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A Study on the Moods of Advertising English广告英语中的语气研究A Study on the Moods of Advertising English广告英语中的语气研究Abstract: According to the theories of Hallidays’ systematic functional grammar, this paper analyzes three main moods of the English advertising. They are indicative mood, imperative mood, and interrogative mood. These three moods play important roles in attracting customers, serving information, reducing the distance between businessmen and customers, and spurring customers to words: moods, advertising English, indicative mood, imperative mood, interrogative IntroductionAdvertising plays an important role in the modern society, and in certain degree, advertising figures our social life. As an important mean promoting commodity, we can see the advertisements everywhere in our life. Because of advertisement design aiming at promoting commodity or service, advertisers should use all means in advertising words design to build a good relationship with customers. This paper focuses on the moods analysis of the advertising English from the viewpoint of Hallidays’ systematic functional grammar, to find out how the advertisers use the moods building a good relationship with customers to realize their commercial MoodsAdvertisement can be classified into two classes: interactive and non-interactive. Interactive advertisement is dialogical, and non-interactive advertisement is soliloquizing. All advertisements are dialogical in a sense, but their degrees are different from each other. So advertising English is a kind of imitational dialogue, and in this paper, advertisements are analyzed as dialogues. According to the systematic functional grammar, analyzing moods can reveal better the interpersonal relationship between the participants of the dialogue. People play many different roles in society, and they change different roles to communicate with different people. But whatever role they change, the purpose is building a certain relationship, communicating information, or enquiring (胡冰霞, 2007). A good English advertisement not only offers enough information to consumers, but can arouse echo in consumers’ hearts, and spur them to buy the commodity. So, we can find that there are two basic language effects in the advertisement: offering and demanding(Holliday, 1994: 68). According to the analysis, Moods system closely relate with these two effects. Moods system includes indicative mood and imperative mood. And the indicative mood is divided into indicative mood and interrogative mood. Traditionally, indicative mood plays a role which offers information, and interrogative mood is the effect of getting information, and imperative mood is service demanding which is called by Halliday. But in the advertisements, one language effect will function with more than one mood, even function with three moods at the same Indicative mood In the advertising English, advertisers often write advertisements as precisely and tersely as possible. And short and sweet (池璇,2009) declarative sentence is often used to introduce product and service’s characters, functions, and effects in advertisements. Terseness and preciseness are the indicative mood’s main characters. And offering information is its main (1): It floats and it’s pure (胡冰霞, 2007). This is a soap advertisement, and it shows the soap’s characters and quality with a terse declarative sentence. This advertisement’s words are simple, but it makes the product’s advantages and characters outstanding, and the consumers accept it Imperative mood We often think that imperative mood is the mood of command, request, order and call. So different students have different views on imperative mood can be used or not in the advertising discourse and the advertisers have right or not to “order” consumers. But in advertisements, though advertisers haven’t any right to order people to buy their produces or services, the indirect order or advice often is put forward. Because of the “order” effect of imperative mood, advertisers usually use this mood in advertising discourse to convince and lead people’s behavior. Eg (2): Come To Life In Hawaii. This is a travel advertisement. It’s written with imperative mood, and it spurs consumers to buy the service with suggested, encouraged, promoted , imperative mood also can offer produce and service’s information which include the names of produces or advertisers’, address, contact phone numbers and so (3): Widen your world with Carnival. Make smart choice for your exciting life(朱洪涛, 2003). This is a car advertisement. It not only encourages customs to buy the car, but also offers the car’s name, and lead people think that if own Carnival car, they will own the whole (4): Just do it. It is Nike’s gym shoes