and television roles, so that students learned the words to describe . The use of in-kind, full of teaching. In fact, teachers, students and classroom furnishings are all the resources to the classroom itself is a living resource, teachers should make full use of the language environment in which students have more opportunity to participate in the language of practical activities. Such as: when to teach Starter Unit7 Colors, teachers and students have come up with their own clothes as teaching aids so that we can discuss and say, so that students no longer feel they are very far away from the English, which is very real, very life of , The effect has been quite ). Jianbi Hua use, and beautifying teachingJian Bihua can be used in all aspects of teaching, which is characterized by simple, fast and vivid and expressive words and phrases. Teachers with a few pens, simple lines, will be able to draw to teaching, so as to minimize the cost of education (a pen, a blackboard), better teaching results, and can save valuable teaching time. Bian Jiangbian teachers in the classroom painting, things show changes in the vivid visual, to be able to attract good students, this is the picture, such as in-kind can not be substituted by the media. If we learn Starter Unit3 of Listening when the boy and girl,I am on the blackboard to draw a smiley face with the braids and asked Is this a boy? Students from the map so quickly to judge and answered No. She is a girl. Practice has proved that teaching Jian Bihua can create a pleasant environment for language , And the classroom so that instead of living in chaos and orderly change, in line with the psychological characteristics of young people, so teachers should be teaching the proper use of such ). The use of body language, optimize teachingThe United States through the experiments psychologists conclude that: the effect of information = 7% of the tone of the text +38% +55% of the facial expressions and movements. Can see that body language is an important supplement to the sound of language. In the process of teaching, teachers should focus on the characteristics of the student's age and psychological characteristics, take the image of a lively, new, interesting ways to mobilize the full range of senses, the use of body language teaching. In the words of teaching, the use of body language and optimize teaching. Education and words can be taught while doing action words. Such as teaching to the cold, I will do humpback Han Xiong, Guo Jin clothes, shivering like Sese;Another example is when I will teach hot Douzhao first-hand clothes, hand-made Shanshan Zi, these are the use of body language and memory to help students understand the practical example of a word. In teaching, body language can always run through teaching, whether it is to teach words, phrases or sentences, we can move to optimize the use of physical education. In addition, the use of the classroom in terms of dialogue or communication, body language, you can play hard and easy.希望能帮到你``

205 评论



【摘 要】小学英语教学必须有一套重要的教学方法。一个合格的英语教师,既要从理论上掌握教学方法,又应在实践中灵活地运用,善于在完成教学任务的同时,也要教会学生如何获得知识的方法。对英语教学方法的探究,必须从教师和学生两方面着手,作综合研究,这是小学英语教学改革的需要,也是当前开展素质教育的需要。




新课程理念下,基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是:培养学生的综合语言运用能力,学生能够用英语做事情是课堂教学目标达成的主要体现。在小学英语课堂教学中,教师广泛采用贴近学生生活的,易于学生参与体验的任务型教学活动。而有些活动的教学目标指向性不强,甚至指向错误的教学目标。如,在一次听课中,有位教师在教学单词 Chinese book, English book, math book, school bag, notebook的拼写时,让学生用身体的运动写出单词的字母,有的学生显得很兴奋,而有的学生纯粹是在那里乱扭,甚至连字母都不拼读,只是觉得好玩,好笑。这样的活动看似热闹,但不能起到真正强化单词拼写的作用。像这样不能指向正确的教学目标的活动我们不能认为它是有效教学。


新课程提倡创设真实、具有挑战性的开放的教学环境和问题情境。要求教师从学生的生活经验和已有的知识出发,创设生动有趣的教学情境,引导学生开展观察、操作、猜想、推理、交流等活动,使学生通过学习活动,掌握基本的知识和技能。创设符合教学内容贴近学生生活的真实的教学情境是小学英语课堂实施有效教学的重要途径。小学英语教学中,主要有借助实物和图像创设的教学情境,借助动作(活动)创设的教学情境,借助语言创设的教学情境,例如,在学习文具的词汇时,有的教师设计了利用 pen, pencil, pencil-case, eraser, ruler, crayon等实物或图片进行猜谜游戏,让学生猜书包中的物品;在学习“ At the zoo”话题时,教师设计了带学生参观动物园的情景,让学生口头描述他们所熟悉的动物,如 elephant, cat, dog, monkey, bear, tiger的特征,并能说 I like monkey。这些情境的创设都有利于学生在有限的时间内达到预期的学习目标,教学活动目标明确。然而,在现在的课堂教学中,尤其在一些展示课的课堂上,有些教师过于注重情境的创设,用大量的时间和语言创设情境。如,有位教师在教授“ My clothes”的内容时,设计了开服装店,买服装的活动。教师可以课前安排学生每四人一小组,分别在家里 draw一些服装 picture带到课堂上开展活动。但是在授课时教师首先教学生用纸和彩笔在课堂上制作 shirt,T-shirt, skirt, dress, trousers, sweater, jacket, vest, jeans, pants等图片,结果 35分钟的一节课,学生用了近 30分钟的时间制作 “clothes pictures”,最后教师仅在临下课前几分钟的时候,让学生用做好的“ clothes pictures”开展 clothes shop,进行对话练习。整节课的教学时间安排非常不合理,教师用了过多的时间进行了非针对教学目标的活动,使得课堂教学的效率大大降低。又如,有的教师在教“ in, under, on”方位词时,设计了捉迷藏的活动。教师精心地把教室布置成家庭房间的场景,有床、桌子、箱子等物品,一名学生蒙着眼睛猜另一名学生藏的地点。由于学生对活动的场景非常感兴趣,注意力不能集中到运用所学语言描述同学位置的教学活动中,并且由于活动场景的有限,每次只能有两名学生参与活动,使得该活动的效率大大降低。因此,教师在创设情境时,不仅要注重教学情境的真实性、趣味性,而且要考虑到活动的可参与性和效率性。


简单明了的指令语能够使教师讲的时间相对减少,学生实践语言的机会相对增加。教师在组织小学英语课堂教学活动时应尽量使用英语,这样可以创设浓厚的英语学习氛围,也能为学生提供更多的接触和学习英语的机会。小学英语课堂活动的英语指示语应当简单和明了。然而,由于小学生所掌握的英语语言知识有限,尽量使用学生能够理解的词句,必要时可以通过肢体语言或母语帮助学生理解,“TPR”最能让学生在“做中学”。如,教 big, small, short, long, tall等单词时,教师借助肢体语言进行教学演示,“big”两手张开画个大圈, “small”用两手指做个特别小的小圈等,学生很快就理解了这些单词的汉语意思,并且,学生也在一起跟老师做肢体语言表演时,感受到学习的乐趣,在他们脑海里留下了深刻的印象,也大大提高了课堂教学的有效性。


358 评论


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