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首页 > 职称论文 > 缺陷产品召回制度毕业论文

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缺陷产品召回指缺陷产品的生产商、销售商、进口商在得知其生产、销售或进口的产品存在可能引发消费者健康、安全问题的缺陷时,依法向职能部门报告,及时通知消费者,设法从市场上、消费者手中收回缺陷产品,并进行免费修理或更换。 缺陷产品召回制度是指调整在产品召回过程中发生的各种社会关系的法律规范的总称。

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参考文献:[1]王启云.保护消费者权益,关键在于强化政府部门监管. 《消费经济》 PKU CSSCI -2008年4期 [2]杨慧.论缺陷产品召回制度对消费者权益的保护.《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》.007年4期[3]杨慧.公用企业垄断对消费者权益的侵害及法律对策.《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》.2009年4期 [4]王德山,吕雁华.论消费者权益保护制度的完善.《中国市场》.2009年13期[5]张天胤.浅析互联网消费者权益的侵害 .《商场现代化》.2009年18期 [6]杨辉.发达国家消费者权益法律保护审视及启示.《标准科学》.2009年3期 [7]任书体.保护消费者权益促进消费和谐.《中国商贸》.2010年19期周宇杰, [8]刘瑛.互联网消费者权益及其保护现状问题分析.《前沿》.2010年12期 [9]马远俊.消费者权益救济方式的创新——小额消费诉讼机制的构建.《理论月刊》.2009年12期[10]王剑锋,韩赢.浅析电子商务中消费者权益的威胁与保护.《中国商贸》.2010年12期

208 评论


仅作参考China's auto recall legal analysis At present China has initially established a system to recall defective products and are gradually expanding the scope of the recall system, through the advanced foreign experience to analyze our system in the building of the theory and practice of issues on China's economic development, social security and government Reform of great significance. This paper is divided into five chapters to the relevant issues discussed: the first chapter outline of the system for defective products in China's major significance, at home and abroad in an overview of product recalls. The second chapter describes the status of the developed countries product recalls and other industries in China the status of product recalls. The article described in the developed countries to recall the legislation and various countries in the recall on the characteristics of other industries in China's problems in the recall. Chapter III is in China to recall defective cars on the issue. The article described the current China's auto industry recall in the recall and the status quo in the existing problems, wrote a focus on China's own brand of motor vehicles recalled, and recalled from the accounting treatment and recalls related to the issue of China's automobile insurance Recalled. Chapter IV is China's major product recall system of law analysis, in this chapter is mainly on the legal aspects of the recall system for defective products in China, focuses on the issue of attribution. Chapter V of the main speakers on China's automotive products recalled the recommendations of this chapter mainly from the product recall system and our existing product liability legal system of coordination in the recall system for defective products on the basis of legislation, legislative style and basic principles, and From the specific systems on the level of recall target, the main obligations, the principle of attribution, authorities and responsibilities, procedures, time and specific measures to deal with aspects of arrangements. Finally, this paper's conclusion, that the major part of China's automotive product recall defective products improve the system mainly relies on in-depth study of theory, the administrative functions of the main social reform and the strengthening of legal awareness and other factors. In writing by the extensive process of gathering information and comprehensive analysis and summary information, to enable the analysis of the issues on a more rational basis, with a view to China's auto recall system for defective theoretical and practical problems in study帮助. Key words: automotive product defects; recall system for foreign recall; recall; recall proposal

334 评论


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