advertisement. This advertisement and Nike’s produces are popular all over the world. It uses imperative mood which is terse and decisive and make you decide to buy the produce firmly and Interrogative mood Interrogative mood is very general in advertisement, because interrogative mood can arouse the consumers’ interest or curiosity easily. From the viewpoint of the psychology, interrogative mood divide the process that the advertisement transfer the information into asking and answering. That can make consumers’ getting information mode from passive accepting transfers to initiative comprehension. From the viewpoint of the linguistics, using interrogative mood can reduce the degree of difficulty in grammar (何素芳, 2009) and make people understand it more easily. Eg (5): Arthritis pains? All you need is Bayer Aspirin(何素芳, 2009)! This is a medicine advertisement. At the beginning of the advertisement, there is a question putting to the consumers, but that isn’t a face to face communicating. The question just aim at leading people’s attention to the latter part of the advertisement. So interrogative mood’s main effect is attract people’s attentions, and arouse their interests in the information which is the advertisement wants to show. Through the question, there is a dialogical relationship having built between advertisements and consumers. Conclusion According to the analysis of above advertising English examples and the moods analysis, indicative mood, imperative mood and interrogative mood play very important roles in advertising. Using moods neatly in the advertisement not only offers information and attracts consumers’ attentions, but builds a good relationship and close the distance with consumers. Different moods have different characters and effects, and only understanding these characters and effects, will the moods use more skillfully in advertisements and advertisers’ purposes realize more easily

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论文题目 On Translating English Metaphors into Chinese(英语隐喻汉译) 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 一、本选题的目的和意义: 本选题旨在研究隐喻在英语日常用语中存在的普遍性、可译性及其翻译的方法,重点从文化交际的角度对日常用语中隐喻的汉译进行深入的理论探讨。 本选题突破了历来将隐喻的汉译局限在诗学、修辞学、文学等范畴。由于“翻译是跨语言、跨文化的交际活动”(陈宏薇:1996),翻译对各民族之间文化的传播起着非常重要的作用。我们对日常用语中隐喻的汉译研究应与英语语言文化背景的研究结合起来。 二、本选题国内外研究的现状和发展趋向: 对隐喻的研究在国外已形成较为完整的体系,其中以Lakoff &Johnson(1987)的研究最具有代表性,而对于其汉译的研究却凤毛麟角。国内对于隐喻的研究主要受Lakoff & Johnson理论的影响,其中以胡壮麟、朱永生为主要代表。在隐喻翻译的研究方面,李国南(1990),胡文仲(1994)对于英汉成语或谚语中的习用性比喻的喻体进行过比较,并探讨了其翻译的途径。在近期出版的刊物中有对隐喻翻译研究方面的文章,其中以徐莉娜的《隐喻的翻译》为主要代表。但其研究的范围也只局限于文学、修辞用语的隐喻翻译。 三、主要研究的内容: 本文分五个部分。一、简要介绍隐喻与语言以及语言与文化之间的关系,提出日常用语中隐喻的汉译不可忽视文化背景,并简述本论文的主要内容。 二、重点论述隐喻在英语日常用语中存在的普遍性。三、分析隐喻的特点,从人类文化的共性论述其可译性。四、讨论隐喻的汉译标准、难点、过程、基本方法以及根据语境而确定译法的原则。五、详述隐喻汉译的方法和技巧,指出在翻译实践中,对每种方法的使用都不能走极端。结论部分,总结研究隐喻汉译所具有的实用价值。 1.引言 2.英语日常用语中隐喻存在的普遍性 隐喻的定义 关于隐喻研究的常用术语 英语日常用语中的隐喻 3.英语日常用语中隐喻的特点 日常用语中隐喻的分类 习用性隐喻 新生隐喻 英语隐喻与汉语隐喻 英语日常用语中隐喻的可译性 4.英语日常用语中的隐喻的汉译 翻译的标准 日常用语中隐喻汉译的难点 日常用语中隐喻汉译的过程 日常用语中隐喻汉译的基本方法及原则 5.日常用语中隐喻汉译的方法与技巧 直译法 意译法 转译法 直译和意译结合法 四、参考文献: [1]Aristotle. “Rhetoric” (W. R. Roberts, Trans.) In W. D. Ross (Ed.) The Works of Aristotle. Oxford: Clarendon Press. (Original Work Written ca. 330 .), 1924. [2]Brodkey, Linda. Review: The Languages in Metaphor. College English, 1988, (1): 89-94 [3]Goatly, Andrew. The Language of Metaphors. London: Routledge, 1997. [4]Jin Di and Eugene, A. Nida. On Translation. Beijing: China Translation Publishing Company, 1984. [5]Lakoff, G. & Johnson, M. Metaphors We Live by Chicago. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. [6]Nida, Eugene A. & William, Reyburn. Meaning Across Cultures. New York: Maryknoll of N. Y. Orbis Book, 1981. [7]Soskice, . Metaphor and Religious Language. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985. [8]Tylor, Edward Burnett. Primitive Culture. London: John Murray, 1871. [9]陈宏薇(不加汉语拼音,下同).新实用汉译英教程 [M],武汉:湖北教育出版社,1996. [10]陈文伯.英语成语和汉语成语 [M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1980. [11]陈望道.修辞学发凡 [M],上海:上海教育出版社,1983. [12]邓炎昌,刘润清.语言与文化 [M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1989. [13]范家材.英语修辞赏析 [M],上海:上海交通大学出版社,1992. [14]冯明之. 英文成语故事 [M],香港:万里出版社,1992. [15]冯庆华. 实用翻译教程 [M],上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997. [16]胡文仲. 文化与交际 [M],北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1994. [17]徐莉娜. 隐喻的翻译 [J],中国翻译,1999,(3):18-22. 五、预期的课题进度计划: 1.2007年4月25日 完成初稿,并上交指导教师审阅。 2.2007年5月9日提交论文第二稿。 3. 2007年5月16日提交论文第三稿。 3.2007年5月17日-6月9日继续修改论文直至定稿。 5.2007年6月13日提交毕业论文。 6.2007年6月14日-23日准备论文答辩。 7.2007年6月24日进行毕业论文答辩 (进度计划不能照抄,应根据实际情况从3月5日起至6月24日止编写计划。) 六、完成论文的条件、方法及措施: (一)条件 1.已经修完英语专业的所有课程,对英语国家概况和跨文化交际有较全面和深入的了解; 2.学校图书馆和学院资料室具备有关本论文研究所需的丰富的书籍、期刊等参考文献; 3.已经收集较丰富和全面的文献资料; 4.具有上网条件及丰富的网上资源。 (二)方法及措施 1.利用图书馆和互联网进行资料的检索网; 2.小组讨论交流。

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